
  • 1.前言
    • 目的
    • 特点
    • 不足
  • 2.CV部分
    • everything.h
    • text.cpp
  • 3.效果
    • 输入与输出
    • 截图
  • 4.未来构想


cpp由于效率高 在算法等领域应用广泛(其实都广泛),但是cpp的输入与输出有丶狗,所以我们封装好一份cpp的输入输出和万能头文件,大家可以直接复制导入使用。






对类的支持比较少 只支持几个基本类型



头文件 可以直接cv下来然后导入

#include <algorithm>
#include <bitset>
#include <complex>
#include <deque>
#include <exception>
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ios>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <iostream>
#include <istream>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <list>
#include <locale>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <new>
#include <numeric>
#include <ostream>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <stack>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <streambuf>
#include <string>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <utility>
#include <valarray>
#include <vector>//命名空间
using namespace std;/*  input:获取输入
参数:name:要输入的变量提示词val:要输入的变量typeshow:是否提示类型(默认否 可省)time:输入个数(只在vector和map中有效)
返回:bool:描述输入是否有效目前支持的类型:doublefloatintlonglong longstringcharvector<(前7个类型)>map<(前7个类型),(前7个类型)>
template <typename T>
bool input(string name, T &val, bool typeshow = false) {cout << "尝试输入input未定义的类型" << endl;return false;
}bool input(string name, double &val, bool typeshow = false) {cout << "输入" << name << ":";cin >> val;if (typeshow) {cout << "(为double)";}return true;
}bool input(string name, float &val, bool typeshow = false) {cout << "输入" << name << ":";if (typeshow) {cout << "(为float)";}cin >> val;return true;
}bool input(string name, int &val, bool typeshow = false) {cout << "输入" << name;if (typeshow) {cout << "(为int)";}cout << ":" ;cin >> val;return true;
}bool input(string name, short &val, bool typeshow = false) {cout << "输入" << name;if (typeshow) {cout << "(为short)";}cout << ":" ;cin >> val;return true;
}bool input(string name, long long &val, bool typeshow = false) {cout << "输入" << name;if (typeshow) {cout << "(为long long)";}cout << ":" ;cin >> val;return true;
}bool input(string name, long &val, bool typeshow = false) {cout << "输入" << name;if (typeshow) {cout << "(为long)";}cout << ":" ;cin >> val;return true;
}bool input(string name, char &val, bool typeshow = false) {cout << "输入" << name;if (typeshow) {cout << "(为char)";}cout << ":" ;cin >> val;return true;
enum {WORD, LINE};bool input(string name, string &val, bool typeshow = false, int inputtype = WORD) {cout << "输入" << name;if (typeshow) {cout << "(为string)";}cout << ":" ;if (inputtype == WORD) {cin >> val;cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(),'\n');//清空缓冲区 防止剩下的字符影响下一次读入} else if (inputtype == LINE) {getline(cin, val);//读取一行} else {cout << "未识别的输入类型" << endl;return false;}return true;
}template <class T>
bool input(string name, vector<T> &val, int time, bool typeshow = false) {try {for (int i = 1; i <= time; i++) {T temp;if (!input(name + "的第" + to_string(i) + "项", temp, typeshow))return false;val.push_back(temp);}return true;} catch (exception e) {cout << e.what() << endl;return false;}return false;
}template <class K, class V>
bool input(string name, map<K, V> &val, int time, bool typeshow = false) {try {for (int i = 1; i <= time; i++) {K k;V v;if (!input(name + "的第" + to_string(i) + "项键", k, typeshow))return false;if (!input(name + "的第" + to_string(i) + "项值", v, typeshow))return false;val[k] = v;}return true;} catch (exception e) {cout << e.what() << endl;return false;}return false;
}/* print:打印变量
返回:bool:描述打印是否成功目前支持的类型:doublefloatintlonglong longstringcharvector<(前7个类型)>map<(前7个类型),(前7个类型)>
template <class T>
bool print(string name, T val) {cout << "尝试输出print未定义的类型" << endl;return false;
}bool print(string name, int val) {cout << name << ":" << val << endl;return true;
}bool print(string name, long val) {cout << name << ":" << val << endl;return true;
}bool print(string name, double val) {cout << name << ":" << val << endl;return true;
}bool print(string name, short val) {cout << name << ":" << val << endl;return true;
}bool print(string name, float val) {cout << name << ":" << val << endl;return true;
}bool print(string name, long long val) {cout << name << ":" << val << endl;return true;
}bool print(string name, char val) {cout << name << ":" << val << endl;return true;
}bool print(string name, string val) {cout << name << ":" << val << endl;return true;
}template <class T>
bool print(string name, vector<T> &val) {int i = 1;for (auto v : val) {if (!print(name + "第" + to_string(i) + "项", v))return false;i++;}return true;
}template <class K, class V>
bool print(string name, map<K, V> &val) {//  依靠版本
//  for(auto [k,v] : val){//      if(!print(name+"的键",k)) return false;
//      if(!print(name+"的值",v)) return false;
//  }
//  return true;for (auto i = val.rbegin(); i != val.rend(); i++) {if (!print(name + "的键", i->first)) return false;if (!print(name + "的值", i->second)) return false;}return true;


测试用的 可以参照这个文件使用

#include <iostream>
#include "everything.h"
//导入头int main() {int num1;input("num1",num1);//输入num1print("num1 output",num1);//输出num1 string str1;input("str1",str1,false,WORD);//输入一个单词//第三个参数描述是否显示类型 (必须要有 因为我们要用第四个参数)print("str1 output",str1);string str2;input("str2",str2,true,LINE);//输入一行 //第三个参数描述是否显示类型 print("str2 output",str2); vector<float> vecf;input("vector float",vecf,2);//向vecf中添加两个元素 print("vector float output",vecf);map<char,int> map_c_i;input("map char to int",map_c_i,2,true);//向map_c_i中添加两组键值并显示类型 print("map char to int output",map_c_i);bitset<20> bt;bool type = input("bitset",bt);//尝试输入一个未定义类型 if(type){cout << "输入成功" << endl;}else{cout << "输入失败"<< endl;}print("bitset output",bt);//尝试输出return 0;



num1 output:1
输入str1:2 3
str1 output:2
输入str2(为string):1 3
str2 output:1 3
输入vector float的第1项:1
输入vector float的第2项:2
vector float output第1项:1
vector float output第2项:2
输入map char to int的第1项键(为char):+
输入map char to int的第1项值(为int):1
输入map char to int的第2项键(为char):*
输入map char to int的第2项值(为int):2
map char to int output的键:+
map char to int output的值:1
map char to int output的键:*
map char to int output的值:2




将会添加对更多类的支持 直到只要对流运算符有重载就支持 理想情况下已经更新了下一篇 未来将持续更新


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