
Z3实现了一种精心策划的推理引擎方法,其中“大”的符号推理步骤被表示为函数(或 策略,tactics),tacticstacticals的组合组成。Tactics把公式集称为Goals.

当一个tactic应用于某个goal G时,可能会出现四种不同的结果。该tactic

  • 表明G是可满足的(即可行的)
  • 表明G是不可满足的(即不可行的)
  • 产生一系列的子目标
  • 失败。

当将一个goal G规约为一系列子目标G1, ... , Gn时,我们面临着模型转换的问题。模型转换器利用子目标Gi的模型构建G的模型。

simplify 和 solve-eqs

在下面的例子中,我们创建了一个由三个公式组成的Goal g,以及一个由两个内置tactic:simplifysolve-eqs 组成的Tactic t 。simplify策略对公式进行了等价简化。solver-eqs策略采用高斯消元法来消去变量。实际上,solve-eqs并不仅仅局限于线性方程,它还可以消除任意变量。然后,Thensimplify策略应用到输入目标上,把solve-eqs应用到simplify产生的每个子目标上。在这个例子中只产生了一个子目标。

!pip install "z3-solver"from z3 import *x, y = Reals('x y')
g  = Goal()
g.add(x > 0, y > 0, x == y + 2)
print(g)t1 = Tactic('simplify')
t2 = Tactic('solve-eqs')
t  = Then(t1, t2)
[x > 0, y > 0, x == y + 2]
[[Not(y <= -2), Not(y <= 0)]]



z3中,我们说一个子句是 Or(f_1 , ... , f_n)形式的约束,策略split-clause将从输入目标中选择一个子句Or(f_1,...,f_n),把它切分成n个子目标

x, y = Reals('x y')
g  = Goal()
g.add(Or(x < 0, x > 0), x == y + 1, y < 0)t = Tactic('split-clause')
r = t(g)
for g in r: print(g)
[x < 0, x == y + 1, y < 0]
[x > 0, x == y + 1, y < 0]




  • Then(t,s)将t应用到输入目标,将s应用于t产生的每个子目标

  • OrElse(t,s)首先将t应用于给定目标,如果失败,则返回s应用于给定目标的结果。

  • Repeat(t),一直应用给定的策略,直到没有子目标被它修改。

  • Repeat(t,n),一直应用给定策略,直到没有子目标被它修改,或者迭代次数大于n。

  • TryFor(t, ms)将策略t应用于输入目标,如果没有在ms毫秒内返回,则失败。

  • With(t, params)使用给定的参数应用给定的策略。


x, y, z = Reals('x y z')
g = Goal()
g.add(Or(x == 0, x == 1), Or(y == 0, y == 1), Or(z == 0, z == 1),x + y + z > 2)# Split all clauses"
split_all = Repeat(OrElse(Tactic('split-clause'),Tactic('skip')))
print(split_all(g))split_at_most_2 = Repeat(OrElse(Tactic('split-clause'),Tactic('skip')),1)
print(split_at_most_2(g))# Split all clauses and solve equations
split_solve = Then(Repeat(OrElse(Tactic('split-clause'),Tactic('skip'))),Tactic('solve-eqs'))print(split_solve(g))
[[x == 0, y == 0, z == 0, x + y + z > 2],[x == 0, y == 0, z == 1, x + y + z > 2],[x == 0, y == 1, z == 0, x + y + z > 2],[x == 0, y == 1, z == 1, x + y + z > 2],[x == 1, y == 0, z == 0, x + y + z > 2],[x == 1, y == 0, z == 1, x + y + z > 2],[x == 1, y == 1, z == 0, x + y + z > 2],[x == 1, y == 1, z == 1, x + y + z > 2]]
[[x == 0, y == 0, Or(z == 0, z == 1), x + y + z > 2],[x == 0, y == 1, Or(z == 0, z == 1), x + y + z > 2],[x == 1, y == 0, Or(z == 0, z == 1), x + y + z > 2],[x == 1, y == 1, Or(z == 0, z == 1), x + y + z > 2]]

在策略split_solve中,策略solve-eqs会释放所有目标,只保留一个。因此这个策略会生成一个目标:可满足(可行的)的空目标(empty goal


x, y, z = Reals('x y z')
g = Goal()
g.add(Or(x == 0, x == 1), Or(y == 0, y == 1), Or(z == 0, z == 1),x + y + z > 2)# Split all clauses"
split_all = Repeat(OrElse(Tactic('split-clause'),Tactic('skip')))
for s in split_all(g):print(s)
[x == 0, y == 0, z == 0, x + y + z > 2]
[x == 0, y == 0, z == 1, x + y + z > 2]
[x == 0, y == 1, z == 0, x + y + z > 2]
[x == 0, y == 1, z == 1, x + y + z > 2]
[x == 1, y == 0, z == 0, x + y + z > 2]
[x == 1, y == 0, z == 1, x + y + z > 2]
[x == 1, y == 1, z == 0, x + y + z > 2]
[x == 1, y == 1, z == 1, x + y + z > 2]



bv_solver = Then('simplify', 'solve-eqs', 'bit-blast', 'sat').solver()x, y = BitVecs('x y', 16)
solve_using(bv_solver, x | y == 13, x > y)
[y = 0, x = 13]

在上面的例子中,策略bv_solver实现了使用equation solving, bit-blasting 的一个基本的位向量求解器 , 和一个命题SAT求解器。注意,命令Tactic被禁止。如果参数是字符串,所有的Z3Py combinators都会自动调用Tactic命令。最后,命令solve_usingsolve命令的一个变体,其中第一个参数指定要使用的求解器。


在下面的例子中,我们直接使用求解器API而不是命令solve_using。我们使用With来配置我们的求解器。我们还包括试图用And-Inverted Graphs压缩布尔公式的aig策略。

bv_solver = Then(With('simplify', mul2concat=True),'solve-eqs', 'bit-blast', 'aig','sat').solver()
x, y = BitVecs('x y', 16)
bv_solver.add(x*32 + y == 13, x & y < 10, y > -100)
m = bv_solver.model()
print(x*32 + y, "==", m.evaluate(x*32 + y))
print(x & y, "==", m.evaluate(x & y))
[y = 10509, x = 1720]
x*32 + y == 13
x & y == 8



x, y = Ints('x y')
s = Tactic('smt').solver()
s.add(x > y + 1)
[y = 0, x = 2]



s = Then(With('simplify', arith_lhs=True, som=True),'normalize-bounds', 'lia2pb', 'pb2bv', 'bit-blast', 'sat').solver()
x, y, z = Ints('x y z')
solve_using(s, x > 0, x < 10, y > 0, y < 10, z > 0, z < 10,3*y + 2*x == z)
# It fails on the next example (it is unbounded)
solve_using(s, 3*y + 2*x == z)
[z = 7, y = 1, x = 2]
failed to solve



t = Then('simplify', 'normalize-bounds', 'solve-eqs')x, y, z = Ints('x y z')
g = Goal()
g.add(x > 10, y == x + 3, z > y)r = t(g)
# r contains only one subgoal
print(r)s = Solver()
# Model for the subgoal
# Model for the original goal
[[Not(k!91 <= -1), Not(z <= 14 + k!91)]]
[z = 15]
[z = 15, y = 14, x = 11]


Probes(又称formula measures)是在目标之上进行评估的。上面的布尔表达式可以使用关系操作符和布尔连接词来构建。如果给定目标不满足条件cond,则策略FailIf(cond)失败。Z3Py中提供了许多数值和布尔度量。descripbe_probes()命令提供了所有内置probes的列表。

ackr-bound-probe : A probe to give an upper bound of Ackermann congruence lemmas that a formula might generate.
is-unbounded : true if the goal contains integer/real constants that do not have lower/upper bounds.
is-pb : true if the goal is a pseudo-boolean problem.
arith-max-deg : max polynomial total degree of an arithmetic atom.
arith-avg-deg : avg polynomial total degree of an arithmetic atom.
arith-max-bw : max coefficient bit width.
arith-avg-bw : avg coefficient bit width.
is-qflia : true if the goal is in QF_LIA.
is-qfauflia : true if the goal is in QF_AUFLIA.
is-qflra : true if the goal is in QF_LRA.
is-qflira : true if the goal is in QF_LIRA.
is-ilp : true if the goal is ILP.
is-qfnia : true if the goal is in QF_NIA (quantifier-free nonlinear integer arithmetic).
is-qfnra : true if the goal is in QF_NRA (quantifier-free nonlinear real arithmetic).
is-nia : true if the goal is in NIA (nonlinear integer arithmetic, formula may have quantifiers).
is-nra : true if the goal is in NRA (nonlinear real arithmetic, formula may have quantifiers).
is-nira : true if the goal is in NIRA (nonlinear integer and real arithmetic, formula may have quantifiers).
is-lia : true if the goal is in LIA (linear integer arithmetic, formula may have quantifiers).
is-lra : true if the goal is in LRA (linear real arithmetic, formula may have quantifiers).
is-lira : true if the goal is in LIRA (linear integer and real arithmetic, formula may have quantifiers).
is-qfufnra : true if the goal is QF_UFNRA (quantifier-free nonlinear real arithmetic with other theories).
is-qfbv-eq : true if the goal is in a fragment of QF_BV which uses only =, extract, concat.
is-qffp : true if the goal is in QF_FP (floats).
is-qffpbv : true if the goal is in QF_FPBV (floats+bit-vectors).
is-qffplra : true if the goal is in QF_FPLRA.
memory : amount of used memory in megabytes.
depth : depth of the input goal.
size : number of assertions in the given goal.
num-exprs : number of expressions/terms in the given goal.
num-consts : number of non Boolean constants in the given goal.
num-bool-consts : number of Boolean constants in the given goal.
num-arith-consts : number of arithmetic constants in the given goal.
num-bv-consts : number of bit-vector constants in the given goal.
produce-proofs : true if proof generation is enabled for the given goal.
produce-model : true if model generation is enabled for the given goal.
produce-unsat-cores : true if unsat-core generation is enabled for the given goal.
has-quantifiers : true if the goal contains quantifiers.
has-patterns : true if the goal contains quantifiers with patterns.
is-propositional : true if the goal is in propositional logic.
is-qfbv : true if the goal is in QF_BV.
is-qfaufbv : true if the goal is in QF_AUFBV.
is-quasi-pb : true if the goal is quasi-pb.


x, y, z = Reals('x y z')
g = Goal()
g.add(x + y + z > 0)p = Probe('num-consts')
print("num-consts:", p(g))t = FailIf(p > 2)
except Z3Exception:print("tactic failed")print("trying again...")
g = Goal()
g.add(x + y > 0)
num-consts: 3.0
tactic failed
trying again...
[[x + y > 0]]

Z3Py还提供了If(p, t1, t2)combinator(tactical),它是:OrElse(Then(FailIf(Not(p)), t1), t2)的缩写;When(p, t)If(p, t, 'skip')的缩写。策略skip只返回输入目标. 下面的例子演示了如何使用If连接符。

x, y, z = Reals('x y z')
g = Goal()
g.add(x**2 - y**2 >= 0)p = Probe('num-consts')
t = If(p > 2, 'simplify', 'factor')print(t(g))g = Goal()
g.add(x + x + y + z >= 0, x**2 - y**2 >= 0)print(t(g))
[[(y + -1*x)*(y + x) <= 0]]
[[2*x + y + z >= 0, x**2 + -1*y**2 >= 0]]

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