


  • 在实际网络中,如果我们想操作网络接口,要对网络接口进行设置管理,例如:修改网络接口,使它具备某一功能或者不具备某一功能。
  • Libdnet还可以对路由表和ARP表的管理和配置,查看路由表的信息,修改、删除、增加路由表信息等等。
  • 使用Libdnet还可以对防火墙的管理和配置进行操作,例如:查看、修改、删除、增加防火墙规则。
  • 还有一个重要的功能,就是Libdnet可以构造和发送网络数据包,构造数据包的方式有两类,一是基于原始IP包,二是以太网帧类型。基于原始IP包的方式可以发送所有的基于IP协议的数据包,如 ICMP、TCP、UDP等。基于以太网类型的方式可以发送各种基于以太网的数据包,如ARP、IP等。




运行编译命令(make)及执行安装命令(make install)


man dnet



  • addr.h 定义关于地址操作的数据结构和函数声明。
struct addr {uint16_t        addr_type;uint16_t      addr_bits;union {eth_addr_t __eth;ip_addr_t __ip;ip6_addr_t __ip6;uint8_t       __data8[16];uint16_t    __data16[8];uint32_t    __data32[4];} __addr_u;
  • arp.h 定义关于ARP操作的数据结构和函数声明。
/** ARP header*/
struct arp_hdr {uint16_t    ar_hrd; /* format of hardware address */uint16_t    ar_pro; /* format of protocol address */uint8_t     ar_hln; /* length of hardware address (ETH_ADDR_LEN) */uint8_t      ar_pln; /* length of protocol address (IP_ADDR_LEN) */uint16_t  ar_op;  /* operation */
};/** Hardware address format*/
#define ARP_HRD_ETH     0x0001  /* ethernet hardware */
#define ARP_HRD_IEEE802 0x0006  /* IEEE 802 hardware *//** Protocol address format*/
#define ARP_PRO_IP  0x0800  /* IP protocol *//** ARP operation*/
#define ARP_OP_REQUEST      1   /* request to resolve ha given pa */
#define ARP_OP_REPLY        2   /* response giving hardware address */
#define ARP_OP_REVREQUEST   3   /* request to resolve pa given ha */
#define ARP_OP_REVREPLY     4   /* response giving protocol address *//** Ethernet/IP ARP message*/
struct arp_ethip {uint8_t       ar_sha[ETH_ADDR_LEN];   /* sender hardware address */uint8_t        ar_spa[IP_ADDR_LEN];    /* sender protocol address */uint8_t        ar_tha[ETH_ADDR_LEN];   /* target hardware address */uint8_t        ar_tpa[IP_ADDR_LEN];    /* target protocol address */
};/** ARP cache entry*/
struct arp_entry {struct addr   arp_pa;         /* protocol address */struct addr   arp_ha;         /* hardware address */
};arp_t *arp_open(void);
int  arp_add(arp_t *arp, const struct arp_entry *entry);
int  arp_delete(arp_t *arp, const struct arp_entry *entry);
int  arp_get(arp_t *arp, struct arp_entry *entry);
int  arp_loop(arp_t *arp, arp_handler callback, void *arg);
arp_t   *arp_close(arp_t *arp);
  • blob.h 定义关于数据块的数据结构和函数声明。
typedef struct blob {u_char      *base;      /* start of data */int       off;       /* offset into data */int        end;       /* end of data */int         size;      /* size of allocation */
} blob_t;
  • eth.h 定义了以太网协议的数据结构和函数声明。
typedef struct eth_addr {uint8_t     data[ETH_ADDR_LEN];
} eth_addr_t;struct eth_hdr {eth_addr_t eth_dst;    /* destination address */eth_addr_t eth_src;    /* source address */uint16_t    eth_type;   /* payload type */
};eth_t *eth_open(const char *device);
int  eth_get(eth_t *e, eth_addr_t *ea);
int  eth_set(eth_t *e, const eth_addr_t *ea);
ssize_t  eth_send(eth_t *e, const void *buf, size_t len);
eth_t   *eth_close(eth_t *e);
char    *eth_ntop(const eth_addr_t *eth, char *dst, size_t len);
int  eth_pton(const char *src, eth_addr_t *dst);
char    *eth_ntoa(const eth_addr_t *eth);
  • fw.h 定义了关于防火墙操作的数据结构和函数声明。
struct fw_rule {char     fw_device[INTF_NAME_LEN]; /* interface name */uint8_t       fw_op;            /* operation */uint8_t        fw_dir;           /* direction */uint8_t        fw_proto;         /* IP protocol */struct addr  fw_src;           /* src address / net */struct addr    fw_dst;           /* dst address / net */uint16_t   fw_sport[2];          /* range / ICMP type */uint16_t   fw_dport[2];          /* range / ICMP code */
};fw_t  *fw_open(void);
int  fw_add(fw_t *f, const struct fw_rule *rule);
int  fw_delete(fw_t *f, const struct fw_rule *rule);
int  fw_loop(fw_t *f, fw_handler callback, void *arg);
fw_t    *fw_close(fw_t *f);
  • icmp.h 定义了ICMP协议的数据结构和函数声明。
/** ICMP header*/
struct icmp_hdr {uint8_t        icmp_type;  /* type of message, see below */uint8_t     icmp_code;  /* type sub code */uint16_t icmp_cksum; /* ones complement cksum of struct */
};/** Echo message data*/
struct icmp_msg_echo {uint16_t  icmp_id;uint16_t    icmp_seq;uint8_t        icmp_data __flexarr;    /* optional data */
  • ip.h 定义了IPv4协议数据结构和函数成名。
/** IP header, without options*/
struct ip_hdr {#if DNET_BYTESEX == DNET_BIG_ENDIANuint8_t        ip_v:4,     /* version */ip_hl:4;   /* header length (incl any options) */
#elif DNET_BYTESEX == DNET_LIL_ENDIANuint8_t      ip_hl:4,ip_v:4;
# error "need to include <dnet.h>"
#endifuint8_t       ip_tos;     /* type of service */uint16_t   ip_len;     /* total length (incl header) */uint16_t    ip_id;      /* identification */uint16_t    ip_off;     /* fragment offset and flags */uint8_t      ip_ttl;     /* time to live */uint8_t       ip_p;       /* protocol */uint16_t  ip_sum;     /* checksum */ip_addr_t ip_src;     /* source address */ip_addr_t   ip_dst;     /* destination address */
};ip_t  *ip_open(void);
ssize_t  ip_send(ip_t *i, const void *buf, size_t len);
ip_t    *ip_close(ip_t *i);char *ip_ntop(const ip_addr_t *ip, char *dst, size_t len);
int  ip_pton(const char *src, ip_addr_t *dst);
char    *ip_ntoa(const ip_addr_t *ip);
#define  ip_aton ip_ptonssize_t  ip_add_option(void *buf, size_t len,int proto, const void *optbuf, size_t optlen);
void     ip_checksum(void *buf, size_t len);int  ip_cksum_add(const void *buf, size_t len, int cksum);
  • intf.h 定义了网络接口的数据结构和函数声明。
struct intf_entry {u_int     intf_len;           /* length of entry */char       intf_name[INTF_NAME_LEN];   /* interface name */u_short     intf_type;          /* interface type (r/o) */u_short       intf_flags;         /* interface flags */u_int      intf_mtu;           /* interface MTU */struct addr  intf_addr;          /* interface address */struct addr  intf_dst_addr;          /* point-to-point dst */struct addr intf_link_addr;         /* link-layer address */u_int       intf_alias_num;         /* number of aliases */struct addr  intf_alias_addrs __flexarr; /* array of aliases */
};intf_t    *intf_open(void);
int  intf_get(intf_t *i, struct intf_entry *entry);
int  intf_get_src(intf_t *i, struct intf_entry *entry, struct addr *src);
int  intf_get_dst(intf_t *i, struct intf_entry *entry, struct addr *dst);
int  intf_set(intf_t *i, const struct intf_entry *entry);
int  intf_loop(intf_t *i, intf_handler callback, void *arg);
intf_t  *intf_close(intf_t *i);
  • rand.h 定义了随机数操作的相关数据结构和函数声明。
struct rand_handle {uint8_t       i;uint8_t       j;uint8_t       s[256];u_char      *tmp;int         tmplen;
};rand_t    *rand_open(void);int     rand_get(rand_t *r, void *buf, size_t len);
int  rand_set(rand_t *r, const void *seed, size_t len);
int  rand_add(rand_t *r, const void *buf, size_t len);
uint8_t  rand_uint8(rand_t *r);
uint16_t rand_uint16(rand_t *r);
uint32_t rand_uint32(rand_t *r);
int  rand_shuffle(rand_t *r, void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size);
rand_t  *rand_close(rand_t *r);
  • route.h 定义了路由表操作的数据结构和函数声明。
struct route_entry {struct addr  route_dst;  /* destination address */struct addr    route_gw;   /* gateway address */
};route_t   *route_open(void);
int  route_add(route_t *r, const struct route_entry *entry);
int  route_delete(route_t *r, const struct route_entry *entry);
int  route_get(route_t *r, struct route_entry *entry);
int  route_loop(route_t *r, route_handler callback, void *arg);
route_t *route_close(route_t *r);
  • tcp.h 定义了TCP协议的数据结构和函数声明。
/** TCP header, without options*/
struct tcp_hdr {uint16_t    th_sport;   /* source port */uint16_t   th_dport;   /* destination port */uint32_t  th_seq;     /* sequence number */uint32_t   th_ack;     /* acknowledgment number */
#if DNET_BYTESEX == DNET_BIG_ENDIANuint8_t        th_off:4,   /* data offset */th_x2:4;   /* (unused) */
#elif DNET_BYTESEX == DNET_LIL_ENDIANuint8_t      th_x2:4,th_off:4;
# error "need to include <dnet.h>"
#endifuint8_t       th_flags;   /* control flags */uint16_t th_win;     /* window */uint16_t    th_sum;     /* checksum */uint16_t  th_urp;     /* urgent pointer */
};/** TCP option (following TCP header)*/
struct tcp_opt {uint8_t     opt_type;   /* option type */uint8_t        opt_len;    /* option length >= TCP_OPT_LEN */union tcp_opt_data {uint16_t  mss;        /* TCP_OPT_MSS */uint8_t        wscale;     /* TCP_OPT_WSCALE */uint16_t    sack[19];   /* TCP_OPT_SACK */uint32_t  echo;       /* TCP_OPT_ECHO{REPLY} */uint32_t   timestamp[2];   /* TCP_OPT_TIMESTAMP */uint32_t cc;     /* TCP_OPT_CC{NEW,ECHO} */uint8_t       cksum;      /* TCP_OPT_ALTSUM */uint8_t     md5[16];    /* TCP_OPT_MD5 */uint8_t        data8[TCP_OPT_LEN_MAX - TCP_OPT_LEN];} opt_data;
} __attribute__((__packed__));
  • tun.h 定义了IP隧道的数据结构和函数声明。
struct tun {int fd;intf_t *intf;struct ifreq ifr;
};tun_t    *tun_open(struct addr *src, struct addr *dst, int mtu);
int     tun_fileno(tun_t *tun);
const char *tun_name(tun_t *tun);
ssize_t     tun_send(tun_t *tun, const void *buf, size_t size);
ssize_t     tun_recv(tun_t *tun, void *buf, size_t size);
tun_t      *tun_close(tun_t *tun);
  • udp.h 定义了UDP协议的数据结构和相关的函数声明。
struct udp_hdr {uint16_t uh_sport;   /* source port */uint16_t   uh_dport;   /* destination port */uint16_t  uh_ulen;    /* udp length (including header) */uint16_t uh_sum;     /* udp checksum */

这些协议的结构主要在构造和发送它们时要用到, 感兴趣的朋友,可以查看源码了解。





ip_t *ip_open(void);
ssize_t  ip_send(ip_t *i, const void *buf, size_t len);
ip_t    *ip_close(ip_t *i);


#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dnet.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>int main(int argc, char **argv)
{ip_t *handle;/*数据的形式是以十六进制的形式给出的*/u_char ip_content[9] = "\x23\x00\x34\xce\x12\x00\xff\x89"; int ip_length = 8; /*IP 协议头长度为8个字节*/handle = ip_open();/*发送IP数据包*/ip_send(handle,ip_content,ip_length);ip_close(handle);return 0;




#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dnet.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>int show_arp_cache(const struct arp_entry *object, void *p)
{printf("IP %s at MAC %s\n ", addr_ntoa(&object->arp_pa), addr_ntoa(&object->arp_ha));/* 显示IP地址和以太网地址对 */return (0);
}int main(int argc ,char **argv)
{struct arp_entry arp_object;arp_t *arp_handle;arp_handle = arp_open();printf("show the arp cache\n");arp_loop(arp_handle, show_arp_cache, NULL);/** 注册回调函数show_arp_cache,作用是循环调用回调函数对每个ARP缓存记录进行操作。此处是显示每个ARP缓存记录。*/printf("Add a arp \n");addr_pton("", &arp_object.arp_pa);addr_pton("11:11:11:11:11:11", &arp_object.arp_ha);arp_add(arp_handle, &arp_object);   /* 增加一个ARP缓存记录 */printf("a arp added\n");addr_pton("", &arp_object.arp_pa);addr_pton("22:22:22:22:22:22", &arp_object.arp_ha);arp_add(arp_handle, &arp_object);/* 增加一个ARP缓存记录 */printf("a arp added\n");printf("show the arp cache again\n");arp_loop(arp_handle, show_arp_cache, NULL);printf("Delete a arp \n");addr_pton("", &arp_object.arp_pa);arp_delete(arp_handle, &arp_object);    /* 删除一个ARP缓存记录 */printf("a arp deleted\n");printf("show the arp cache again\n");arp_loop(arp_handle, show_arp_cache, NULL);/* 显示每个ARP缓存记录 */arp_close(arp_handle);}





#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dnet.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>int show_route_rule(const struct route_entry *entry, void *arg)
{printf("Destination :%s  =======  Gateway :%s\n", addr_ntoa(&entry->route_dst), addr_ntoa(&entry->route_gw));/* 显示路由表记录 */return (0);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{struct route_entry entry;    /* 路由表的数据结构的变量 */route_t *handle;handle = route_open();    /* 打开路由表操作 */printf("Show the route rules:\n");printf("Route rules :\n");printf("Destination IP  ----------------------- Gateway IP\n");route_loop(handle, show_route_rule, NULL);printf("Show the route rules about the Destination IP:\n");addr_aton("", &entry.route_dst);route_get(handle, &entry);    /* 根据地址获取其路由表信息 */printf("Destination is :\n");printf("%s\n", addr_ntoa(&entry.route_dst));    /* 输出目的地址 */printf("Gateway is: \n");printf("%s\n", addr_ntoa(&entry.route_gw));    /* 输出网关地址 */printf("Add a route rule :\n");addr_aton("", &entry.route_gw);route_add(handle, &entry);    /* 添加路由表记录 */printf("Destination :%s Gateway :%s added:\n", addr_ntoa(&entry.route_dst), addr_ntoa(&entry.route_gw));printf("Add a route rule :\n");addr_aton("", &entry.route_dst);addr_aton("", &entry.route_gw);route_add(handle, &entry);    /* 添加路由表记录 */printf("Destination :%s Gateway :%s added:\n", addr_ntoa(&entry.route_dst), addr_ntoa(&entry.route_gw));printf("Show the route rules:\n");printf("Route rules :\n");printf("Destination IP  ----------------------- Gateway IP\n");route_loop(handle, show_route_rule, NULL);    /* 显示所有路由表记录 */printf("Delete a route rule :\n");addr_aton("", &entry.route_dst);route_delete(handle, &entry);/* 删除路由表记录 */printf("Destination :%s deleted\n", addr_ntoa(&entry.route_dst));printf("Show the route rules:\n");printf("Route rules :\n");printf("Destination IP  ----------------------- Gateway IP\n");route_loop(handle, show_route_rule, NULL);/* 再显示所有路由表记录 */ route_close(handle);}






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