


其中IR(intermediate representation)是前端语言生成的中间代码表示,也是Pass操作的对象,它包括四部分:

  • Module
  • Function
  • BasicBlock
  • Instruction




1 替换

1.1 Add

变换前 变换后
a=b+c a=b-(-c)
a=b+c a= -(-b + (-c))
a=b+c r = rand (); a = b + r; a = a + c;a = a – r
a=b+c r = rand (); a = b - r; a = a + b; a = a + r

1.2 Sub

变换前 变换后
a=b-c a=b+(-c)
a=b-c r = rand (); a = b + r; a = a - c;a = a – r
a=b-c r = rand (); a = b - r; a = a -c;a = a + r

1.3 And

变换前 变换后
a=b&c a=(b^~c)&b
a=a&b !(!a | !b) & (r | !r)

1.4 Or

变换前 变换后
a=b|c a=(b&c)|(b^c)
a|b [(!a & r) | (a & !r) ^ (!b & r) |(b & !r) ] | [!(!a | !b) & (r |!r)]

1.5 Xor

变换前 变换后
a=a^b a = (!a & b) | (a & !b)
a=a^b (a ^ r) ^ (b ^ r)或(!a & r | a & !r) ^ (!b & r | b & !r)

1.6 命令

命令 解析
-mllvm -sub 激活指令替换
-mllvm -sub_loop=3 若已被激活,进行3次替换,默认为1

2 代码分析

namespace {struct Substitution : public FunctionPass {static char ID; // Pass identification, replacement for typeidvoid (Substitution::*funcAdd[NUMBER_ADD_SUBST])(BinaryOperator *bo);void (Substitution::*funcSub[NUMBER_SUB_SUBST])(BinaryOperator *bo);void (Substitution::*funcAnd[NUMBER_AND_SUBST])(BinaryOperator *bo);void (Substitution::*funcOr[NUMBER_OR_SUBST])(BinaryOperator *bo);void (Substitution::*funcXor[NUMBER_XOR_SUBST])(BinaryOperator *bo);bool flag;Substitution() : FunctionPass(ID) {}Substitution(bool flag) : FunctionPass(ID) {this->flag = flag;funcAdd[0] = &Substitution::addNeg;funcAdd[1] = &Substitution::addDoubleNeg;funcAdd[2] = &Substitution::addRand;funcAdd[3] = &Substitution::addRand2;funcSub[0] = &Substitution::subNeg;funcSub[1] = &Substitution::subRand;funcSub[2] = &Substitution::subRand2;funcAnd[0] = &Substitution::andSubstitution;funcAnd[1] = &Substitution::andSubstitutionRand;funcOr[0] = &Substitution::orSubstitution;funcOr[1] = &Substitution::orSubstitutionRand;funcXor[0] = &Substitution::xorSubstitution;funcXor[1] = &Substitution::xorSubstitutionRand;}bool runOnFunction(Function &F);bool substitute(Function *f);void addNeg(BinaryOperator *bo);void addDoubleNeg(BinaryOperator *bo);void addRand(BinaryOperator *bo);void addRand2(BinaryOperator *bo);void subNeg(BinaryOperator *bo);void subRand(BinaryOperator *bo);void subRand2(BinaryOperator *bo);void andSubstitution(BinaryOperator *bo);void andSubstitutionRand(BinaryOperator *bo);void orSubstitution(BinaryOperator *bo);void orSubstitutionRand(BinaryOperator *bo);void xorSubstitution(BinaryOperator *bo);void xorSubstitutionRand(BinaryOperator *bo);

定义了5个指针数组,使用Substitution(bool flag)函数进行初始化。Add对应4个处理函数,Sub对应3个处理函数,and对应2个处理函数,or对应2个处理函数,xor对应2个处理函数。

2.1 入口函数 runOnFunction


bool Substitution::runOnFunction(Function &F) {// Check if the percentage is correctif (ObfTimes <= 0) {errs()<<"Substitution application number -sub_loop=x must be x > 0";return false;}Function *tmp = &F;// Do we obfuscateif (toObfuscate(flag, tmp, "sub")) {substitute(tmp);return true;}return false;

首先验证验证了 -mllvm -sub_loop=x这个编译参数的正确性,其必须大于0。使用toObfuscate(flag, tmp, “sub”)函数判断是否进行混淆,若满足条件,则需要调用substitute(tmp)函数进行指令替换。

2.2 substitute函数

bool Substitution::substitute(Function *f) {Function *tmp = f;// Loop for the number of time we run the pass on the functionint times = ObfTimes;do {for (Function::iterator bb = tmp->begin(); bb != tmp->end(); ++bb) {for (BasicBlock::iterator inst = bb->begin(); inst != bb->end(); ++inst) {if (inst->isBinaryOp()) {switch (inst->getOpcode()) {case BinaryOperator::Add:// case BinaryOperator::FAdd:// Substitute with random add operation(this->*funcAdd[llvm::cryptoutils->get_range(NUMBER_ADD_SUBST)])(cast<BinaryOperator>(inst));++Add;break;case BinaryOperator::Sub:// case BinaryOperator::FSub:// Substitute with random sub operation(this->*funcSub[llvm::cryptoutils->get_range(NUMBER_SUB_SUBST)])(cast<BinaryOperator>(inst));++Sub;break;case BinaryOperator::Mul:case BinaryOperator::FMul://++Mul;break;case BinaryOperator::UDiv:case BinaryOperator::SDiv:case BinaryOperator::FDiv://++Div;break;case BinaryOperator::URem:case BinaryOperator::SRem:case BinaryOperator::FRem://++Rem;break;case Instruction::Shl://++Shi;break;case Instruction::LShr://++Shi;break;case Instruction::AShr://++Shi;break;case Instruction::And:(this->*funcAnd[llvm::cryptoutils->get_range(2)])(cast<BinaryOperator>(inst));++And;break;case Instruction::Or:(this->*funcOr[llvm::cryptoutils->get_range(2)])(cast<BinaryOperator>(inst));++Or;break;case Instruction::Xor:(this->*funcXor[llvm::cryptoutils->get_range(2)])(cast<BinaryOperator>(inst));++Xor;break;default:break;}              // End switch}                // End isBinaryOp}                  // End for basickblock}                    // End for Function} while (--times > 0); // for timesreturn false;

最外层的do…while循环是根据需要循环次数进行变换,内层两个for循环从外向内分别是遍历当前函数的所有代码块、遍历每个代码块的每条指令。内层if条件用于判断当前指令是否为二进制操作(isBinaryOp)。根据Opcode来判断是否需要执行替换操作,下分为Add, Sub, And, Or, Xor 5种操作。其中llvm::cryptoutils->get_range是一个随机函数,可以从之前定义的处理函数数组中随机选择一个处理函数。

下面我们选择Sub的处理函数subNeg(BinaryOperator *bo)为例,其他四个函数变换过程类似。

// Implementation of a = b + (-c)
void Substitution::subNeg(BinaryOperator *bo) {BinaryOperator *op = NULL;if (bo->getOpcode() == Instruction::Sub) {op = BinaryOperator::CreateNeg(bo->getOperand(1), "", bo);op =BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Add, bo->getOperand(0), op, "", bo);// Check signed wrap//op->setHasNoSignedWrap(bo->hasNoSignedWrap());//op->setHasNoUnsignedWrap(bo->hasNoUnsignedWrap());} else {op = BinaryOperator::CreateFNeg(bo->getOperand(1), "", bo);op = BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::FAdd, bo->getOperand(0), op, "",bo);}bo->replaceAllUsesWith(op);

BinaryOperator::CreateNeg(bo->getOperand(1), “”, bo)指将c变成-c;BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Add, bo->getOperand(0), op, “”, bo)指b+(-c);


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