
We were testing out some freeware download sites to prove our assertion that all download sites are pushing bundled crapware (and yes, they are) when we ran across a truly terrible piece of malware called BoBrowser which replaces Chrome with a lookalike that is chock full of adware.

我们正在测试一些免费软件的下载站点,以证明我们的断言是:当我们遇到一种真正可怕的恶意软件BoBrowser时,所有下载站点都在推送捆绑的垃圾软件 (是的),该恶意软件用看起来像是充满了垃圾的Chrome代替了Chrome。广告软件。

That’s right, you aren’t looking at Chrome in that screenshot, instead it’s Chromium pre-loaded with malware ads that take over everything. As you can see on the Amazon page, they are inserting so many ads that you can barely see the content.

没错,您没有在该屏幕截图中查看Chrome,而是在Chromium中预装了恶意软件广告,这些广告占据了一切。 正如您在亚马逊页面上看到的那样,他们插入了太多广告,几乎看不到内容。

Luckily it’s not all that difficult to remove, but their uninstaller doesn’t work very well so you’re going to have to do some extra cleanup.


删除BoBrowser广告软件/恶意软件 (Removing the BoBrowser Adware / Malware)

The first thing you’ll want to do is right-click on the pinned taskbar icon and choose to “Unpin this program from taskbar.”


Next you need to find the icon in the system tray, right-click on it, and choose to Exit. This is really important, because it won’t uninstall otherwise.

接下来,您需要在系统托盘中找到该图标,右键单击它,然后选择退出。 这真的很重要,因为否则它不会卸载。

Now open up Control Panel, head to the Uninstall a program section, and click to Uninstall.


Now check both of the boxes… and it will pop up with a dialog that says it stopped working. Click to Close the program, and most of BoBrowser will be removed. But not all.

现在选中两个框……它将弹出一个对话框,提示它已停止工作。 单击关闭程序,然后将删除大部分BoBrowser。 但不是所有的。

Open up a file browser window and type %localappdata% into the location bar. Once you get there, you’ll see a folder called BoBrowser, which you’ll want to delete.

打开文件浏览器窗口,然后在位置栏中键入%localappdata%。 到达那里后,您将看到一个名为BoBrowser的文件夹,您将要删除该文件夹。

Now open up your preferred browser, like Chrome, and click to set that browser as the default, because the uninstaller leaves things in a broken state.


运行Malwarebytes清理其余部分 (Run Malwarebytes to Clean Up the Rest)

Any time you get a malware or adware infection, we recommend running Malwarebytes to scan your computer to remove all of the adware and spyware. BoBrowser is not technically “malware” (although we would argue that it is), so your antivirus won’t remove it, but Malwarebytes will detect all the traces of it, as well as a whole bunch of other stuff that likely got onto your computer at the same time.

每当您受到恶意软件或广告软件感染时,我们建议运行Malwarebytes来扫描计算机,以删除所有广告软件和间谍软件。 BoBrowser从技术上讲不是“恶意软件”(尽管我们会说是“恶意软件”),因此您的防病毒软件不会将其删除,但是Malwarebytes会检测到它的所有痕迹以及可能进入您的其他所有内容电脑在同一时间。

You can use the free version of Malwarebytes to find and remove everything — they do have a paid version that will protect you from stuff in the future, but it’s not necessary just for the removal. And it’s a free trial anyway, so whichever one is fine.

您可以使用免费版本的Malwarebytes来查找和删除所有内容-它们确实具有付费版本 ,可以在将来保护您免受侵害,但并非仅需删除即可。 而且无论如何都是免费试用,所以无论哪个都可以。

Once the scan completes, hit the Apply Actions button, and your system should be cleaner. You’ll probably want to reboot, and assuming nothing else shows up, you should be good to go.

扫描完成后,请点击“应用操作”按钮,您的系统应该会更干净。 您可能需要重新启动,并且假设没有其他任何显示,那么您应该很好。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/207643/how-to-remove-the-horrible-bobrowser-adware-malware/



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