
There are a lot of security certifications in the IT sector. But only some of them are very prestigious and popular. Perhaps the most known and most respected security certificate is Certified Information System Security Professional (CISSP) certification. In this post we will get generally information about certification steps, topics, price etc.

IT部门有很多安全认证。 但是只有其中一些非常有名望和受欢迎。 也许最著名和最受尊敬的安全证书是认证信息系统安全专家(CISSP)认证。 在这篇文章中,我们将获得有关认证步骤,主题,价格等的一般信息。

信息系统安全认证协会(ISC) (Information Systems Security Certification Consortium (ISC))

CISSP exam is governed by ISC. ISC is global non-profit organization. ISC is operated by board of directors those elected  from certified practitioners. ISC also provides other security related certification programs like

CISSP考试由ISC管理。 ISC是全球非营利组织。 ISC由从认证从业人员中选出的董事会运营。 ISC还提供其他与安全相关的认证计划,例如

  • HCISPP汉斯

主题领域 (Topical Domains)

Every certification have specific or general topic range. In CISSP this is called Topical Domain or Domain . There are eight domains those are listed below.

每个认证都有特定或一般的主题范围。 在CISSP中,这称为Topical DomainDomain 。 下面列出了八个域。

  • Security and Risk Management安全与风险管理
  • Asset Security资产安全
  • Security Engineering安全工程
  • Communication and Network Security通讯与网络安全
  • Identity and Access Management身份和访问管理
  • Security Assessment and Testing安全评估与测试
  • Security Operations安全运作
  • Software Development Security软件开发安全

All of these domains are vendor independent and discuss best practices about topics. CISSP preparation books generally provides individual chapters for each domain.

所有这些域都是独立于供应商的,并讨论有关主题的最佳实践。 CISSP准备书通常为每个领域提供单独的章节。

资格预审 (Prequalification)

In order to qualify the certification there are some prequalification. ISC asks for the following requirements before certifying professionals those have passed the exam.

为了使认证合格,需要进行一些资格预审。 在认证通过考试的专业人士之前,ISC会要求以下要求。

  • 5 year experience as practising security professional full-time and paid5年全职执业保安专业人员的经验
  • Professional security experience at least in two domain of eight domains至少在八个领域中的两个领域具有专业的安全经验
  • Agreement Code of Ethics协议道德守则


One of the most popular saying about CISSP exam is “CISSP is wide as an ocean but thick only one inch” . What this means? The topics ranges are huge. We can understand this from Domain names. It provides networking to application development, risk management to identification. But the subjects are not technical. They provides best practices.

关于CISSP考试,最流行的说法之一是“ CISSP像海洋一样​​宽,但只有一英寸厚”。 这是什么意思? 主题范围很大。 我们可以从域名中了解这一点。 它为应用程序开发提供网络连接,为识别提供风险管理。 但是这些主题不是技术性的。 他们提供最佳实践。

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了解更多带有示例Linux Avahi守护程序教程

CISSP exam has 250 questions  and we have 6 hours to complete the exam. Most common method take exam is Computer Based Test or CBT  but in some situations it can be taken as Paper Based Test or PBT .

CISSP考试有250 questions ,我们有6 hours来完成考试。 最常见的考试方法是Computer Based Test or CBT但在某些情况下也可以作为Paper Based Test or PBT

CBT is multiple-choice which have four option in each question. The questions do not asks for the exact right answer. We should select best response. There may be some drag and drop or hotspots questions too.

CBT是多项选择,每个问题有四个选择。 这些问题并不要求确切的正确答案。 我们应该选择最佳响应。 可能还会有一些拖放或热点问题。

CISSP Exam registration can be done from Pearson-Vue from following link.


We will just have less than 90 seconds for each question. So we should a bit fast while answering them.

每个问题不到90秒。 因此,我们在回答它们时应该快一些。

提示 (Tips)

  • Study


    • Decide your english level before registering exam注册考试前确定英语水平
    • Solve a lot of example exams解决很多示例考试
    • Use flash cards使用闪存卡



  • Before Exam


    • Bring food and drink test side进行食品和饮料测试
    • Bring medication and pills带上药和药
    • Leave electronic devices in home or car将电子设备留在家中或汽车中
    • Wear simple watch not an programmable or networked佩戴简单的手表而不是可编程或联网的手表
    • Wear comfortable穿着舒适
    • Wear light jacket because some test locations are a bit chilly穿轻便的外套,因为有些测试地点有点冷

    Before Exam


  • During Exam


    • Answer easy question first首先回答简单问题
    • Skip harder questions跳过更难的问题
    • Use CBT  bookmarks for skipping使用CBT书签跳过
    • Eliminate wrong answers first首先消除错误答案
    • Watch double negatives观看双重否定
    • Understand question and look specific words理解问题并寻找具体的单词

    During Exam


完成认证流程(Completing Certification Process)

After passing exam with required score the final step is named Endorsement . In this step we should find a ISC certified professional which will generally CISSP certified professional and submit and endorsement on our behalf. The endorser must review our resume and send digitally or via fax or post mail by signing endorsement document. We should submit endorsement within 90 days after receiving confirmation of exam pass email.

在通过要求分数的考试后,最后一步称为“ Endorsement 。 在这一步中,我们应该找到经过ISC认证的专业人员,该专业人员通常会获得CISSP认证的专业人员,并代表我们提交并认可。 背书人必须审查我们的简历,并通过签署背书文件以数字方式或通过传真或邮寄方式发送。 我们应在收到考试合格电子邮件确认后90天内提交认可。

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了解更多信息如何下载和安装Kali Security and Penetration Test Linux发行版?

If we failed the exam we should wait for 30 days after failed exam to take again.





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