
Computer Graphics Research Software

Helping you avoid re-inventing the wheel since 2009!

Last updated December 5, 2012.
Try searching this page for keywords like 'segmentation' or 'PLY'.
If you would like to contribute links, please e-mail them to rms@dgp.toronto.edu.

Papers & Archives

  • Graphics Conference Paper Link Archive (Ke-Sen Huang)
  • Reproducible Research archive (image processing, vision, machine learning) (Xin Li)

Mesh Libraries and Tools

  • Surface_Mesh (D. Sieger, M. Botsch)
  • GTS (2D dynamic/constrained Delaunay triangulation, robust geometric predicates, mesh boolean set operations, refinement/coarsening, view-independent continuous LOD, view-dependent LOD, AABB-trees, Kd-trees, graph partitioning, isosurfacing, area, volume, mean/gaussian/principal curvature, stripification)
  • trimesh2 mesh library (read PLY/OFF/3DS/OBJ, write PLY/OFF/OBJ, subdivision, smoothing, curvature estimation, triangle stripping, ICP, cleanup, decimation, basic shapes) (S. Rusinkiewicz)
  • OpenMesh (PLY/OBJ, halfedge mesh, decimation, Loop/Sqrt3 subdivision, view-dependent progressive meshes, stripification) (J. Möbius, M. Habbecke)
  • CGAL (2D/3D halfedge mesh, tet meshes) [full packages list] (Authors)
  • MeshLab (import PLY/STL/OFF/OBJ/3DS/COLLADA/PTX/V3D/PTS/APTS/XYZ/GTS/TRI/ASC/X3D/X3DV/VRML/ALN, export PLY/STL/OFF/OBJ/3DS/COLLADA/VRML/DXF/GTS/U3D/IDTF/X3D, selection/smoothing painting, linear measurements, export planar slices, mesh decimation/repair/optimization, mesh alignment) [All Filters] (Authors)
  • OpenFlipper (import/export OFF/OBJ/PLY/STL/STLA/STLB/OM, selection tools w/ surface/volume lasso and sphere brush, decimation, smoothing, edge/face editing) (J. Möbius)
  • mview (read/view PMesh/GTS/OFF/COFF/PLY/VRML/Shallo/VTK ASCII POLYDATA/OBJ) (H. Cantzler, T. Breckon)
  • PLY Tools (read/write PLY)
  • ply2vri (convert PLY mesh to signed-distance volumetric grid, VRI/PPM formats) (B.Allen)
  • JMeshLib (read/write OFF/PLY/STL/VRML1/VRML2/OBJ/IV 2.1) (M. Attene)
  • ReMESH (automatic manifold repair, isolated component removal, hole filling, handle removal, degenerate triangle removal, sharp feature recovery, defect detection and hilighting, manual repair tools) (M. Attenne)
  • GPUmesh - Easy Cross-Plateform Cross-API Mesh Management for GPUs (S. Lefebvre)
  • A48: A Dynamic Adaptive Mesh Library based on Stellar Operators (L. Velho)
  • Volumetric Mesh: tetrahedral and cube volumetric 3D meshes (J. Barbic)
  • 3d-workspace (quadric mesh simplification, re-meshing, recursive/monte-carlo/sphere-packing/voxel sampling, skeleton extraction, Laplacian/scale-dependent/mean-curvature-flow smoothing, Sqrt3/Loop/modified-butterfly/longest-edge subdivision, minimum bounding box, mean value coordinates, Green coordinates, curvature (polynomial fitting, two other implementations), FFD, voxel deformation, skinning with dual quaternions, mesh voxelization, octree, kd-tree, colormap, mesh slicing) (Authors)
  • SimplexMesh: general non-manifold, non-regular simplicial mesh for mixed dimensions \leq 3 (C. Batty)

Shape Modeling

  • CGAL Subdivision Demo (Sqrt3, Quad-Triangle, Catmull-Clark, Doo-Sabin) (L.-J. Shiue, P. Alliez, R. Ursu, L. Kettner)
  • interactive mesh deformation (S. Yoshizawa)
  • manifold harmonics shape deformation (B. Vallet, B. Lévy)
  • Graphite (Catmull-Clark subdivision) (Authors)
  • MeshLab(loop/butterfly/midpoint subdivision) (Authors)
  • 3D Model Synthesis from examples (P. Merrell)
  • ShapeShop: sketch-based hierarchical implicit surface ("BlobTree") modeling (and SurfaceTree) (R. Schmidt, B. Wyvill, K. Singh)
  • Real-time implicit surface polygonizer (R. Schmidt)
  • As-rigid-as-possible 2D shape manipulation (R. Schmidt)
  • Similarity-Based Surface Modelling (S. Zelinka)
  • Mesh Modelling Using Curve Analogies (S. Zelinka)
  • 2D laplacian curve editing (O. Sorkine)
  • Convolution Surfaces for Line Skeletons with Polynomial Weight Distributions (X. Jin, J. Feng, Q. Peng, C-L. Tai)
  • CARVE robust boolean operations between arbitrary polygonal models (T. Sargeant)
  • GeoBrush: Interactive Mesh Geometry Cloning (discrete expmap, 3D Green coordinates deformation, GPU Poisson solver) (K. Takayama, R. Schmidt, K. Singh, T. Igarashi, T. Boubeker, O. Sorkine)
  • MeshFlow: Interactive Visualization of Mesh Construction Sequences (J. Denning, W. Kerr, F. Pellacini)
  • 3D Modeling with Silhouettes (A. Rivers, F. Durand, T. Igarashi)
  • Apparent Layer Operations for the Manipulation of Deformable Objects (T. Igarashi, J. Mitani)
  • Mesh Snapping: Robust Interactive Mesh Cutting Using Fast Geodesic Curvature Flow (J. Zhang, C. Wu, J. Cai, J. Zheng, X-C. Tai)
  • Mixed Finite Elements for Variational Surface Modeling (A. Jacobson, E. Tosun, O. Sorkine, D. Zorin)
  • Bounded Biharmonc Weights for Real-Time Deformation (A. Jacobson, I. Baran, J. Popović, O. Sorkine)
  • DT-Grid: data structure for high-resolution level sets (open and closed surfaces, dilation, CSG, texture coordinates, conversion from OBJ/PLY, to PLY) (M. Nielsen, K. Museth)
  • Shape Space Exploration of Constrained Meshes (Y-L. Yang, Y.-J. Yang, H. Pottmann, N. Mitra)
  • Slices: A Shape-proxy Based on Planar Sections (J. McCrae, K. Singh, N. Mitra)
  • GlobFit: Consistently Fitting Primitives by Discovering Global Relations (data) (Y. Li, X. Wu, Y. Chrysanthou, A. Sharf, D. Cohen-Or, N. Mitra)
  • Detail-Replicating Shape Stretching (Implicit mesh fairing using curvature flow, patch-based texture synthesis, octree with ray tracing, bézier splines) (I. Alhashim)
  • Volumetric Modeling with Diffusion Surfaces (K. Takayama, O. Sorkine, A. Nealen, T. Igarashi)
  • Metropolis Procedural Modeling (J. Talton, Y. Lou, S. Lesser, J. Duke, R. Mech, V. Koltun)
  • siteplan: rapid architectural prototyping using procedural extrusions (T. Kelly, P. Wonka)
  • mesh-talent (gauss-newton solver, (unknown) graph-based mesh deformation) (Authors)
  • Smooth Shape-Aware Functions with Controlled Extrema (A. Jacobson, T. Weinkauf, O. Sorkine)
  • SESAME: Sketch, Extrude, Sculpt and Manipulate Easily (J. Y. Oh)
  • Virtual LEGO (J. Y. Oh)
  • Easy Mesh Cutting (Z. Ji, L. Liu, Z. Chen, G. Wang)
  • sculpt: simple level set sculpting program (multi-resolution point splatting) (R. Bridson)


  • efpisoft: hierarchical mesh segmentation based on fitting primitives (M. Attene)
  • mesh segmentation benchmark database and viewer (X. Chen, A. Golovinskiy, T. Funkhouser)
  • Graphite (variational shape approximation, image vectorization) [documentation wiki] (Authors)
  • SegMatch: Shape Segmentation and Shape Matching from Point Cloud (T. Dey, S. Goswami)
  • ShapeAnnotator segmentation tool (fitting primitives, barycentric/height/integral geodesic Morse, Plumber, Lloyd clustering) (Authors)
  • Shape Diameter Function (SDF) segmentation tool (L. Shapira)


  • fast stretch-minimizing parameterization (includes shape-preserving/Tutte/harmonic parameterization, and natural conformal parameterization ) (S. Yoshizawa)
  • Graphite (ABF, ABF++, DPBF, LSCM, HLSCM, Barycentric, mean-value coordinates, L2 stretch, spectral conformal, Periodic Global Parameterization, Constrained texture mapping, texture atlas generation) [documentation wiki] (Authors)
  • CGAL (LSCM, discrete conformal/authalic, Floater mean-value, Tutte barycentric) [full packages list] (Authors)
  • linear discrete conformal parameterization (K. Crane)
  • Discrete Exponential Map Demo (R. Schmidt)
  • Local/Global Approach to Mesh Parameterization (ARAP, ASAP) (L. Liu, L. Zhang, Y. Xu, G. Gotsman, S. Gortler)

Mesh Processing

Point Set Processing

Curves and Surfaces

Computational Geometry

Intersections and Distances

Photorealistic Rendering

NonPhotorealistic Rendering


Simulation / Animation

  • Inverse Kinematics for Serial Manipulators (D. Manocha, Y. Zhu)
  • El Topo (robust surface tracking with triangle meshes) (T. Brochu, R. Bridson)
  • CMU .ASF/.AMC/.V tools (J. McCann, C. Twigg, J. Barbic, ...?


  • Skinning Mesh Animations Demo (C. Twigg)
  • DANCE (physics-based character animation and simulation) (A. Shapiro, V. Ng-Thow-Hing, P. Faloutsos)
  • Physically Based Simulation and Animation of Gaseous Phenomena in a Periodic Domain [Page] (A. Nealen)
  • 2D Boiling Demo (CML coupled map atlas on GPU) (M. Harris, G. Coombe, T. Sheuermann, A. Lastra)
  • Flo real-time 2D fluid simulation demo (Cg navier-stokes incompressible flow fixed no-slip boundaries) (G. James, M. Harris)
  • Disease reaction diffuse demo (Cg, on surface) (G. James, M. Harris)
  • GPU Ocean Surface Simulation [Page] (S. Lefebvre)
  • Practical Parameterization of Rotations Using the Exponential Map (F. Grassia)
  • A Simple Fluid Solver Based on the FFT (J. Stam)
  • Computing the Moment of Inertia of a Solid Defined by a Triangle Mesh (M. Kallay)
  • 2D Polygon Moment of Intertia (C. Batty)
  • Fast and Accurate Computation of Polyhedral Mass Properties (B. Mirtich)
  • Fast and Easy Reach-Cone Joint Limits (J. Wilhelms, A. Van Gelder)
  • Asynchronous Contact Mechanics (D. Harmon, E. Vouga, B. Smith, R. Tamstorf, E. Grinspun)
  • Generalized Biped Walking Control (S. Coros, P. Beaudoin, M. van de Panne)
  • Locomotion Skills for Simulated Quadrupeds (S. Coros, A. Karpathy, B. Jones, L. Reveret, M. van de Panne)
  • StVK: FEM Saint Venant-Kirchhoff deformable object library (J. Barbic)
  • Mass Spring System: A general 3D mass-spring system (J. Barbic)
  • Implicit Newmark and Central Differences Integrators for large deformation nonlinear FEM elasticity (J. Barbic)
  • Large Modal Deformation Factory: Model reduction of StVK FEM deformable models (linear modes, arbitrary free boundary conditions, modal derivatives, mass and stiffness matrices, triangle mesh to cube volume mesh conversion) (J. Barbic)
  • harmonic oscillator: exact timestepping of 1D ODE (J. Barbic)
  • LQR: linear-quadratic regulator controller (solves Riccati differential equation) (J. Barbic)
  • Dynamics of a single rigid body (explicit Euler, symplectic Euler, time-varying external forces and torques, arbitrary inertia tensors) (J. Barbic)
  • A Level-set Method for Skinning Animated Particle Data (thin-plate energy, grid mean curvature/laplacian/biharmonic, kdtree, marching tetrahedra) (H. Bhattacharya, Y. Gao, A. Bargteil)
  • Sensitive Couture for Interactive Garment Editing and Modeling [2] (N. Umetani, D. Kaufman, T. Igarashi, E. Grinspun)
  • DelFEM (FEM, Poisson, Diffusion, Advection-Diffusion, Linear Solid, St.Venant-Kirchhoff Material, incompressive hyperelastic material, Stokes Fluid, Navier-Stokes Fluid, Helmholtz, 3D rigid body, 6 types of constraint model, coupling analysis of rigid and elastic material, ILU (0) preconditioned CG, ILU (0) preconditioned BiCGSTAB) (N. Umetani)
  • DT-Grid: data structure for high-resolution level sets (volume-conserving mean curvature flow, shape metamorphosis, advection, one-sided, second-order central, WENO finite difference) (M. Nielsen, K. Museth)
  • Exact CCD: Geometrically exact continuous collision detection for triangle meshes. (T. Brochu, E. Edwards, R. Bridson)
  • Fluid3D: barebones 3D inviscid free-surface fluid simulator in irregular domains (C. Batty)
  • VariationalViscosity2D: 2D viscous free surface simulation (C. Batty)
  • free-surface 2D liquid solver with irregular static obstacles (C. Batty, F. Bertails, R. Bridson)
  • Quadratic extrapolation of data in the normal direction (eg to extrapolate velocities from fluid to solid region) (C. Batty)


  • FlexiStickers: Photogrammetric Texture Mapping using Casual Images (Y. Tzur, A. Tal)
  • Texture filtering (bilinear, mipmap, elliptic-weighted average) [link to .h/.cpp at bottom of page] (M. Pharr)
  • 3D Cellular Noise function (M. Pharr)
  • Jump Map Texture Synthesis (S. Zelinka)
  • Hybrid Texture Synthesis [Page] (A. Nealen, M. Alexa)
  • Octree Textures on the GPU (S. Lefebvre)
  • Parallel Controllable Texture Synthesis Tutorial (S. Lefebvre)
  • Image Quilting (T. Jones)
  • Floating Textures (M. Eisemann)
  • Advanced Reaction-Diffusion Models for Texture Synthesis (A. Sanderson, R. Kirby, C. Johnson, L. Yang)
  • HWB - A More Intuitive Hue-Based Color Model (A. R. Smith, E. R. Lyons)
  • Efficient GPU-Based Texture Interpolation using Uniform B-Splines (D. Ruijters, B. ter Haar Romney, P. Suetens)
  • Texture Stitching by Estimating the Laplace-Beltrami Operator by Restricting 3D Functions (M. Kazhdan)
  • Filtering Solid Gabor Noise (A. Lagae, G. Drettakis)
  • Repetition Maximization based Texture Rectification (D. Aiger, D. Cohen-Or, N. Mitra)


  • real-time gradient-domain image painting (multigrid GPU poisson solver) (J. McCann, N. Pollard)
  • mean-value coordinate image cloning (Z. Farbman, G. Hoffer, Y. Lipman, D. Cohen-Or, D. Lischinski)
  • GraphDraw: draw 2D graphs and export as postscript (K. Crane)
  • Interactive Segmentation Tool-Box (lazy snapping, GrabCut interactive graph cut)
  • 3D Photo Pop-Up (D. Hoeim)
  • Anti-Grain Geometry Project (high-quality and efficient 2D software rasterizer: subpixel antialiasing, arbitrary polygons, gradients and gouraud shading, image filtering, bilinear, bicubic, spline16, spline32, sinc, blackman, strokes with joins and caps, dashed lines, head/tail markers, arrows, polygon clipping, alpha-masking, arbitrary images as line patterns, perspective and bilinear transformations, boolean polygon operations) (M. Shemanarev)
  • High Quality Hardware Line Antialiasing (R. Nelson)
  • Color Compatibility from Large Datasets (P. O'Donovan, A. Agarwala, A. Hertzmann)
  • 2.5D Cartoon Models (A. Rivers, T. Igarashi, F. Durand)
  • GradientShop: A Gradient-Domain Optimization Framework for Image and Video Filtering (P. Bhat, L. Zitnick)

Image and Video Processing

  • Adaptive Thresholding Using the Integral Image [Also](D. Bradley, G. Roth)
  • A One-Pass Version of Two-Pass Image Resampling (N. Max)
  • PDE-Based Image Filtering (Nonlinear diffusion, Total-Variation denoising, Shock Filters) (G. Gilboa)
  • ImageStack: a command line calculator for images (HDR image generation, bilateral/median/circular filter, dimensionality reduction, FFT, Poission, wavelet transforms, inpainting, and many more) (A. Adams)
  • Fast High-Dimensional Filtering Using the Permutohedral Lattice (A. Adams, J. Baek, A. Davis)
  • Local Laplacian Filters: Edge-aware Image Processing with a Laplacian Pyramid (S. Paris, S. Hasinoff, J. Kautz)
  • Domain Transform for Edge-Aware Image and Video Processing (E. S. L. Gastal, M. M. Oliveira)
  • Real-time Edge Aware Image Processing with the Bilateral Grid (J. Chen, S. Paris, F. Durand)
  • Bilateral Filter (J. Chen)
  • Local Histogram Equalization using Bilateral Grid (J. Chen)
  • Streaming Multigrid for Gradient-Domain Operations on Large Images (M. Kazhdan)
  • Distributed Gradient-Domain Processing of Planar and Spherical Images (M. Kazhdan)
  • Metric Aware Processing of Spherical Imagery (M. Kazhdan)
  • An Image Inpainting Technique Based on the Fast Marching Method (A. Telea)
  • MIRT: Medical Image Registration Toolbox (similarity, mutual information MI, residual complexity RC, sum square differences SSD, sum absolute differences SAD, correlation coefficient CC, CD2, MS, transformation models, parametric free form deformation FFD, non-parametric variational, implicit euler, curvature-based regularization, multiresolution) (A. Myronenko)
  • FreeSurfer: reconstruction of the brain’s cortical surface from structural MRI data and overlay of functional MRI data (wiki) (contributors)
  • DotCount: count the number of dots in an image (M. Reuter)
  • FDim: compute fractal dimension of grayscale image (Capacity Dimension, Information Dimension, Correlation Dimension, Probability Dimension) (M. Reuter)
  • Robust Registration and Template Estimation of 3D MRI Images (unbiased inverse consistent registration, modality rigid registration, outlier detection robust statistics, symmetry, global intensity scaling, automatic sensitivity parameter estyimation, unbiased half-way space) (M. Reuter)
  • PatchMatch: A Randomized Correspondence Algorithm for Structural Image Editing (C. Barnes, E. Schectman, A. Finkelstein, B. Goldman)
  • The Generalized PatchMatch Correspondence Algorithm (C. Barnes, E. Schectman, A. Finkelstein, B. Goldman)
  • Emerging Images Demo (N. Mitra, H.-K. Chu, T.-Y. Lee, L. Wolf, H. Yeshurun, D. Cohen-Or)
  • GPU_KLT: A GPU-based Implementation of the Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi Feature Tracker (S. Sinha)
  • Gain-Adaptive KLT Tracking and TV-L1 optical flow on the GPU (C. Zach)
  • SSBA: Simple Sparse Bundle Adjustment (C. Zach)
  • Bundler: Structure from Motion (SfM) for Unordered Image Collections (N. Snavely)
  • sba : A Generic Sparse Bundle Adjustment C/C++ Package Based on the Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm (M. Lourakis)
  • homest: A C/C++ Library for Robust, Non-linear Homography Estimation (M. Lourakis)
  • CMVS: Clustering Views for Multi-view Stereo (Y. Furukawa)
  • PMVS: Patch-based Multi-view Stereo Software (Y. Furukawa, J. Ponce)
  • VisualSFM: A Visual Structure from Motion System (C. Wu)
  • SiftGPU: A GPU Implementation of Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) (C. Wu)
  • Global Contrast based Salient Region Detection (M-M. Cheng, G-X. Zhang, N. Mitra, X. Huang, S-M. Hu)
  • Robust Image Retargeting via Axis-Aligned Deformation (D. Panozzo, O. Weber, O. Sorkine)
  • imageblending (Poisson Image Editing) (Authors)
  • Image-Based Localization using Structure-from-Motion Models (T. Sattler, B. Leibe, L. Kobbelt)


Data Structures and Compression

Numerics and Optimization

Data Sets


Machine Learning

Bits and Pieces



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