I forgot your number.
I lost your number. 我把您的电话号码弄丢了。
May I have your number again? 能再给我一遍您的号码吗?

I couldn’t get through.
I’m not getting through.
get through 打通,接通

I don’t know how to use a calling card.
calling card 电话卡

The line is busy.
The number is busy.
The line is engaged.
engaged a 忙碌的,使用中的。

Her line is busy at the moment.
She is on another line. 她正在接另外一个电话。

Could you call back later?
Would you try again later?
Could I call you back later? 我能过一会再打给您吗?

I can’t hear you clearly.
I can barely hear a word. 我一个字也挺不清。
I can’t hear you. 我听不见您说话。
barely ad 几乎不能

Could you please speak up a little?
Could you speak louder?
Please speak a little louder? 请打一点声音。
Your voice is too weak. 您的声音太小了。
Don’t talk so loud.不要这么大声说话。
speak up大声的说出。

My phone is out of order.
My phone does not work.
There’s something wrong with my phone.
out of order 出故障,失灵。

There is a lot of noise.
There is static. 有干扰噪音。
I think we have a bad connection.我觉得我们的线路链接情况很差。
I think we have got a bad line. 我觉的我们的线路很差。
static n 静电,干扰噪音
connection n 链接,线路

It sounds like a problem with our lines.
It sounds like a problem in your house wiring. 听上去是您们家线路有问题啊。

You really should change to a new telephone.
You should have changed your phone a long time ago.
You should throw away this phone. 您应该把这部手机扔了。

He has changed his number.
His number has been changed.
The area code of my number has been changed to 555.
area code 区号

Telephone Connection Difficulties
Doris:You’re late.
Leo:I’m sorry. It was too cold and my car couldn’t start. I had to warm it up in the garage with a heater. I tried to call you, but couldn’t get a connection.
Doris:Couldn’t get a connection?
Leo:Yes. Your number is out of service.
Doris:Really? I didn’t know. Let me check…You’re right.
Leo:So I couldn’t get through.
Doris:It’s a serious problem. I’m expecting an importance call.
The theater guild is supposed to call me this evening and discuss my play. What will happen if they can’t reach me?
Leo:Well, the only thing you can do is pay the fee to recover your service.

warm sth/sb up 加热,使变暖
eg:Come inside and have a drink. It’ll warm you up.

front cover 手机盖
receiver 话筒
battery status 电力状态
antenna 天线
disconnect button 结束键
pound key 井字键
star key 米字键
dial button 拨话键

ASAP = as soon as possible 尽快
BTW = by the way 顺便提一句
CU = see you 再见
FYI = for your information 供参考
IC = I see 我知道了。
LOL = laughing out loud 大笑
RU? = Are you?
THX = thanks. 谢谢


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