So you’ve got a new app idea. It’s not just a knockoff of the latest surprise hit. It’s something entirely new that addresses a real problem or fills a void with an elegant solution that no one else has brought to market.

因此,您有了一个新的应用程序创意。 这不仅仅是最新的惊喜击中的结果。 这是一个全新的解决方案,它解决了一个实际问题,或者用其他人都没有推向市场的优雅解决方案填补了空白。

It just might make you a billion dollars and let you fund that manned mission to Titan you’ve been dreaming about.


But to really hit it big with an app, you’ve got to develop it for the right demographic. Who are you going to build it for?

但是,要真正借助某个应用程序大受欢迎,您必须针对正确的人群开发它。 您打算为谁建造它?

The Audience Your App Depends On


You could build an app for your mom, but you aren’t going to get rich designing innovative apps for her and her friends. The majority of Gen X — and previous generations — has already developed loyalty to the apps that have served them well, and they’re not likely to change.

您可以为妈妈创建一个应用程序,但不会为她和她的朋友设计创新的应用程序而致富。 X世代的大多数人和前几代人已经对为他们提供良好服务的应用程序产生了忠诚度,并且它们不太可能改变。

Design for Millennials instead — a user base that comes to you without all the baggage of the way things used to be done. Millennials have a passion for the progressive and new, and they have values, ideas, and needs that existing apps have not yet addressed.

而是为千禧一代设计-拥有您的用户群,而无需像以前那样繁琐地完成工作。 千禧一代对进步和新事物充满热情,他们拥有尚未解决的价值,思想和需求。

So, what do Millennials want?


1.重点专业应用 (1. Hyper-Focused Specialty Apps)

I often wonder whether Facebook — the whole tortured, acquired, labyrinthine monstrosity of it — would succeed if it were released today. Older generations are used to the Swiss Army Knife-style apps with unwieldy feature sets and corkscrews, magnifying glasses, toothpicks, flash drives, compasses, and IFTTT integrations all in one fat package. Everything is included and convenient for nearly any need a user could have.

我经常想知道,如果Facebook今天发布,它是否会成功-它整个是折磨,收购,迷宫般的怪异。 老一代习惯了具有笨拙功能集和开瓶器,放大镜,牙签,闪存驱动器,指南针和IFTTT集成在一起的笨拙的瑞士军刀式应用程序。 一切都包含在内,几乎可以满足用户的任何需求。

When you wanted to build a successful app for an older generation, the inclusion of several successful features was a good idea. A proprietary social network like Facebook appeals to the needs of that audience. Just don’t expect Millennials to have anything to do with it. Millennials want hyper-focused apps that do one thing — and only one thing — really well.

当您想为老一辈构建成功的应用程序时,包括几个成功的功能是个好主意。 像Facebook这样的专有社交网络可以吸引该群体的需求。 只是不要期望千禧一代与它有任何关系。 千禧一代希望超级专注的应用程序能够很好地完成一件事,而只有一件事。

Source: Yo


Look at Yo, a recent hit among Millennials. If you haven’t tried it, here’s how you use Yo. Open the app. Tap a friend’s name. That friend receives a push notification: “Yo.” That’s it. And it was a huge hit.

看看Yo ,这是千禧一代中的热门话题。 如果您尚未尝试过,请按以下方法使用Yo。 开启应用程式。 点击朋友的名字。 那个朋友收到一个推送通知:“ Yo。” 而已。 这是一个巨大的打击。

Or consider Timehop. Its creators took a modestly successful app (which had formerly just been an email-based service) and made it more successful by removing features.

或考虑使用Timehop​​。 它的创建者使用了一个非常成功的应用程序(该应用程序以前只是基于电子邮件的服务),并且通过删除功能使其更加成功。

Timehop collects photos from your social media history and shows you what you were doing on this day one, two, and three years ago. You used to also be able to look at what you were doing one year and a day ago, but then they stripped out the “and a day” feature. If you don’t look at it today, that information is gone until next year.

Timehop​​从您的社交媒体历史记录中收集照片,并向您显示一年,两年和三年前的今天。 您过去也可以查看一年零一天前的工作,但是后来他们剔除了“一天零一天”的功能。 如果您今天不看,这些信息将一直持续到明年。

The experience became fleeting. What happened? Timehop’s share rates increased, and its creators found themselves on a solid growth curve.

经历变得短暂。 发生了什么? Timehop​​的股价上升了,其创造者发现自己处在稳健的增长曲线上。

The bottom line: Take whatever idea you have, and whittle it down to one key function.


2.广播的应用 (2. Apps That Broadcast)

When Snapchat first grabbed the attention of older generations, the assumption was that it was an app designed for sexting. Why else would you want to share pictures that could only be seen for a few seconds, then — barring a speedy screenshot — would disappear forever?

当Snapchat首次引起较早一代的关注时,人们以为这是一款专为性短信设计的应用。 您为什么还要共享只能看到几秒钟的图片,然后(除非快速截图)会永远消失?

The older generation missed the boat on Snapchat.


Meanwhile, today’s youth didn’t need another app that let them curate and share beautiful pictures. They already had Instagram. What they needed was a platform where they could broadcast, well, shitty content: silly pictures of bad hair days and goofy faces, taken in bad lighting and captioned with stupid puns or embellished with crude finger drawings.

同时,当今的年轻人不需要其他让他们策展和分享美丽图片的应用程序。 他们已经有Instagram。 他们需要的是一个平台,他们可以在这个平台上播放低调的内容:糟糕的头发日子和愚蠢的面Kong的愚蠢图片,在不良的灯光下拍摄,带有笨拙的双关语的字幕或带有粗俗手指画的点缀。

Source: Snapchat


They wanted to share this stuff and broadcast it to their friends without having to worry that a future employer or the girl or guy they liked was going to see it. And yes, sometimes they wanted to share pictures with only the girl or guy they liked.

他们想分享这些东西并将其广播给他们的朋友,而不必担心未来的雇主或他们喜欢的女孩或男孩会看到它。 是的,有时他们只想与自己喜欢的女孩或男孩分享照片。

Millennials are not just willing to broadcast this stuff; they want to, and they do so reflexively. In our post-privacy age, they don’t care about generating engagement and positive reinforcement. They just want to put it out there. If it gets a good response, cool. If not, who cares?

千禧一代不仅仅愿意播放这些东西。 他们想要,而且他们反身地这样做。 在我们的后私有时代,他们不关心产生参与和积极强化。 他们只想把它放在那里。 如果React良好,请冷静。 如果没有,谁在乎?

Snapchat gave them the opportunity to broadcast without worries.


3.独创性 (3. Originality)

You can probably build a decent small business imitating the successes of truly innovative app developers. You can charge clients up to $10,000 to throw their brand’s skin on an e-card app. You can maybe pay the bills by putting out your own photo filter app or a Candy Crush clone.

您可能可以建立一个像样的小型企业,模仿真正创新的应用程序开发人员的成功。 您可以向客户收取高达$ 10,000的费用,以在电子贺卡应用程序上投放其品牌的皮肤。 您也许可以通过推出自己的照片滤镜应用程序或Candy Crush克隆品来支付账单。

However, if your ambitions are bigger than that and you want to swing for the stratosphere, you have to be original.


Unfortunately, I can’t give you a list of tips for originality because the whole point is doing something cool that no one else has thought to do. But I can tell you that you’re probably not being original if you’re:

不幸的是,我无法为您提供有关原创性的提示列表,因为整个观点都在做着其他人没有想到的有趣的事情。 但我可以告诉您,如果您是以下人士,您可能不是原始人:

  1. Trying to solve problems that someone else has already solved.试图解决别人已经解决的问题。
  2. Trying to solve problems using successful solutions to different problems.尝试使用成功的解决方案来解决问题。
  3. Building “the X for Y.”构建“ X代表Y”。

And if you’re not being original, Millennials are going to spot it immediately. They won’t let you get away with it. They’ll brand you as boring and leave you like a one-night stand.

如果您不是原始人,千禧一代将立即发现它。 他们不会让你摆脱它。 他们会给您打上无聊的烙印,让您像一夜情。

Building a great app isn’t easy, but the good news is that this new generation is wide open to your innovative new ideas. They get excited and rapidly broadcast that excitement to their peers. There is huge opportunity here if you do it right — but only if you do it with the Millennial user in mind.

开发一个出色的应用程序并不容易,但是好消息是,这一新一代将向您开放创新的想法。 他们感到兴奋,并Swift将这种激动感传达给同龄人。 如果做得对,这里将有巨大的机会-但前提是您必须牢记千禧一代用户。



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