
Bessie has gotten herself stuck on the wrong side of Farmer John's barn again, and since her vision is so poor, she needs your help navigating across the barn.

The barn is described by an  grid of square cells (), some being empty and some containing impassable haybales. Bessie starts in the lower-left corner (cell 1,1) and wants to move to the upper-right corner (cell ). You can guide her by telling her a sequence of instructions, each of which is either "forward", "turn left 90 degrees", or "turn right 90 degrees". You want to issue the shortest sequence of instructions that will guide her to her destination. If you instruct Bessie to move off the grid (i.e., into the barn wall) or into a haybale, she will not move and will skip to the next command in your sequence.

Unfortunately, Bessie doesn't know if she starts out facing up (towards cell 1,2) or right (towards cell 2,1). You need to give the shortest sequence of directions that will guide her to the goal regardless of which case is true. Once she reaches the goal she will ignore further commands.






The first line of input contains .

Each of the  following lines contains a string of exactly  characters, representing the barn. The first character of the last line is cell 1,1. The last character of the first line is cell N, N.

Each character will either be an H to represent a haybale or an E to represent an empty square.

It is guaranteed that cells 1,1 and  will be empty, and furthermore it is guaranteed that there is a path of empty squares from cell 1,1 to cell .


On a single line of output, output the length of the shortest sequence of directions that will guide Bessie to the goal, irrespective whether she starts facing up or right.










using namespace std;
int n,m[100][100],dis[30][30][30][30][5][5];
bool c[30][30][30][30][5][5];
int nowx1,nowx2,nowy1,nowy2;
int h[]={0,-1,0,1,0},l[]={0,0,1,0,-1};
int sum1,ans,sum2,td1,td2;
char a[100][100];
struct gather{  int x1,y1,x2,y2,d1,d2;  gather (int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int d1,int d2):  x1(x1),y1(y1),x2(x2),y2(y2),d1(d1),d2(d2){}  gather () {}
bool check(int x,int y){  if ((x<1)||(x>n)||(y<1)||(y>n)) return false;  else return true;
void spfa(){  q.push(gather(n,1,n,1,1,2));//把第一个集合放进去,也就是贝西的起始位置  c[n][1][n][1][1][2]=true;//这个集合已经出队列了  while (!q.empty()){//如果集合不为空  gather p=q.front();//拿出队首的集合  q.pop();//删队首集合  //1.第一种方案,按当前方向继续向前走  nowx1=p.x1+h[p.d1]; nowy1=p.y1+l[p.d1];  nowx2=p.x2+h[p.d2]; nowy2=p.y2+l[p.d2];  //以上是两条路在继续按当前方向走后,会到达的点  if ((check(nowx1,nowy1)==false)||(m[nowx1][nowy1]==false)){  nowx1=p.x1; nowy1=p.y1;  }  if ((check(nowx2,nowy2)==false)||(m[nowx2][nowy2]==false)){  nowx2=p.x2; nowy2=p.y2;  }   //以上两个if语句表示如果继续向前走一步,到达的点如果超出图的范围,或者是那个店存在石头,都是不能走的,应停留在原来的位置。  if ((p.x1==1)&&(p.y1==n)){nowx1=1;nowy1=n;}  if ((p.x2==1)&&(p.y2==n)){nowx2=1;nowy2=n;}  //这个点表示如果其中任意一条路原本已经到了终点,就不用再走了,停在原来位置。  sum1=dis[nowx1][nowy1][nowx2][nowy2][p.d1][p.d2];  //目前为止向前走需要的最短指令  sum2=dis[p.x1][p.y1][p.x2][p.y2][p.d1][p.d2];  //走到原来位置需要的最短指令  if (sum1>sum2+1){//更新最短指令  dis[nowx1][nowy1][nowx2][nowy2][p.d1][p.d2]=sum2+1;  if (c[nowx1][nowy1][nowx2][nowy2][p.d1][p.d2]==false)  q.push(gather(nowx1,nowy1,nowx2,nowy2,p.d1,p.d2));  //如果不在队列内,就放进去  c[nowx1][nowy1][nowx2][nowy2][p.d1][p.d2]=true;  }  //2.向右转90度  td1=p.d1+1; td2=p.d2+1;   if (td1>4) td1=1; if (td2>4) td2=1;  //更新所指向的方向  sum1=dis[p.x1][p.y1][p.x2][p.y2][td1][td2];  if (sum1>sum2+1){//更新最短指令  dis[p.x1][p.y1][p.x2][p.y2][td1][td2]=sum2+1;  if (c[p.x1][p.y1][p.x2][p.y2][td1][td2]==false)  q.push(gather(p.x1,p.y1,p.x2,p.y2,td1,td2));  c[p.x1][p.y1][p.x2][p.y2][td1][td2]=true;  }  //3.向左转90度  td1=p.d1-1; td2=p.d2-1;   if (td1<1) td1=4; if (td2<1) td2=4;  sum1=dis[p.x1][p.y1][p.x2][p.y2][td1][td2];  if (sum1>sum2+1){  dis[p.x1][p.y1][p.x2][p.y2][td1][td2]=sum2+1;  if (c[p.x1][p.y1][p.x2][p.y2][td1][td2]==false)  q.push(gather(p.x1,p.y1,p.x2,p.y2,td1,td2));  c[p.x1][p.y1][p.x2][p.y2][td1][td2]=true;  }  c[p.x1][p.y1][p.x2][p.y2][p.d1][p.d2]=false;  //出队列  }
int main(){  scanf("%d",&n);  a[1][1]=getchar();  for (int i=1;i<=n;i++)  for (int j=1;j<=n+1;j++){  a[i][j]=getchar();  if (a[i][j]=='E') m[i][j]=true;  else if (a[i][j]=='H') m[i][j]=false;  }  //我们用dis[x1][y1][x2][y2][d1][d2]来表示两条路分别在x1,y1,面向d1,和在x2,y2,面向d2,从起点出发要到这个状态所需的最短指令。  for (int i=1;i<=n;i++)  for (int j=1;j<=n;j++)  for (int i1=1;i1<=n;i1++)  for (int j1=1;j1<=n;j1++)  for (int u=1;u<=4;u++)  for (int d=1;d<=4;d++)  dis[i][j][i1][j1][u][d]=2147483647/2;//初始化  dis[n][1][n][1][1][2]=0;  ans=2147483647/2;  spfa();  for (int i=1;i<=4;i++)  for (int j=1;j<=4;j++)  ans=min(ans,dis[1][n][1][n][i][j]);       cout<<ans<<endl;  return 0;


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