You may have heard of people being tracked by simply owning a phone — it’s entirely true. You could just turn your phone off to prevent being tracked, but how do you know it’s really off?

Ÿ欧可能听说过的人只需拥有一台手机被跟踪-这是完全正确的。 您可以关闭手机以防止被跟踪,但是您如何知道它真的关闭了?

Even our government doesn’t trust phones without removable batteries: FBI agents use what they call drug dealer phones — flip phones with removable batteries — to prevent people from tracking them.


So how does this happen? What possibly could your phone be doing in your pocket when you’re not even using it?

那么这是怎么发生的呢? 当您甚至不使用手机时,手机在口袋里可能会做什么?

Unfortunately, technology is always going to be used against the consumers. And as I always say, the only way you will regain your privacy is to lose your newfound convenience.

不幸的是,技术总是会被用来对抗消费者。 就像我经常说的那样,您要重新获得隐私的唯一方法就是失去新发现的便利。

您的电话可ping通本地手机信号塔 (Your phone pings local cell towers)

All cell towers keep a log of phones that have connected and their signal strengths. Given the logs of a few local towers, the information can be used to easily triangulate your position. It may be difficult for criminals to obtain this information, but the cellular providers can be forced to give it up by the government.

所有手机信号塔都会记录已连接电话及其信号强度的日志。 给定一些本地塔的日志,该信息可用于轻松地对您的位置进行三角剖分。 犯罪分子可能很难获得此信息,但是蜂窝服务提供商可能被政府强制放弃。

Removing the SIM card won’t work because phones have default identifiers. Further, police and military have Stingray devices, which simulate cell towers by requesting your phone’s location. They then report the location of active phones.

删除SIM卡将不起作用,因为手机具有默认标识符。 此外,警察和军方都有Stingray设备,可以通过请求手机的位置来模拟手机信号塔。 然后,他们报告活动电话的位置。

连接的WiFi跟踪您的手机 (Connected WiFi tracks your phone)

Attackers can use a WiFi network you’re connected with, to intercept and inject messages you send. These attacks are known as man-in-the-middle attacks, where they intercept data as it goes to and from your computer. Along with MITM attacks, lurkers can easily determine which websites you’re currently visiting, and steal private information.

攻击者可以使用您所连接的WiFi网络来拦截和注入您发送的消息。 这些攻击被称为中间人攻击,它们在进入和流出计算机的过程中拦截数据。 与MITM攻击一起,潜伏者可以轻松确定您当前正在访问的网站,并窃取私人信息。

Avoid public, unsecured WiFi access. You must assume everything you do on public WiFi can be seen by anyone else connected. It’s very easy for an attacker to perform a man-in-the-middle attack from a shared WiFi connection.

避免公共的,不安全的WiFi访问。 您必须假设您在公共WiFi上所做的一切都能被连接的任何其他人看到。 对于攻击者而言,从共享的WiFi连接进行中间人攻击非常容易。

授予权限的应用可以对我们使用 (Apps given permissions can be used against us)

WhatsApp, recently bought by Facebook, has been found to probably contain a backdoor. As we know, Facebook and Mark Zuckerburg have never respected privacy, so it should never come as a surprise to you that if you use one of their products they’re selling your privacy off to companies and the government.

最近被Facebook购买的WhatsApp可能包含后门。 众所周知,Facebook和Mark Zuckerburg从未尊重隐私,因此,如果您使用他们的产品之一,它们就会将您的隐私出售给公司和政府,这绝对不会令您感到惊讶。

A backdoor is when there has been an intentional security flaw programmed into the app to allow only specific outsiders who know about this flaw to exploit it. Often times the government will even pay good money to proprietary encryption software to cause pseudo-random number generation that can be predicted given this knowledge.

后门程序是指在应用中编写了一个故意的安全漏洞,仅允许知道此漏洞的特定外部人员利用该漏洞。 通常情况下,政府甚至会向专有的加密软件支付巨款,以产生伪随机数生成,如果掌握了这些知识,就可以预测出伪随机数。

A backdoor suggests the potential for anyone, but more specifically your government, to see all of your photos and videos on your phone, since you give WhatsApp permission to your photos and videos. Mark Zuckerburg sells that permission off to the government to monitor millions of people and read “private” messages.

后门建议任何人,尤其是您的政府,都有潜力在手机上查看您的所有照片和视频,因为您授予了WhatsApp对照片和视频的许可。 马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerburg)将该许可出售给政府,以监视数百万人并阅读“私人”信息。

保护您的隐私 (Keeping your privacy)

Truly, the best way to hide is not to own a phone at all. If you need a phone or still like using it but don’t like being tracked, you can turn it off completely or remove the battery when you aren’t using it.

诚然,隐藏的最佳方法是根本不拥有手机。 如果您需要电话或仍然喜欢使用电话但又不想被跟踪,则可以将其完全关闭,或者在不使用电话时取出电池。

But there are always more ways the government can track you, beyond just your phone: license plates, purchases with credit cards, logins to websites, phone calls to people from other phones, and more.


With being completely inferior to such a large power, the path to true privacy becomes more unclear everyday, and progression to totalitarianism shadows it. At least a single thought will linger as we ponder how to hide from Big Brother:

由于完全不如这么大的权力,通往真正隐私的道路每天都变得越来越不清楚,而向极权主义的发展也掩盖了它。 当我们思考如何对“老大哥”隐藏时,至少会有一个想法会ling绕:

Is it right for the government to monitor us without our consent?


This was not an exhaustive list and there may be many more ways your phone can be used against you.




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