
Lots of high-end smartphones have added multiple camera modules and lenses to the back of their designs. But why? The fact is that they do different things for different phones, so we’re here to break it all down for you.

许多高端智能手机在其设计的背面增加了多个摄像头模块和镜头。 但为什么? 事实是,它们针对不同的手机执行不同的操作,因此我们在这里为您分解所有内容。

Multiple rear cameras are a luxury feature at the moment only found on the most expensive phones—like the iPhone X—but the trickle-down nature of mobile tech means we’ll soon be seeing them on less expensive models, too, so it’s good to get familiar with how it all works.

目前,只有在最昂贵的手机(如iPhone X)上才有多个后置摄像头,这是一项奢侈功能,但是移动技术的细流特性意味着我们也将很快在较便宜的机型上看到它们,所以这很好熟悉所有工作原理。

“两个胜于一个”方法 (The “Two Are Better Than One” Approach)

Different camera modules and lenses are better at different tasks. A low-aperture, wide-angle lens is great for gathering sharp detail up close, but not so great when your subject is in motion. A longer lens can “blow up” images from far away subjects, but lets in less light.

不同的相机模块和镜头可以更好地完成不同的任务。 低光圈广角镜头非常适合近距离收集锐利细节,但是当物体运动时却不那么理想。 较长的镜头可以“吹散”来自较远物体的图像,但可以减少光线。

The Galaxy S9 uses identical sensors, but different lenses on its two cameras.
Galaxy S9在两个相机上使用相同的传感器,但镜头不同。

With a conventional camera, taking two photos with two different lenses isn’t all that useful—you’ll just end up with two mediocre images. But with specialized image processing, the software upon which digital cameras run, you can combine the strengths of both lenses and image processors while removing the weaknesses. This results in a single image that’s brighter, sharper, and clearer than either camera could achieve on its own.

使用传统的相机,用两个不同的镜头拍摄两张照片并没有多大用处-您最终只会得到两张平庸的图像。 但是,借助专门的图像处理软件(数码相机运行时所用的软件),您可以将镜头和图像处理器的优点结合在一起,同时消除这些缺点。 这将使单个图像比任何一个摄像机自己都能实现的亮度更高,更清晰更清晰。

Combining multiple images isn’t a new technique. That’s how HDR photography works: photographers take multiple images at different levels of exposure to highlight different colorful portions of the image, and then combine them for “High Dynamic Range.” Phone camera processing is merely automating this sort of process and applying it near-instantly to give users better-looking photos, especially in low light.

组合多个图像并不是一项新技术。 这就是HDR摄影的工作方式 :摄影师以不同的曝光水平拍摄多张图像,以突出显示图像的不同彩色部分,然后将它们组合为“高动态范围”。 电话摄像头处理只是使这种过程自动化,并且几乎立即应用它,以便为用户提供更好看的照片,尤其是在弱光下。

Now, image processing does a lot of other stuff too, some of which isn’t actually helping the image so much as messing with it. The “bokeh” portrait effect is a good example: most phone cameras are simply artificially blurring part of the image to achieve the same effect as a low depth of field on a regular camera lens. But in general terms, high-end phones with double lenses and advanced image processing can perform better than their single-lens counterparts.

现在,图像处理也完成了许多其他工作,其中有些实际上并没有像对图像造成很大的干扰。 “散景”人像效果就是一个很好的例子:大多数电话摄像头只是人为地模糊了图像的一部分,以实现与普通摄像头镜头上的低景深相同的效果。 但总的来说,具有双镜头和高级图像处理功能的高端手机的性能要优于单镜头手机。

Examples: iPhone 7 Plus, 8 Plus, and X; Samsung Galaxy Note 8, Galaxy S9, Huawei Honor 8, LG V20, and V30

示例 :iPhone 7 Plus,8 Plus和X; 三星Galaxy Note 8,Galaxy S9,华为Honor 8,LG V20和V30

“双倍缩放选项”方法 (The “Double Zoom Option” Approach)

Phone cameras are getting amazing capabilities, but one thing that they’re not very good at is zoom. Phone bodies are simply too small and thin to house the kind of miniaturized electronics and optics needed for true zoom photography, short of outlandish designs like the Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom. (You’ll notice that this brief design trend disappeared pretty quickly).

手机摄像头正在获得惊人的功能,但是变焦不是很出色的一件事。 手机机身太小又太薄,无法容纳真正的变焦摄影所需的微型电子设备和光学器件,缺少像Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom这样的古怪设计。 (您会注意到,这种简短的设计趋势很快消失了)。

But using multiple camera modules and lenses can alleviate these issues, at least to some degree. The secondary lens in high-end phones can be set to a slightly farther zoom level, generally expressed as “2x.” The results won’t beat a DSLR or even a decent point-and-shoot with a full zoom lens, but if your phone is the only camera you use, it’s better than digital zoom (which merely blows up the image). For example, the iPhone uses what it refers to as a primary “wide angle” and a secondary “telephoto” camera, with the latter at approximately twice the zoom of the former.

但是使用多个相机模块和镜头可以至少在一定程度上缓解这些问题。 可以将高端手机中的辅助镜头设置为稍远的变焦级别,通常表示为“ 2倍”。 使用全变焦镜头无法获得比单反相机甚至不错的傻瓜相机所无法获得的效果,但是如果您的手机是唯一使用的相机,那它比数码变焦要好(数码变焦只会使图像炸毁)。 例如,iPhone使用它所谓的主要“广角”和辅助“远摄”相机,后者的变焦倍数约为前者。

The second lens is also usually set at a different F-Stop value, the ratio of the aperture to the diameter of the lens. This is a physical property of the camera module; it means that the farther-zoomed lens is working with less light than the standard lens, and thus takes darker and less sharp photos. Again, image processing—combining multiple images—can help alleviate this. Some more interesting software tricks, like Samsung’s ability to take two photos and “add in” the portions of the image that are “missing” from a zoom shot, are enabled as well.

第二个镜头通常也设置为不同的F-Stop值,即光圈与镜头直径的比率。 这是摄像头模块的物理属性。 这意味着变焦较远的镜头与标准镜头相比在较少的光线下工作,因此可以拍摄更暗,更不清晰的照片。 同样,图像处理(组合多个图像)可以帮助减轻这种情况。 还启用了一些更有趣的软件技巧,例如三星拍摄两张照片的能力以及“放大”变焦镜头中“丢失”的图像部分的功能。

Examples: iPhone 7 Plus, 8 Plus, and X; Samsung Galaxy Note 8, Galaxy S9, LG G4, G5, G6, V20, and V30

示例 :iPhone 7 Plus,8 Plus和X; 三星Galaxy Note 8,Galaxy S9,LG G4,G5,G6,V20和V30

“绿野仙踪”方法 (The “Wizard Of Oz” Approach)

Wizard of Oz isn’t a technical term. Rather, it’s a way for you to remember another example of dual camera setups: color and black and white. In some models, the two different camera modules are assigned to take color and monochrome images. This doesn’t result in two photos (at least with default settings), but instead a single photo that uses the color information from one to augment the sharp detail of the other.

《绿野仙踪》不是技术术语。 相反,它是您记住双摄像头设置的另一个示例的方法:彩色和黑白。 在某些型号中,分配了两个不同的相机模块以拍摄彩色和单色图像。 这不会产生两张照片(至少使用默认设置),而是产生一张照片,该照片使用其中一张的颜色信息来增强另一张的清晰细节。

Simultaneous images from the Essential Phone’s monochrome and color sensors.
来自Essential Phone的单色和彩色传感器的同时图像。

Once again, this dual setup is depending on the phone’s image processing software to work most of its magic, and make up for phones’ size constraints for bigger camera modules. The different properties of the monochrome camera can also allow the phone to focus faster or adjust the preview to more accurately show what the final image will look like.

同样,这种双重设置取决于手机的图像处理软件能否发挥其最大的魔力,并弥补了手机对于较大相机模块的尺寸限制。 单色相机的不同属性还可以使手机更快地对焦或调整预览以更准确地显示最终图像的外观。

There’s at least one new premium phone that’s combining all of the above techniques for a massive, triple-camera setup: the Huawei P20 Pro. This phone includes three rear cameras: one 3x zoom camera for long distance shooting, a primary 20-megapixel camera for color images and portraits, and a third monochrome camera for collecting sharper image detail. It probably won’t be the last phone to try this technique—there are already rumors of a forthcoming triple-camera iPhone.

至少有一款新的高级手机将上述所有技术结合在一起,以进行大型的三摄像头设置: Huawei P20 Pro 。 该电话包括三个后置摄像头:一个用于远距离拍摄的3倍变焦摄像头,一个用于彩色图像和人像的20万像素主摄像头,以及用于收集更清晰图像细节的第三个单色摄像头。 它可能不会是尝试这种技术的最后一部手机-已经有传言即将推出三摄相机iPhone。

Examples: Essential Phone, Huawei P9, P10, P20, and P20 Pro, Honor 8 and 9, Mate 10,

示例 :Essential Phone,Huawei P9,P10,P20和P20 Pro,Honor 8和9,Mate 10,

其他双摄像头设置 (Other Dual Camera Setups)

There are other dual camera systems that don’t fit neatly into the categories above, though mostly those designs have been retired or simply abandoned. Examples include:

还有其他双摄像头系统不能很好地归入以上类别,尽管大多数这些设计已被淘汰或被废弃。 示例包括:

HTC’s “Ultrapixel” setup: one high-density sensor and low F-stop lens combined with a more conventional camera. HTC has abandoned its dual camera designs, now favoring a more flexible single “Ultrapixel” module.

HTC的“超像素”设置:一个高密度传感器和低光圈镜头,与更传统的相机结合在一起。 HTC放弃了其双摄像头设计,现在更倾向于使用更灵活的单个“超像素”模块。

Older designs like the HTC Evo 3D used dual cameras for 3D video.
HTC Evo 3D等较早的设计使用双摄像头拍摄3D视频。

Older 3D camera phones: some Android models used two identical camera modules with a considerable gap in between to take photos and videos with a “3D” effect. These designs were usually paired with a 3D lenticular screen, and interest in this feature has died along with the brief 3D TV product category.

较旧的3D照相手机 :某些Android机型使用两个相同的照相模块,两者之间有很大的差距,以“ 3D”效果拍摄照片和视频。 这些设计通常与3D光栅屏幕搭配使用,并且随着简短的3D电视产品类别,对该功能的兴趣也消失了。

Augmented Reality: specialized phones like the Lenovo Phab 2 Pro use dual lenses and modules to accurately measure and map the physical space around them.

增强现实 :联想Phab 2 Pro等专用手机使用双镜头和模块来准确测量和绘制其周围的物理空间。

Image credit: Essential, Apple, Samsung, Huawei

图片来源: Essential , Apple , Samsung , Huawei

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/349408/why-do-some-smartphones-use-multiple-cameras/



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