











[ progfunc.asm ]
[ Shows the function functionailties of the KTX-65 ALI ]
wint #line; [output the current physical line number]
wch 13; [putchar \r]
wch 10; [putchar \n]
callfunc $Function1;
callfunc $Function2;
hlt; [halt]
function $Function1;
rint %r1; [read int]
add %r2 1 %r2; [loop contents]
lle %r2 %r1; [loop conditions]
jif 2; [end loop conditional jump]
wint %r2; [output int]
wch 13; [putchar \r]
wch 10; [putchar \n]
ret; [return]
function $Function2;
rint %r1; [read int]
rint %r2; [read int]
add %r1, %r2; [add]
wint %val; [output value]
wch 13; [putchar \r]
wch 10; [putchar \n]
ret; [return]








评测系统将以逐字节比较的方式判断你的输出是否正确。 假的,洛谷不支持。

输入 #1复制
rint %r1;
rint %r2;
add %r1 %r2;
5 4
输出 #1复制

















#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>#ifdef LOCAL
#define debug(format, args...) \
printf(format, ##args)
#define debug(format, args...)
#endifusing namespace std;typedef map<string, int> msi;
typedef map<int, int> mii;
typedef stringstream SS;msi op2fun = {{"udef", 0}, {"hlt", 1}, {"nop", 2}, {"set", 3}, {"jmp", 4},
{"jif", 5}, {"call", 6}, {"ret", 7}, {"inv", 8}, {"add", 9}, {"sub", 10},
{"mult", 11}, {"idiv", 12}, {"mod", 13}, {"lsft", 14}, {"rsft", 15},
{"band", 16}, {"bor", 17}, {"bxor", 18}, {"lgr", 19}, {"lls", 20},
{"lge", 21}, {"lle", 22}, {"leql", 23}, {"land", 24}, {"lor", 25},
{"rint", 26}, {"rch", 27}, {"wint", 28}, {"wch", 29}, {"function", 30}, {"callfunc", 31}};msi reg2pointer = {{"r1", 0}, {"r2", 1}, {"r3", 2}, {"r4", 3}, {"e1", 4},
{"e2", 5}, {"e3", 6}, {"e4", 7}, {"flag", 8}, {"val", 9}, {"ret", 10}, {"line", 11}};
mii funLine;
mii funIndex;
msi funNum;
mii line2index;int r1, r2, r3, r4, e1, e2, e3, e4, flag, val, ret, line, falseVar, funCnt = 0, statementCnt = 0;int *reg[] = {&r1, &r2, &r3, &r4, &e1, &e2, &e3, &e4, &flag, &val, &ret, &line};int ram[(1 << 23) + 9];
int sAddr[(1 << 19) + 9];struct data{int* a;int value;int type;void out(){debug("\t%d %d\n", value, type);}data (int *A = &falseVar, int v = 0, int t = -1): a(A), value(v), type(t){   }void init(string &s, int L){auto it = s.begin();if (s[0] == '%'){type = 0;s.erase(it);a = reg[reg2pointer[s]];}else if (s[0] == '@'){if (s[1] == '%'){type = 3;s.erase(it);s.erase(it);a = reg[reg2pointer[s]];}else{type = 2;s.erase(it);value = stoi(s);a = &ram[value];}}else if (s[0] == '#'){a = &falseVar;value = L;type = 4;}else{type = 1;a = &falseVar;value = stoi(s);}}
};struct op{int op;data d[3];int line, funLine;
};int getValue(const op &a, int index){int b = 0;switch (a.d[index].type){case 0:{}case 2:{b = *(a.d[index].a);break;}case 3:{b = ram[*(a.d[index].a)];break;}case 1:{b = a.d[index].value;break;}case 4:{b = a.line;break;}}return b;
}void fun0(const op &a, int &index){}
void fun1(const op &a, int &index){}
void fun2(const op &a, int &index){}
void fun3(const op &a, int &index){int b = getValue(a, 0);*(a.d[1].a) = b;debug("\nFun3: b: %d line: %X %X;\n", b, *(a.d[1].a), &line);
void fun4(const op &a, int &index){int b = getValue(a, 0);index = line2index[line + b];
void fun5(const op &a, int &index){int Flag = getValue(a, 1);int b = getValue(a, 0);if (Flag){index = line2index[line + b] - 1; }
void fun6(const op &a, int &index){int &top = sAddr[0];top++;sAddr[top] = index;debug("PushIndex: %d\n", index + 1);top++;sAddr[top] = line;int b = getValue(a, 0);index = line2index[b] - 1;
void fun7(const op &a, int &index){int &top = sAddr[0];int Line = sAddr[top];line = Line;top--;int next = sAddr[top];top--;index = next;debug("NextIndex: %d\n", next);if (a.d[0].value != -1){int b = getValue(a, 0);ret = b;}
void fun8(const op &a, int &index){int b = getValue(a, 0);b = -b;*(a.d[1].a) = b;
void fun9(const op &a, int &index){int b = getValue(a, 0);int c = getValue(a, 1);*(a.d[2].a) = b + c;debug("\nFun9: b: %d c: %d ans: %d;\n", b, c, *(a.d[1].a));
void fun10(const op &a, int &index){int b = getValue(a, 0);int c = getValue(a, 1);*(a.d[2].a) = b - c;
void fun11(const op &a, int &index){int b = getValue(a, 0);int c = getValue(a, 1);*(a.d[2].a) = b * c;
void fun12(const op &a, int &index){int b = getValue(a, 0);int c = getValue(a, 1);*(a.d[2].a) = b / c;
void fun13(const op &a, int &index){int b = getValue(a, 0);int c = getValue(a, 1);*(a.d[2].a) = b % c;
void fun14(const op &a, int &index){int b = getValue(a, 0);int c = getValue(a, 1);*(a.d[2].a) = b << c;
void fun15(const op &a, int &index){int b = getValue(a, 0);int c = getValue(a, 1);*(a.d[2].a) = b >> c;
void fun16(const op &a, int &index){int b = getValue(a, 0);int c = getValue(a, 1);*(a.d[2].a) = b & c;
void fun17(const op &a, int &index){int b = getValue(a, 0);int c = getValue(a, 1);*(a.d[2].a) = b | c;
void fun18(const op &a, int &index){int b = getValue(a, 0);int c = getValue(a, 1);*(a.d[2].a) = b ^ c;
void fun19(const op &a, int &index){int b = getValue(a, 0);int c = getValue(a, 1);*(a.d[2].a) = (b > c);
void fun20(const op &a, int &index){int b = getValue(a, 0);int c = getValue(a, 1);*(a.d[2].a) = (b < c);
void fun21(const op &a, int &index){int b = getValue(a, 0);int c = getValue(a, 1);*(a.d[2].a) = (b >= c);
void fun22(const op &a, int &index){int b = getValue(a, 0);int c = getValue(a, 1);*(a.d[2].a) = (b <= c);
void fun23(const op &a, int &index){int b = getValue(a, 0);int c = getValue(a, 1);*(a.d[2].a) = (b == c);
void fun24(const op &a, int &index){int b = getValue(a, 0);int c = getValue(a, 1);*(a.d[2].a) = b && c;
void fun25(const op &a, int &index){int b = getValue(a, 0);int c = getValue(a, 1);*(a.d[2].a) = b || c;
void fun26(const op &a, int &index){cin >> *(a.d[0].a);
void fun27(const op &a, int &index){cin >> *(a.d[0].a);
void fun28(const op &a, int &index){cout << getValue(a, 0);
void fun29(const op &a, int &index){cout << (char)getValue(a, 0);
void fun30(const op &a, int &index){line = a.line;debug("Line: %d\n", line);
void fun31(const op &a, int &index){int b = funIndex[a.d[0].value];debug("b: %d\n", b);int &top = sAddr[0];top++;sAddr[top] = index;debug("PushIndex: %d\n", index + 1);top++;sAddr[top] = line;index = b - 1;
}void (*fun[])(const op &a, int &index) = {fun0, fun1, fun2, fun3, fun4, fun5, fun6, fun7, fun8, fun9, fun10, fun11, fun12, fun13, fun14, fun15, fun16, fun17, fun18, fun19, fun20, fun21, fun22, fun23, fun24, fun25, fun26, fun27, fun28, fun29, fun30, fun31
};typedef vector<op> vo;int main(){#ifndef LOCALios::sync_with_stdio(0);cin.tie(0);cout.tie(0);#endif int n;cin >> n;cin.get();vo ops;int funFlag = 0;for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){string line;getline(cin, line, '\n');transform(line.begin(), line.end(), line.begin(), ::tolower);auto it = line.begin();int zkh = 0;for (; it < line.end(); it++){if (zkh){if (*it == ']'){zkh--;}line.erase(it);it--;}else{if (*it == ','){*it = ' ';}else if (*it == ';'){*it = '\n';}else if (*it == '['){zkh++;line.erase(it);it--;}}}SS ss(line);string s;while (getline(ss, s, '\n')){SS ssTemp(s);string command;ssTemp >> command;if (command.empty()){continue;}string sTemp;int cmd = op2fun[command];if (!line2index.count(i)){line2index[i] = statementCnt;}switch (cmd){case 0:{}case 1:{}case 2:{op T;T.op = cmd;T.line = i;ops.push_back(T);break;}case 5:{string a, b;int cnt = 0;op T;T.op = cmd;T.line = i;ssTemp >> a;T.d[0].init(a, i);if (!(ssTemp >> b) || b.empty()){string fake = "%flag";T.d[1].init(fake, i);}ops.push_back(T);break;}       case 7:{op T;T.op = cmd;T.line = i;string a;if (ssTemp >> a && !a.empty()){ }else{a = "%ret";}T.d[0].init(a, i);ops.push_back(T);break;}case 4:{}case 6:{op T;T.op = cmd;T.line = i;string a;ssTemp >> a;T.d[0].init(a, i);ops.push_back(T);break;}case 8:{string a, b;ssTemp >> a;if (ssTemp >> b && !b.empty()){}else{b = "%val";}op T;T.op = cmd;T.line = i;T.d[0].init(a, i);T.d[1].init(b, i);ops.push_back(T);break;}case 3:{string a, b;ssTemp >> a >> b;op T;T.op = cmd;T.line = i;T.d[0].init(a, i);T.d[1].init(b, i);ops.push_back(T);break;}case 9:{}case 10:{}case 11:{}case 12:{}case 13:{}case 14:{}case 15:{}case 16:{}case 17:{}case 18:{string a, b, c;ssTemp >> a >> b;if (ssTemp >> c && !c.empty()){}else{c = "%val";}op T;T.op = cmd;T.line = i;T.d[0].init(a, i);T.d[1].init(b, i);T.d[2].init(c, i);ops.push_back(T);break;}case 19:{}case 20:{}case 21:{}case 22:{}case 23:{}case 24:{}case 25:{string a, b, c;ssTemp >> a >> b;if (ssTemp >> c){}else{c = "%flag";}op T;T.op = cmd;T.line = i;T.d[0].init(a, i);T.d[1].init(b, i);T.d[2].init(c, i);ops.push_back(T);break;}case 26:{string a;if (ssTemp >> a && !a.empty()){}else{a = "%val";}op T;T.op = cmd;T.line = i;T.d[0].init(a, i);T.d[0].type = 5;ops.push_back(T);break;}case 27:{string a;if (ssTemp >> a && !a.empty()){}else{a = "%val";}op T;T.op = cmd;T.line = i;T.d[0].init(a, i);T.d[0].type = 6;ops.push_back(T);break;}case 28:{string a;if (ssTemp >> a && !a.empty()){}else{a = "%val";}op T;T.op = cmd;T.line = i;T.d[0].init(a, i);//T.d[0].type = 7;ops.push_back(T);break;}case 29:{string a;if (ssTemp >> a && !a.empty()){}else{a = "%val";}op T;T.op = cmd;T.line = i;T.d[0].init(a, i);//T.d[0].type = 8;ops.push_back(T);break;}case 30:{string a;ssTemp >> a;op T;T.op = cmd;T.line = i;int num = 0;if (!funNum.count(a)){num = funNum[a] = funCnt++;}else{num = funNum[a];}funIndex[num] = ops.size();funFlag = 1;T.d[0].value = i;T.d[0].type = 10;ops.push_back(T);break;}case 31:{string a;ssTemp >> a;op T;T.op = cmd;T.line = i;int num = 0;if (!funNum.count(a)){funNum[a] = funCnt++;}num = funNum[a];T.d[0].value = num;T.d[0].type = 1;ops.push_back(T);break;}}statementCnt++;}}line = ops[0].line;for (int i = 0; i < statementCnt; i++){if (ops[i].op == 1){return 0;}else{fun[ops[i].op](ops[i], i);debug("\n| op: %d; r1: %d; r2: %d; val: %d; line: %d; %%line: %d; index: %d; |\n", ops[i].op, r1, r2, val, ops[i].line, line, i);}}return 0;

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