Hardware platforms affected :

HP EliteBook 6930p Notebook PC, HP EliteBook 8530p Notebook PC, HP EliteBook 8530w Mobile Workstation, HP EliteBook 8730w Mobile Workstation

受影响的操作系统: Microsoft Windows Vista (32-bit)

Microsoft Windows Vista (64-bit)

Microsoft Windows Vista Business (32-bit)(Standard HP Product)

Microsoft Windows Vista Business (64-bit)(Standard HP Product)

Microsoft Windows Vista Enterprise (32-bit)(Standard HP Product)

Microsoft Windows Vista Enterprise (64-bit)(Standard HP Product)

Microsoft Windows Vista Home Basic (32-bit)(Standard HP Product)

Microsoft Windows Vista Home Basic (64-bit)(Standard HP Product)

Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium (32-bit)(Standard HP Product)

Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium (64-bit)(Standard HP Product)

Microsoft Windows Vista Starter (32-bit)(Standard HP Product)

Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate (32-bit)(Standard HP Product)

Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate (64-bit)(Standard HP Product)

Microsoft Windows XP

Microsoft Windows XP 64-Bit Edition(Standard HP Product)

Microsoft Windows XP Advanced Server Media(Standard HP Product)

Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition(Standard HP Product)

Microsoft Windows XP Pro 64-Bit Edition(Standard HP Product)

Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition(Standard HP Product)

受影响的软件: 不适用

支持通讯交叉参考 ID: IA01608638

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