
If you receive an email that contains linked images, Outlook does not download those images automatically by default. You can change this behavior if you want, but there risks to doing so. Let’s take a look.

如果您收到包含链接图像的电子邮件,则默认情况下,Outlook不会自动下载这些图像。 您可以根据需要更改此行为,但是这样做有风险。 让我们来看看。

To be clear here, we’re not talking about messages that contain images as attachments or about message into which the sender has inserted images (since those work pretty much like attachments). We’re talking about images that contain URL links to images that are hosted online.

这里要明确的是,我们并不是在谈论包含图像作为附件的邮件,也不是关于发件人已在其中插入图像的邮件(因为这些邮件的工作方式很像附件)。 我们正在谈论的图像包含URL链接,这些链接指向在线托管的图像。

When you get a message that contains images, Outlook prevents the download of those images and shows you a message at the top of the mail.


The reason for this is that Outlook has to download these images from an external server, which means that the server (and therefore the sender) will know that your email address is “live” and being monitored.


This isn’t a problem for legitimate senders like friends, or businesses for which you need a live email address (like PayPal, Amazon, and so on), because it’s fine for them to know your email works. Even here at How-To Geek, we include a tracking pixel in our newsletter so we can remove people who never open or look at our messages because we actively try to make sure we don’t spam people.

对于像朋友这样的合法发件人或需要实时电子邮件地址的企业(例如PayPal,Amazon等)来说,这不是问题,因为他们可以知道您的电子邮件有效。 即使在“ How-To Geek”中,我们也会在新闻通讯中包含一个跟踪像素,以便我们可以删除从未公开或查看邮件的人员,因为我们会积极尝试确保不会向用户发送垃圾邮件。

But for real spammers, it’s a different story. If they know your email address is active, then you’ll become a bigger target for spam and phishing emails. After all, an account that is known to have a human looking at it is much more valuable for a scammer than an address that might never have a human look at it.

但是对于真正的垃圾邮件发送者而言,则是另一回事了。 如果他们知道您的电子邮件地址处于活动状态,那么您将成为垃圾邮件和网络钓鱼电子邮件的更大目标。 毕竟,对于一个骗子来说,一个已知的可以让人看到的帐户比一个可能永远不会被人们看到的地址更有价值。

However, even worse than spammers knowing your email address is monitored by a human is the possibility that the images contain a virus or malware. It’s a well-known attack vector, and it relies on people downloading the image to their computer.

但是,比垃圾邮件发送者知道您的电子邮件地址受人监控更糟的是, 这些图像可能包含病毒或恶意软件 。 这是一种众所周知的攻击媒介,它依赖于人们将映像下载到他们的计算机上。

So by default, Outlook prevents the automatic download of images—and that’s a good thing.


If you click the message, you get a number of options to deal with this.


The first option, “Download Pictures,” will simply download the pictures for that email, and if you know the sender, then this is probably the option you choose.


To allow images to be downloaded for this user again, or for any messages that come from that domain, you can choose the “Add Sender to Safe Senders List” or “Add the Domain [domain name] to Safe Senders list” options. In the future, Outlook will then automatically download images in emails from users or domains on your Safe Senders list.

要允许再次为该用户或来自该域的任何消息下载图像,可以选择“将发件人添加到安全发件人列表”或“将域名[域名]添加到安全发件人列表”选项。 以后,Outlook将自动从“ 安全发件人”列表上的用户或域中下载电子邮件中的图像。

If you want to view the image but not through your email client, you have the option of viewing the email in your browser.


Your browser can be a safer place to view a potentially malware-laden image, but are you a security researcher? No? Then don’t open up a suspicious email anywhere, just delete it.

您的浏览器可能是查看潜在的带有恶意软件的图像的更安全的地方,但是您是安全研究人员吗? 没有? 然后,不要在任何地方打开可疑电子邮件,只需将其删除即可。

We can’t stress this enough: If you receive a message and you think it might be a phishing email or dangerous spam, delete it and run a virus scan on your computer. Don’t mess around trying to open it “safely.”

我们对此的压力还不够大: 如果您收到一条消息,并且认为它可能是网络钓鱼电子邮件或危险的垃圾邮件,请将其删除并在计算机上运行病毒扫描。 请勿随意尝试“安全”打开它。

Which brings us on to the option in the context menu that we’ve so far ignored: “Change Automatic Download Settings.”


Clicking this option takes you to the Automatic Download settings. You can also get there by heading to clicking File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings.

单击此选项将转到自动下载设置。 您也可以通过单击文件>选项>信任中心>信任中心设置来到达那里。

Then click Automatic Download to show the settings. We’re interested in the “Don’t download pictures automatically in standard HTML email messages or RSS items” option.

然后单击自动下载以显示设置。 我们对“不要在标准HTML电子邮件或RSS项目中自动下载图片”选项感兴趣。

This setting is turned on by default, and comes with an appropriate warning above it.


To be clear, we’re not advocating turning this setting off, as it’s an invaluable protection against both spam and malware. However, if you’ve turned your Junk Mail settings up all the way to Safe Lists Only (where mail from any sender not on your Safe Senders list is considered to be junk) then you could turn this setting off as long as you don’t move items from unknown senders from your Junk Email folder to your Inbox.

明确地说,我们不主张关闭此设置,因为它是针对垃圾邮件和恶意软件的宝贵保护。 但是,如果您已将垃圾邮件设置一直设置为“仅安全列表”(将来自“安全发件人”列表之外的任何发件人的邮件视为垃圾),则只要您不这样做,就可以关闭此设置t将未知发件人中的项目从“垃圾邮件”文件夹移至“收件箱”。

However, there are a number of default settings turned on which allow images to be automatically downloaded from safe senders, trusted websites and RSS feeds, so there really is no need to turn it off unless your circumstances are quite unusual.


So again, we don’t recommend turning this setting off except in very specific circumstances, but that’s how to do it if you want to.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/398897/how-to-force-outlook-to-download-images-if-youre-sure-its-a-good-idea/



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