• examples里的main.c
/*                                                                            */
/* main.c -- Example program using the PmodAD5 IP                            */
/*                                                                            */
/* Author: Jon Peyron                                                         */
/*                                                                            */
/* File Description:                                                          */
/*                                                                            */
/* This demo continuously reads analog data from the PmodAD5 converts it into */
/* digital data. Then it converts the digital data into voltage and prints    */
/* the value through uart to a serial terminal                                */
/*                                                                            */
/* Revision History:                                                          */
/*                                                                            */
/*    12/19/17(JPEYRON):  Created                                             */
/*                                                                            */
/******************************************************************************//************ Include Files ************/#include "PmodAD5.h"
#include "sleep.h"
#include "xil_cache.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "xparameters.h"/************ Macro Definitions ************//************ Function Prototypes ************/void DemoInitialize();void DemoRun();void DemoCleanup();void EnableCaches();void DisableCaches();/************ Global Variables ************/PmodAD5 myDevice;/************ Function Definitions ************/int main(void) {DemoInitialize();DemoRun();DemoCleanup();return 0;
}void DemoInitialize() {EnableCaches();AD5_begin(&myDevice, XPAR_PMODAD5_0_AXI_LITE_SPI_BASEADDR);}void DemoRun() {xil_printf("starting...\n\r");while (1) {float voltage= 0;AD5_readData(&myDevice);voltage = AD5_DataToVoltage(&myDevice);printf("Voltage is: %lf \n\r", voltage); // format text for displaysleep(10);}
}void DemoCleanup() {AD5_end(&myDevice);DisableCaches();
}void EnableCaches() {#ifdef __MICROBLAZE__
}void DisableCaches() {#ifdef __MICROBLAZE__
  • src里的PmodAD5.c
/*                                                                       */
/*     PmodAD5.c --     PmodAD5 Driver Source                            */
/*                                                                       */
/*     Author: Jon Peyron                                                */
/*     Copyright 2017, Digilent Inc.                                     */
/*  Module Description:                                                  */
/*                                                                       */
/*            This file contains source code for the PmodAD5 driver      */
/*                                                                       */
/*  Revision History:                                                    */
/*                                                                       */
/*            12/19/2017(JPEYRON): Created                                */
/*                                                                       */
/*************************************************************************//***************************** Include Files *******************************/#include "PmodAD5.h"/************************** Function Definitions ***************************/
XSpi_Config AD5Config =
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/***    void AD1_begin(PmodAD5* InstancePtr, u32 BaseAddress)
**  Parameters:
**      InstancePtr: A PmodAD5 object to start
**      BaseAddress: The base address of the PmodAD5 AXI_LITE_SAMPLE interface
**  Description:
**      Initialize the PmodAD5 device - note that the AD5 IP is free-running, and this function just prepares the driver for use.
**      Also calls AD5_WriteConfig which configures the AD5 for a gain of 1 and set to differential.
void AD5_begin(PmodAD5* InstancePtr, u32 SPI_Address)
{AD5Config.BaseAddress = SPI_Address;AD5_SPIInit(&InstancePtr->AD5Spi);AD5_WriteConfig(InstancePtr);}/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/***    AD5_end(void)****      Parameters:**              InstancePtr - PmodAd5 object to stop****      Return Value:**              none****      Errors:**              none****      Description:**              Stops the device*/
void AD5_end(PmodAD5* InstancePtr) {XSpi_Stop(&InstancePtr->AD5Spi);
}/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/***    AD5_SPIInit****     Parameters:**             none****     Return Value:**             none****     Errors:**             none****     Description:**             Initializes the PmodAD5 SPI.*/
int AD5_SPIInit(XSpi *SpiInstancePtr) {int Status;Status = XSpi_CfgInitialize(SpiInstancePtr, &AD5Config,AD5Config.BaseAddress);if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {return XST_FAILURE;}Status = XSpi_SetOptions(SpiInstancePtr, (XSP_MASTER_OPTION| XSP_CLK_ACTIVE_LOW_OPTION | XSP_CLK_PHASE_1_OPTION)| XSP_MANUAL_SSELECT_OPTION);if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {return XST_FAILURE;}Status = XSpi_SetSlaveSelect(SpiInstancePtr, 1);if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {return XST_FAILURE;}/** Start the SPI driver so that the device is enabled.*/XSpi_Start(SpiInstancePtr);/** Disable Global interrupt to use polled mode operation*/XSpi_IntrGlobalDisable(SpiInstancePtr);return XST_SUCCESS;
}/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/***   AD5_readData****     Synopsis:**            AD5_readData(PmodAD5* InstancePtr);****     Parameters:**             PmodAD5* InstancePtr - the PmodAD5 object to communicate with****     Return Value:**             none****     Errors:**             none****     Description:**             Reads data in through SPI. It sends the first byte to the communication register which sets communication to read for**             the next 3 bytes.**             Data is stored into data1, data2 and data3.*/
void AD5_readData(PmodAD5* InstancePtr) {u8 bytes[4];bytes[0]= 0x58; //first byte is sent to the communication register which sets communication to//reading the next 3 bytes from the Data registerInstancePtr->data1 = 0;InstancePtr->data2 = 0;InstancePtr->data3 = 0;XSpi_Transfer(&InstancePtr->AD5Spi, bytes, bytes, 4);InstancePtr->data1 = bytes[1];InstancePtr->data2 = bytes[2];InstancePtr->data3 = bytes[3];}
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/***   AD5_WriteConfig****     Synopsis:**            AD5_WriteConfig(PmodAD5* InstancePtr);****     Parameters:**             PmodAD5* InstancePtr - the PmodAD5 object to communicate with****     Return Value:**             none****     Errors:**             none****     Description:**             writes data to the configuration register through SPI. It sends the first byte to the communication**             register which sets communication to write for the next 3 bytes.**             gain is set to 1 and in differential mode*/
void AD5_WriteConfig(PmodAD5* InstancePtr)
{u8 bytes[4];bytes[0] = 0x10; //first byte is sent to the communication register which sets communication to//writing the next 3 bytes to the Configuration register//gain is set to 1 and in differential modebytes[1] = 0x00;bytes[2] = 0x01;bytes[3] = 0x10;XSpi_Transfer(&InstancePtr->AD5Spi, bytes, bytes, 4);}/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/***   AD5_DataToVoltage****     Synopsis:**            AD5_DataToVoltage(PmodAD5* InstancePtr);****     Parameters:**             PmodAD5* InstancePtr - the PmodAD5 object to communicate with****     Return Value:**             none****     Errors:**             none****     Description:**             Combines the 3 bytes into a unsigned long integer and then converts the digital data into a float voltage value*/float AD5_DataToVoltage(PmodAD5* InstancePtr)  {float voltage = 0;
//  char mGain = 0;float mVref = 2.5;
//  char mPolarity = 0;int PGAGain = 1;unsigned long rawdata=0;//combining the 3 byte data to one unsigned long integerrawdata = InstancePtr->data1;rawdata = rawdata * 256 +InstancePtr->data2;rawdata = rawdata * 256 + InstancePtr->data3;//converting from digital data to voltagevoltage = (((float)rawdata / (float)8388608) - (float)1) * (mVref / (float)PGAGain);return(voltage);
  • src里的PmodAD5.c
/*                                                                       */
/*     PmodAD5.h --     PmodAD5 Driver Source                            */
/*                                                                       */
/*     Author: Jon Peyron                                                */
/*     Copyright 2017, Digilent Inc.                                     */
/*  Module Description:                                                  */
/*                                                                       */
/*            This file contains source code for the PmodAD5 driver      */
/*                                                                       */
/*  Revision History:                                                    */
/*                                                                       */
/*            12/19/2017(JPEYRON): Created                                */
/*                                                                       */
/*************************************************************************/#ifndef PMODAD5_H
#define PMODAD5_H/****************** Include Files ********************/#include "xil_types.h"
#include "xstatus.h"
#include "xspi_l.h"
#include "xspi.h"/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*                  Definitions                                 */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */typedef struct PmodAD5 {XSpi AD5Spi;u8 data1;u8 data2;u8 data3;} PmodAD5;/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*                  Procedure Declarations                      */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */void   AD5_begin(PmodAD5* InstancePtr, u32 SPI_Address);
void   AD5_end(PmodAD5* InstancePtr);
int    AD5_SPIInit(XSpi *SpiInstancePtr);
void   AD5_readData(PmodAD5* InstancePtr);
void   AD5_WriteConfig(PmodAD5* InstancePtr);
float  AD5_DataToVoltage(PmodAD5* InstancePtr);#endif // PMODAD5_H

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