1.Trade-related Terms 贸易相关术语
Foreign Trade 对外贸易
Entrepot Trade F。) 转口贸易
Home (Domestic)Trade 内贸
Coastal Trade 沿海贸易
Cross-border Trade 边境贸易
Barter Trade 易货贸易
Compensation Trade 补偿(互补)贸易
Bilateral trade (between China and the US) (中美)双边贸易
Multilateral Trade ( Multilaterism ) 多边贸易
Trading House/Corporation/Firm/Company 贸易公司
Liner Trade 集装箱班轮运输
Contract 合同
Active service contracts on file 在备有效服务合同
Sales Contract 销售合同
Sales Confirmation 销售确认书
Agreement 协议
Vessel sharing Agreement 共用舱位协议
Slot-sharing Agreement 共用箱位协议
Slot Exchange Agreement 箱位互换协议
Amendment 修正合同
Appendix 附录
Quota 配额

Service Contract as provided in the Shipping Act of 1984, a contract between
a shipper (or a shippers association) and an ocean carrier
(or conference)in which the shipper makes a commitment
to provide a certain minimum quantity of cargo or freight revenue
over a fixed time period,and the ocean common carrier or
conference commits to a certain rate or rate schedules as well
as a defined service level (such as assured space,transit time,
port rotation or similar service features)。The contract may
also specify provisions in the event of non-performance on the
part of either party 服务合同

A service contract is a confidential contract between a VOCC and
1 or more shippers in which the shipper(s) make a cargo commitment,
and the carrier makes a rate and service commitment.
Only a VOCC (or agreement of VOCCs) may enter into a service
contract as carrier.
NVOCCs may enter into service contracts as shippers, but not as carrier.
Allows a carrier to lawfully charge a negotiated, non-tariff rate.
Allows parties to keep the negotiated rate confidential.
Today, the vast majority of liner cargo in the U.S. trade moves under
confidential service contracts.
Must be with qualified shipper(s).
Must include shipper cargo commitment and carrier rate and service commitments.
Must include shipper certification.
Must be signed by the carrier and the shipper.
Must be filed with the FMC.
Electronic filing is permitted.
Rates kept confidential - certain “essential terms” published.
运价保密 -一些“基本条款”公布
Service Contract Form
Term 1 = origin. 条款1 = 启运地
Term 2 = destination. 条款2 =目的地
Term 3 = a list of commodities. 条款3 = 商品类别
Term 4 – MQC 条款4 = 最低箱量
Term 5 = Service Commitments 条款5 = 服务承诺
Term 6 = Rate Schedule 条款5 = 费率表
Term 7 - Liquidated Damages Clause 条款7 = 清算损失条款
Term 8 – Contract Term 条款8 = 合同期限
Term 9A = Legal names of contract parties. 条款9A = 合同方的法定名称
Term 9B = Identity of contract signatories. 条款9B = 签字人的身份
Term 9C = Date the contract was signed. 条款9C = 合同签字日
Other Provisions 其它条款
Term 10 = shipper certification. 条款10 = 托运人的身份
Term 11 = contract records. 条款11 = 合同记录
Term 12 = other provisions (including force 条款12 = 其它条款(包括不可
majeure, cancellation, arbitration, and 抗拒力,终止,仲裁和
assignment clauses). 转让 条款)

Signature Block 签字栏

The Shipper Party 托运方
Is the Shipper Party qualified? 托运方是否合格?
Must be cargo owner, NVOCC, or shipper’s 必须是货主,无船承运人和托运人协会association.
Cannot be freight forwarder. 不可以是货运代理人
Is the shipper party the party that will use 托运方是否为合同的使用方?
the contract?
Cannot be agent or affiliate of shipper party. 不可以是托运方的代理和附属公司
Exception: Affiliate of BCO may be shipper 特殊情况:如果直接货主的附属
party if it will be responsible for the freight. 公司负责运费,其可以是托运方。
Must Use Full Legal Name 必须使用法定的全称
The full legal name and business address 服务合同中必须显示
of the shipper party must appear on the 托运方的法定全称和营业地址。
service contract.
Should usually include a corporate identifier 通常必须包括公司的标志符
(Inc., Ltd., Co.). (Inc., Ltd., Co.)
Contract heading, Term 9, and signature 合同的标题,第9条款
block should match. 和签字栏必须一致。

Affiliates 附属公司
Shipper party may list affiliates entitled to use 托运方可以在合同第9条款中
the service contract in Section 9. 列入有权使用服务合同的附属公司。
An affiliate is a person that controls, is 附属公司是指拥有托运方,
controlled by, or is under common control 被托运方拥有或被同一公司拥有的实体。
with, the shipper party.
The full legal name and business address of 必须包括每一个附属公司
each affiliate must be included. 的法定全称和营业地址。
Trade names may also be indicated in 除法定全称外,也可列入商号。
addition to the full legal name.
NVOCCs may not list affiliates. 无船承运人不可列入附属公司。
When the Service Contract May be Used 何时可以使用服务合同?
A service contract may not be used until the 只有在SECAUCUS办公室
Secaucus office notifies the agent that the 通知代理服务合同已经向FMC
service contract has been filed with the FMC. 登记后,服务合同才可以使用。

The Secaucus office will issue Daily Filing Notices. SECAUCUS办公室将发出“每日登记通知”。
Enforcement of Service Contract Terms 服务合同条款的执行
not to deviate from the service contract terms. 不可以偏离服务合同条款。
A contract may be amended to reduce MQC or 服务合同可进行修改减少
extend the contract term. 最低箱量或延长服务合同
If the MQC (as amended, if applicable) is not 如果最低货量没有完成,
satisfied, an invoice for liquidated damages 在合同到期后30天内
must be issued within 30 days of the end of 发出清算损失发票。
the service contract term.
Service Contract must be with qualified shipper. 服务合同必须与合格的托运人签订。
Shipper Party is person that will use the contract. 托运方为将会使用合同的人。
Full name (and trade name, if any) and address of 条款9中必须显示托运方和
shipper party and any affiliates entitled to use the 任何有权使用合同的附属公司的
contract must appear in Term 9. 全称(和商号,如果有)和营业地址。
If contract is with Shipper’s Association, Members 如果与托运人协会签订合同,
entitled to use the contract must be listed. 合同中必须列入有权使用合同的成员公司。
All parties entitled to use contract must certify status. 所有有权使用合同的各方必须证明其身份。
Contract may not be used until filed with the FMC. 在没有向FMC登记前,合同不可以使用。
Only shipper party and named affiliates (or listed 只有托运方和指名的附属公司
members if SA) may use the contract. (或列入的托运人协会的成员公司)

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