
Sometimes names and terms are pretty interchangeable and everyone understands what is being referred to without confusion, but then there are times when things are not so clear and leave you with more questions than answers. Today’s SuperUser Q&A post helps clarify things for a confused reader.

有时名称和术语可以互换使用,每个人都能理解所指的内容而不会感到困惑,但是有时情况不太清楚,给您带来的问题多于答案。 今天的“超级用户问答”帖子有助于为困惑的读者澄清问题。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“问答”环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,该社区是由社区驱动的Q&A网站分组。

Hex editor screenshot courtesy of Rwxrwxrwx (Wikipedia).

十六进制编辑器屏幕截图由Rwxrwxrwx(Wikipedia)提供 。

问题 (The Question)

SuperUser reader Joseph A. wants to know why hex editors are called binary editors:

超级用户读者Joseph A.想知道为什么十六进制编辑器被称为二进制编辑器:

Hex and binary are two different bases. Hex, as I understand it, is simply an “easier to use” version of binary and more convenient. However, I hear quite often that hex editors are binary editors. If you actually search for “binary editors” on Google, you get hex editors. Why is that? What is the connection?

十六进制和二进制是两个不同的基础。 据我所知,十六进制只是二进制的“易于使用”版本,更加方便。 但是,我经常听到十六进制编辑器是二进制编辑器。 如果您实际上是在Google上搜索“二进制编辑器”,那么您将获得十六进制编辑器。 这是为什么? 有什么联系?

Why are hex editors called or referred to as binary editors?


答案 (The Answer)

SuperUser contributors Steven and BarryTheHatchet have the answer for us. First up, Steven:

超级用户贡献者Steven和BarryTheHatchet为我们提供了答案。 首先,史蒂文:

A binary editor edits a binary file. [Binary File – Wikipedia]

二进制编辑器可编辑二进制文件。 [ 二进制文件-维基百科 ]

  • A binary file is a computer file that is not a text file. […] Binary files are usually thought of as being a sequence of bytes, which means the binary digits (bits) are grouped in eights. Binary files typically contain bytes that are intended to be interpreted as something other than text characters.二进制文件是不是文本文件的计算机文件。 […]二进制文件通常被认为是字节序列,这意味着二进制数字(位)被分组为八位。 二进制文件通常包含旨在被解释为文本字符以外的内容的字节。

A hex editor is a type of binary editor in which binary data is represented in hexadecimal form. [Hex Editor – Wikipedia]

十六进制编辑器是一种二进制编辑器,其中二进制数据以十六进制形式表示。 [ 十六进制编辑器-维基百科 ]

  • A hex editor (or binary file editor or byte editor) is a type of computer program that allows for manipulation of the fundamental binary data that constitutes a computer file. The name “hex” comes from “hexadecimal”, a standard numerical format for representing binary data.十六进制编辑器(或二进制文件编辑器或字节编辑器)是一种计算机程序,可以对构成计算机文件的基本二进制数据进行操作。 名称“十六进制”来自“十六进制”,十六进制是表示二进制数据的标准数字格式。

Followed by the answer from BarryTheHatchet:


Terminology is hard and different people have all sorts of different names for things.


In this instance, it appears that the “hex” in “hex editor” refers to the conventional human-readable representation of each byte’s value, whereas the “binary” in “binary editor” refers to the notion that you are indeed editing the file at the byte level (computers store bytes in binary) without consideration for higher-level text encoding and the like. Recall that files not readily representable in higher-level text form are called “binary files” or “binaries” for the same reason.

在这种情况下,似乎“十六进制编辑器”中的“十六进制”是指每个字节值的常规可读格式,而“二进制编辑器”中的“二进制”是指您确实在编辑文件在字节级别(计算机将字节存储为二进制),而无需考虑更高级别的文本编码等。 回想一下,出于相同的原因,无法轻易以高级文本形式表示的文件称为“二进制文件”或“二进制文件”。

Neither is technically incorrect, they just come at the naming problem from different angles. On a personal note, though, I would tend to agree that “binary editor” is confusing overall.

两者在技术上都不是错误的,它们只是从不同的角度提出命名问题。 不过,就我个人而言,我倾向于同意“二进制编辑器”总体上令人困惑。

Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不错。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程 。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/247448/why-are-hex-editors-called-binary-editors/



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