
CCP is looking for a Technical Art Director to develop and support the art production pipeline for Dust 514. The Technical Art Director leads a team of technical artists who will interface with every discipline in the art department to develop tools and processes critical to the delivery of all art content.

Major responsibilities include:

  • Make critical art pipeline and process decisions
  • Direct efforts of the Technical Art staff to develop the art tool chain, documentation, and maintain clear lines of communication with the art and engineering staff
  • Work with the Senior Producer to insure that the art priorities are effectively defined within any technical constraints and that the pipeline and processes meet the products goals in a timely fashion
  • Work with the Art Director to insure that the technical art priorities satisfy the needs of the art department and achieve the highest bar in visual quality
  • Work with the Technical Director to insure the engineering priorities are being understood and properly executed in the course of achieving the visual targets set by the art department
  • Provides mentorship to the technical art staff and facilitates training opportunities to develop the tech art discipline in CCP Shanghai
  • Report department staffing needs, define hiring requirements and evaluation process, and support ongoing recruitment efforts for Technical Art staff
  • Create and maintain documentation standards and practices for both customer facing support documentation as well as technical specification and design documentation
  • Track efficiency of asset pipelines and processes throughout the life of the project, identifying bottlenecks and fixing them where necessary

Required Experience/Skills:

  • Strong communication skills with both technical and non-technical team members.
  • 5+ years of experience in the Technical Art field.
  • At least one shipped AAA Unreal engine title as a Technical Art Director or Lead Technical Artist.
  • Expert-level experience with at least one general purpose scripting language (Python, Lua, etc).
  • Experience with polygonal modeling, rendering, animation, and DCC application scripting in Maya or Max.
  • Experience with Unreal, Unrealscript, and Kismet.
  • Basic knowledge of traditional programming languages (C++, C#)




  • 在画面制作流程方面做重要决定。
  • 指导技术美术师开发设计图形工具链与文档,与程序美工人员建立清晰的交流渠道。
  • 与资深制作人合作,确保无论受怎样的技术限制,所有的绘图任务都有一个明确的优先级,并且设计出来的流程能配合开发进度。
  • 与美术总监合作,确保技术美工分部按照艺术部门的要求安排任务优先级,并且在图像效果方面达到最高水准。
  • 与技术总监合作,确保程序团队明白不同任务的各自重要性,让程序员们顺利达成艺术部门要求的视觉效果。
  • 指导技术美工人员并提供相应培训机会,培养CCP上海的技术美工团队。
  • 汇报部门中的人员需求,制定招聘需求与评估流程,并且参与协助技术美工人员的招聘工作。
  • 针对支持性文档与技术设计文档,制定相应的文档编写标准与流程。
  • 在整个项目进行过程中时监控项目资产制作流程的效率,找出瓶颈,并予以解决。


  • 能很好地与技术及非技术人员沟通。
  • 在技术美工领域具备5年以上工作经验。
  • 曾在就职技术美工总监或首席技术美工时,从事过已面市并采用虚幻引擎的顶级游戏的开发工作。
  • 至少精通一门脚本语言(Python、Mel或php)。
  • 具备Maya或Max的使用经验,从事过多边形建模、渲染及动画制作。
  • 至少掌握一项专项技能(图形界面、数据库、着色器编程)。
  • 对传统编程语言有基本了解(C++,C)。

优先考虑 :

  • 图形或沟通相关专业学位
  • 具备Flash相关工作知识
  • 具备Photoshop及Illustrator工作知识
  • 具备敏捷开发模式SCRUM相关工作经验
  • 网页设计经验


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