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<HTML><HEAD><TITLE> New Document </TITLE><META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="EditPlus"><META NAME="Author" CONTENT=""><META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT=""><META NAME="Description" CONTENT=""><style>html, body{margin:0;padding:0;background-color:#ffffff;
}</style></HEAD><BODY><script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/stats.js/r16/Stats.min.js"></script><script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/pixi.js/4.3.5/pixi.min.js"></script><script>var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }();function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; }function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; }function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }/*** Raindrop fragment shader, being used by PIXI.js in the EffectCanvas object* {{uniforms: {time: {type: string, value: number}, iResolution: {type: string, value: [*]}}, fragment: string}}*/
var shaderData = {uniforms: {iResolution: {type: 'v2',value: [window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight]},vTextureSize: {type: 'v2',value: [0, 0]},uTextureForeground: {type: 'sampler2D',value: null},uTextureBackground: {type: 'sampler2D',value: null},uTextureDropShine: {type: 'sampler2D',value: null}},fragment: '\n        precision mediump float;\n    \n        //Textures\n        uniform sampler2D uTextureForeground;\n        uniform sampler2D uTextureBackground;\n        uniform sampler2D uTextureDropShine;\n        \n        //Canvas image data\n        uniform sampler2D uSampler;\n    \n        //The resolution and coordinates of the current pixel\n        uniform vec2 iResolution;\n        uniform vec2 vTextureSize;\n        varying vec2 vTextureCoord;\n        \n        //Function to get the vec2 value of the current coordinate\n        vec2 texCoord(){\n            return vec2(gl_FragCoord.x, iResolution.y - gl_FragCoord.y) / iResolution;\n        }\n\n        //Scales the bg up and proportionally to fill the container\n        vec2 scaledTextureCoordinate(){\n            float ratioCanvas = iResolution.x / iResolution.y;\n            float ratioImage = vTextureSize.x / vTextureSize.y;\n            \n            vec2 scale = vec2(1, 1);\n            vec2 offset = vec2(0, 0);\n            float ratioDelta = ratioCanvas - ratioImage;\n\n            if(ratioDelta >= 0.0){\n                scale.y = (1.0 + ratioDelta);\n                offset.y = ratioDelta / 2.0;\n            }else{\n                scale.x = (1.0 - ratioDelta);\n                offset.x = -(ratioDelta / 2.0);\n            }\n\n            return (texCoord() + offset) / scale;\n        }\n        \n        //Alpha-blends two colors\n        vec4 blend(vec4 bg, vec4 fg){\n            vec3 bgm = bg.rgb * bg.a;\n            vec3 fgm = fg.rgb * fg.a;\n            float ia = 1.0 - fg.a;\n            float a = (fg.a + bg.a * ia);\n            \n            vec3 rgb;\n            \n            if(a != 0.0){\n                rgb = (fgm + bgm * ia) / a;\n            }else{\n                rgb = vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0);\n            }\n            \n            return vec4(rgb,a);\n        }\n        \n        vec2 pixel(){\n            return vec2(1.0, 1.0) / iResolution;\n        }\n        \n        //Get color from fg\n        vec4 fgColor(){\n            return texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);\n        }\n                \n        void main(){\n            vec4 bg = texture2D(uTextureBackground, scaledTextureCoordinate());\n            vec4 cur = fgColor();\n\n            float d = cur.b; // "thickness"\n            float x = cur.g;\n            float y = cur.r;\n            float a = smoothstep(0.65, 0.7, cur.a);\n            \n            vec4 smoothstepped = vec4(y, x, d, a);\n\n            vec2 refraction = (vec2(x, y) - 0.5) * 2.0;\n            vec2 refractionPos = scaledTextureCoordinate() + (pixel() * refraction * (256.0 + (d * 512.0)));\n            vec4 tex = texture2D(uTextureForeground, refractionPos);\n            \n            float maxShine = 390.0;\n            float minShine = maxShine * 0.18;\n            vec2 shinePos = vec2(0.5, 0.5) + ((1.0 / 512.0) * refraction) * -(minShine + ((maxShine-minShine) * d));\n            vec4 shine = texture2D(uTextureDropShine, shinePos);\n            tex = blend(tex,shine);\n            \n            vec4 fg = vec4(tex.rgb, a);\n            gl_FragColor = blend(bg, fg);\n        }\n\t'
};/*** Application Class* Bootstraps the entire application and initializes all objects*/var Application = function () {/*** Application constructor*/function Application() {var _this = this;_classCallCheck(this, Application);this.width = window.innerWidth;this.height = window.innerHeight;// Define the assets that PIXI needs to preload to use later in the applicationthis.loader = PIXI.loader.add('https://stefanweck.nl/codepen/alpha.png').add('https://stefanweck.nl/codepen/shine.png').add('https://stefanweck.nl/codepen/background.jpg').add('https://stefanweck.nl/codepen/foreground.jpg').load(function () {return _this.initialize();});}/*** Initialize is ran when the image loader is done loading all resources* @return void*/_createClass(Application, [{key: 'initialize',value: function initialize() {var _this2 = this;// Create the Stats object and append it to the DOMthis.stats = new Stats();this.stats.domElement.style.position = 'absolute';this.stats.domElement.style.left = '0px';this.stats.domElement.style.top = '0px';this.stats.domElement.style.zIndex = '9000';document.body.appendChild(this.stats.domElement);// Create a new instance of the EffectCanvas which is going to produce all of the visualsthis.effectCanvas = new EffectCanvas(this.width, this.height, this.loader);// Resize listener for the canvas to fill browser window dynamicallywindow.addEventListener('resize', function () {return _this2.resizeCanvas();}, false);// Start the initial loop function for the first timethis.loop();}/*** Simple resize function. Reinitializing everything on the canvas while changing the width/height* @return {void}*/}, {key: 'resizeCanvas',value: function resizeCanvas() {this.width = window.innerWidth;this.height = window.innerHeight;this.effectCanvas.resize(this.width, this.height);}/*** Update and render the application at least 60 times a second* @return {void}*/}, {key: 'loop',value: function loop() {var _this3 = this;window.requestAnimationFrame(function () {return _this3.loop();});this.stats.begin();this.effectCanvas.update(this.width, this.height);this.effectCanvas.render();this.stats.end();}}]);return Application;
}();/*** EffectCanvas Class*/var EffectCanvas = function () {/*** EffectCanvas constructor*/function EffectCanvas(width, height, loader) {_classCallCheck(this, EffectCanvas);// Create and configure the rendererthis.renderer = new PIXI.autoDetectRenderer(width, height, {antialias: false,transparent: false});this.renderer.autoResize = true;document.body.appendChild(this.renderer.view);// Create a container object called the `stage`this.stage = new PIXI.Container();// Create a graphics object that is as big as the scene of the users window// Else the shader won't fill the entire screenthis.background = new PIXI.Graphics();this.background.fillAlphanumber = 0;this.background.beginFill('0xffffff');this.background.drawRect(0, 0, width, height);this.background.endFill();this.background.alpha = 0;this.stage.addChild(this.background);// Create the DropletManager and pass it the stage so it can insert the droplet containers into itthis.dropletManager = new DropletManager(this.stage, loader);// Send information about the textures and the size of the background texture through the uniforms to the shadershaderData.uniforms.uTextureDropShine.value = loader.resources['https://stefanweck.nl/codepen/shine.png'].texture;shaderData.uniforms.uTextureBackground.value = loader.resources['https://stefanweck.nl/codepen/background.jpg'].texture;shaderData.uniforms.uTextureForeground.value = loader.resources['https://stefanweck.nl/codepen/foreground.jpg'].texture;shaderData.uniforms.vTextureSize.value = [loader.resources['https://stefanweck.nl/codepen/background.jpg'].texture.width, loader.resources['https://stefanweck.nl/codepen/background.jpg'].texture.height];// Create our Pixi filter using our custom shader codethis.dropletShader = new PIXI.Filter('', shaderData.fragment, shaderData.uniforms);// Apply it to our objectthis.stage.filters = [this.dropletShader];}/*** Simple resize function which redraws our graphics object that should fill the entire screen* @return {void}*/_createClass(EffectCanvas, [{key: 'resize',value: function resize(width, height) {this.renderer.resize(width, height);this.background.clear();this.background.beginFill('0xffffff');this.background.drawRect(0, 0, width, height);this.background.endFill();}/*** Updates the application and every child of the application* @return {void}*/}, {key: 'update',value: function update(width, height) {this.updateShader(width, height);this.dropletManager.update(width, height);}/*** Updates the uniform values in the shader* @return {void}*/}, {key: 'updateShader',value: function updateShader(width, height) {this.dropletShader.uniforms.iResolution = [width, height];}/*** Renders the application and every child of the application* @return {void}*/}, {key: 'render',value: function render() {this.renderer.render(this.stage);}}]);return EffectCanvas;
}();/*** DropletManager class*/var DropletManager = function () {/*** EffectCanvas constructor*/function DropletManager(stage, loader) {_classCallCheck(this, DropletManager);var smallDropletAmount = 9000;var largeDropletAmount = 200;//Quick implementation to make sure there aren't out of this world thunderstorms on mobileif (stage.width < 700) {smallDropletAmount = 3000;largeDropletAmount = 150;}this.options = {spawnRate: {small: 0.6,large: 0.05},spawnsPerFrame: {small: 200,large: 5},spawnMass: {small: {min: 1,max: 2},large: {min: 7,max: 10}},poolDroplets: {small: {min: smallDropletAmount - 500,max: smallDropletAmount},large: {min: largeDropletAmount - 100,max: largeDropletAmount}},maximumMassGravity: 17,maximumMass: 21,dropletGrowSpeed: 1,dropletShrinkSpeed: 2,dropletContainerSize: 100};// Define a position matrix so we can calculate all the edges of a droplet in a single loopthis.positionMatrix = [[-1, -1], [1, -1], [-1, 1], [1, 1]];this.smallDroplets = [];this.largeDroplets = [];this.dropletSmallTexture = loader.resources['https://stefanweck.nl/codepen/alpha.png'].texture;this.dropletLargeTexture = loader.resources['https://stefanweck.nl/codepen/alpha.png'].texture;// Create a container for all the dropletsthis.smallDropletContainer = new DropletPool(Droplet, this.dropletSmallTexture, this.options.poolDroplets.small.min, this.options.poolDroplets.small.max);this.largeDropletContainer = new DropletPool(LargeDroplet, this.dropletLargeTexture, this.options.poolDroplets.large.min, this.options.poolDroplets.large.max);stage.addChild(this.largeDropletContainer);stage.addChild(this.smallDropletContainer);}/*** Updates the application and every child of the application* @return {void}*/_createClass(DropletManager, [{key: 'update',value: function update(width, height) {DropletManager.removeLargeOffscreenDroplets(width, height, this.largeDroplets, this.largeDropletContainer);// Trigger the spawn function for a small droplet as much times as is configured in the optionsfor (var i = 0; i < this.options.spawnsPerFrame.small; i++) {this.spawnNewSmallDroplet(width, height);}// Trigger the spawn function for a large droplet as much times as is configured in the optionsfor (var _i = 0; _i < this.options.spawnsPerFrame.large; _i++) {this.spawnNewLargeDroplet(width, height);}// Check if we need to do anything with a large Droplet// We don't process small droplets because they are 'dumb' objects that don't move after they've spawnedthis.checkLargeDropletLogic();}/*** Checks whether a big droplet hits a smaller droplet, if so, it grows by half of the smaller droplets size* @return {void}*/}, {key: 'checkLargeDropletLogic',value: function checkLargeDropletLogic() {// Store the length of the array so the for loop doesn't have to do that every runvar largeDropletsLength = this.largeDroplets.length;for (var i = largeDropletsLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {this.updateLargeDropletSize(this.largeDroplets[i]);this.checkDropletMovement(this.largeDroplets[i]);this.checkLargeToSmallDropletCollision(this.largeDroplets[i]);this.checkLargeToLargeDropletCollision(this.largeDroplets[i]);this.removeLargeDroplets(i);}}/*** Function that checks if a single large Droplet should be removed* @param i - The current droplet that we are processing*/}, {key: 'removeLargeDroplets',value: function removeLargeDroplets(i) {if (this.largeDroplets[i].mass === 0 && this.largeDroplets[i].toBeRemoved === true) {this.largeDropletContainer.destroy(this.largeDroplets[i]);this.largeDroplets.splice(i, 1);}}/*** Function that updates the size of a single large Droplet* @param droplet*/}, {key: 'updateLargeDropletSize',value: function updateLargeDropletSize(droplet) {// If a droplet needs to be removed, we have to shrink it down to 0if (droplet.toBeRemoved === true) {this.shrinkDropletSize(droplet);} else {this.growDropletSize(droplet);}// Update the width and height of the droplet based on the new mass of the dropletdroplet.width = droplet.mass * 6;droplet.height = droplet.mass * 7;}/*** Shrink a droplet based on the configured shrink speed. If it will be too small, we set the mass to 0* @param {LargeDroplet} droplet*/}, {key: 'shrinkDropletSize',value: function shrinkDropletSize(droplet) {if (droplet.mass - this.options.dropletShrinkSpeed <= 0) {droplet.mass = 0;} else {droplet.mass -= this.options.dropletShrinkSpeed;}}/*** Grow a droplet based on the targetMass he has* @param {LargeDroplet} droplet*/}, {key: 'growDropletSize',value: function growDropletSize(droplet) {// If a droplet has already reached its target mass, exit hereif (droplet.mass === droplet.targetMass) {return;}// Check if we can grow the droplet based on the configured grow speedif (droplet.mass + this.options.dropletGrowSpeed >= droplet.targetMass) {droplet.mass = droplet.targetMass;} else {droplet.mass += this.options.dropletGrowSpeed;}}/*** Check whether a large droplet should be moving or not* @param {LargeDroplet} droplet* @return {void}*/}, {key: 'checkDropletMovement',value: function checkDropletMovement(droplet) {// If the droplet is going to be removed at the end of this loop, don't bother checking itif (droplet.toBeRemoved === true) {return;}// Check if the droplets mass is high enough to be moving, and if the droplet is not moving yetif (droplet.mass < this.options.maximumMassGravity && droplet.dropletVelocity.y === 0 && droplet.dropletVelocity.x === 0) {// There's a slight chance that the droplet starts movingif (Math.random() < 0.01) {droplet.dropletVelocity.y = Utils.getRandomInt(0.5, 3);}} else if (droplet.mass < this.options.maximumMassGravity && droplet.dropletVelocity.y !== 0) {// There's a slight chance that the droplet shifts to the left or the right, just like real droplets attach to droplets near themif (Math.random() < 0.1) {droplet.x += Utils.getRandomInt(-10, 10) / 10;}// There's a slight chance that the droplet stops movingif (Math.random() < 0.1) {droplet.dropletVelocity.y = 0;}} else if (droplet.mass >= this.options.maximumMassGravity && droplet.dropletVelocity.y < 10) {// The droplet is falling because it is too heavy, its speed and direction are now setdroplet.dropletVelocity.y = Utils.getRandomInt(10, 20);droplet.dropletVelocity.x = Utils.getRandomInt(-10, 10) / 10;}// Increase the x and y positions of the droplet based on its velocitydroplet.y += droplet.dropletVelocity.y;droplet.x += droplet.dropletVelocity.x;}/*** Checks in which small droplet arrays the large droplet is positioned* @param {Droplet} droplet*/}, {key: 'getDropletPresenceArray',value: function getDropletPresenceArray(droplet) {// Define a set of array indexes through which we hava to search for collisionvar arrayIndexes = [];var length = this.positionMatrix.length;// Loop through each positionMatrix to calculate the position of every edge of a dropletfor (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {var edgePosition = {x: Math.floor((droplet.x + droplet.width / 7 * this.positionMatrix[i][0]) / this.options.dropletContainerSize),y: Math.floor((droplet.y + droplet.height / 7 * this.positionMatrix[i][1]) / this.options.dropletContainerSize)};// Always push the first position in the arrayIndexes array, we use that value to compare the other edges toif (i === 0) {arrayIndexes.push(edgePosition);continue;}// If the current position differs from the first position, store the new value because that means that this is also an array we need to check for collisionif (arrayIndexes[0].x !== edgePosition.x || arrayIndexes[0].y !== edgePosition.y) {arrayIndexes.push(edgePosition);}}return arrayIndexes;}/*** Check the collision between one large Droplet and all the other Droplets* @param droplet*/}, {key: 'checkLargeToLargeDropletCollision',value: function checkLargeToLargeDropletCollision(droplet) {if (droplet.toBeRemoved === true) {return;}// Store the length of the droplets array so we have that valua cached in the for loopvar length = this.largeDroplets.length;for (var i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {// Don't bother checking this droplet against itselfif (droplet.x === this.largeDroplets[i].x && droplet.y === this.largeDroplets[i].y) {continue;}// Calculate the difference in position for the horizontal and the vertical axisvar dx = droplet.x - this.largeDroplets[i].x;var dy = droplet.y - this.largeDroplets[i].y;// Calculate the distance between the current droplet and the current other dropletvar distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);// If the distance between the droplets is close enough, the droplet colliding increases in sizeif (distance <= droplet.width / 7 + this.largeDroplets[i].width / 7) {if (droplet.mass + this.largeDroplets[i].mass <= this.options.maximumMass) {droplet.targetMass = droplet.mass + this.largeDroplets[i].mass;} else {droplet.targetMass = this.options.maximumMass;}// The other droplet should be removed at the end of this loopthis.largeDroplets[i].toBeRemoved = true;}}}/*** Checks whether a big droplet hits a smaller droplet, if so, it grows by half of the smaller droplets size* @param {LargeDroplet} droplet* @return {void}*/}, {key: 'checkLargeToSmallDropletCollision',value: function checkLargeToSmallDropletCollision(droplet) {if (droplet.toBeRemoved === true) {return;}// Define a set of array indexes through which we have to search for collisionvar arrayIndexes = this.getDropletPresenceArray(droplet);for (var i = 0; i < arrayIndexes.length; i++) {// If the small droplet doesn't exist anymore, we can continue to the next value in the loopif (typeof this.smallDroplets[arrayIndexes[i].x] === 'undefined' || typeof this.smallDroplets[arrayIndexes[i].x][arrayIndexes[i].y] === 'undefined') {continue;}// Store the length of the array so the for loop doesn't have to do that every runvar smallDropletsLength = this.smallDroplets[arrayIndexes[i].x][arrayIndexes[i].y].length;for (var c = smallDropletsLength - 1; c >= 0; c--) {// Calculate the difference in position for the horizontal and the vertical axisvar dx = droplet.x - this.smallDroplets[arrayIndexes[i].x][arrayIndexes[i].y][c].x;var dy = droplet.y - this.smallDroplets[arrayIndexes[i].x][arrayIndexes[i].y][c].y;// Calculate the distance between the current droplet and the current other dropletvar distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);// If the distance is small enough we can increase the size of the large droplet and remove the small dropletif (distance <= droplet.width / 7 + this.smallDroplets[arrayIndexes[i].x][arrayIndexes[i].y][c].width / 7) {if (droplet.mass + this.smallDroplets[arrayIndexes[i].x][arrayIndexes[i].y][c].mass / 3 <= this.options.maximumMass) {droplet.targetMass = droplet.mass + this.smallDroplets[arrayIndexes[i].x][arrayIndexes[i].y][c].mass / 3;}// Remove the small droplet and put it back in the object poolthis.smallDropletContainer.destroy(this.smallDroplets[arrayIndexes[i].x][arrayIndexes[i].y][c]);this.smallDroplets[arrayIndexes[i].x][arrayIndexes[i].y].splice(c, 1);}}}}/*** Spawns a new small droplet on the screen based on the spawn chance* @param {number} width* @param {number} height* @return {void}*/}, {key: 'spawnNewSmallDroplet',value: function spawnNewSmallDroplet(width, height) {// If our random value doesn't match the given spawn rate, we don't spawn a dropletif (Math.random() > this.options.spawnRate.small) {return;}// Get a new droplet object from the poolvar droplet = this.smallDropletContainer.get();// If the pool decided that we can't add more droplets, exit hereif (droplet === null) {return;}var position = {x: Utils.getRandomInt(0, width),y: Utils.getRandomInt(0, height)};var mass = Utils.getRandomInt(this.options.spawnMass.small.min, this.options.spawnMass.small.max);var arrayIndex = {x: Math.floor(position.x / this.options.dropletContainerSize),y: Math.floor(position.y / this.options.dropletContainerSize)};// Make sure the droplet updates with a new position and radiusdroplet.x = position.x;droplet.y = position.y;droplet.mass = mass;droplet.width = droplet.mass * 8;droplet.height = droplet.mass * 8;if (typeof this.smallDroplets[arrayIndex.x] === 'undefined') {this.smallDroplets[arrayIndex.x] = [];}if (typeof this.smallDroplets[arrayIndex.x][arrayIndex.y] === 'undefined') {this.smallDroplets[arrayIndex.x][arrayIndex.y] = [];}this.smallDroplets[arrayIndex.x][arrayIndex.y].push(droplet);}/*** Spawns a new large droplet on the screen based on the spawn chance* @param {number} width* @param {number} height* @return {void}*/}, {key: 'spawnNewLargeDroplet',value: function spawnNewLargeDroplet(width, height) {// If our random value doesn't match the given spawn rate, we don't spawn a dropletif (Math.random() > this.options.spawnRate.large) {return;}// Get a new droplet object from the poolvar droplet = this.largeDropletContainer.get();// If the pool decided that we can't add more droplets, exit hereif (droplet === null) {return;}// Make sure the droplet updates with a new position and radiusvar mass = Utils.getRandomInt(this.options.spawnMass.large.min, this.options.spawnMass.large.max);droplet.x = Utils.getRandomInt(0, width);droplet.y = Utils.getRandomInt(-100, height / 1.5);droplet.mass = mass / 2;droplet.targetMass = mass;droplet.width = droplet.mass * 6;droplet.height = droplet.mass * 7;droplet.dropletVelocity.x = 0;droplet.toBeRemoved = false;this.largeDroplets.push(droplet);}/*** Checks each droplet to see if it is positioned offscreen. If so, it's being pushed back into the object pool to be reused* @param {number} width* @param {number} height* @param {Array} dropletArray* @param {DropletPool} dropletContainer* @return {void}*/}], [{key: 'removeLargeOffscreenDroplets',value: function removeLargeOffscreenDroplets(width, height, dropletArray, dropletContainer) {// Store the length of the array so the for loop doesn't have to do that every runvar length = dropletArray.length;for (var i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {if (dropletArray[i].x > width + 10 || dropletArray[i].x < -10 || dropletArray[i].y > height + 10 || dropletArray[i].y < -100) {dropletContainer.destroy(dropletArray[i]);dropletArray.splice(i, 1);}}}}]);return DropletManager;
}();/*** DropletPool class* Functions as an object pool so we can re-use droplets over and over again*/var DropletPool = function (_PIXI$particles$Parti) {_inherits(DropletPool, _PIXI$particles$Parti);/*** DropletPool constructor*/function DropletPool(ObjectToCreate, objectTexture, startingSize, maximumSize) {_classCallCheck(this, DropletPool);var _this4 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (DropletPool.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(DropletPool)).call(this, maximumSize, {scale: true,position: true,rotation: false,uvs: false,alpha: false}));_this4.ObjectToCreate = ObjectToCreate;_this4.objectTexture = objectTexture;_this4.pool = [];_this4.inUse = 0;_this4.startingSize = startingSize;_this4.maximumSize = maximumSize;_this4.initialize();return _this4;}/*** Initialize the initial batch of objects that we are going to use throughout the application* @return {void}*/_createClass(DropletPool, [{key: 'initialize',value: function initialize() {for (var i = 0; i < this.startingSize; i += 1) {var droplet = new this.ObjectToCreate(this.objectTexture);droplet.x = -100;droplet.y = -100;droplet.anchor.set(0.5);// Add the object to the PIXI Container and store it in the poolthis.addChild(droplet);this.pool.push(droplet);}}/*** Get an object from the object pool, checks whether there is an object left or it if may create a new object otherwise* @returns {object}*/}, {key: 'get',value: function get() {// Check if we have reached the maximum number of objects, if so, return nullif (this.inUse >= this.maximumSize) {return null;}// We haven't reached the maximum number of objects yet, so we are going to reuse an objectthis.inUse++;// If there are still objects in the pool return the last item from the poolif (this.pool.length > 0) {return this.pool.pop();}// The pool was empty, but we are still allowed to create a new object and return thatvar droplet = new this.ObjectToCreate(this.objectTexture);droplet.x = -100;droplet.y = -100;droplet.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);// Add the object to the PIXI Container and return itthis.addChild(droplet);return droplet;}/*** Put an element back into the object pool and reset it for later use* @param element - The object that should be pushed back into the object pool to be reused later on* @return {void}*/}, {key: 'destroy',value: function destroy(element) {if (this.inUse - 1 < 0) {console.error('Something went wrong, you cant remove more elements than there are in the total pool');return;}// Move the droplet offscreen, we cant't set visible or rendering to false because that doesn't matter in a PIXI.ParticleContainer// @see: https://github.com/pixijs/pixi.js/issues/1910element.x = -100;element.y = -100;// Push the element back into the object pool so it can be reused againthis.inUse -= 1;this.pool.push(element);}}]);return DropletPool;
}(PIXI.particles.ParticleContainer);/*** Droplet Class*/var Droplet = function (_PIXI$Sprite) {_inherits(Droplet, _PIXI$Sprite);/*** Droplet constructor*/function Droplet(texture) {_classCallCheck(this, Droplet);var _this5 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (Droplet.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Droplet)).call(this, texture));_this5.mass = 0;return _this5;}return Droplet;
}(PIXI.Sprite);/*** LargeDroplet Class*/var LargeDroplet = function (_Droplet) {_inherits(LargeDroplet, _Droplet);/*** Droplet constructor*/function LargeDroplet(texture) {_classCallCheck(this, LargeDroplet);var _this6 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (LargeDroplet.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(LargeDroplet)).call(this, texture));_this6.dropletVelocity = new PIXI.Point(0, 0);_this6.toBeRemoved = false;_this6.targetMass = 0;return _this6;}return LargeDroplet;
}(Droplet);/*** Utilities Class has some functions that are needed throughout the entire application*/var Utils = function () {function Utils() {_classCallCheck(this, Utils);}_createClass(Utils, null, [{key: 'getRandomInt',/*** Returns a random integer between a given minimum and maximum value* @param {number} min - The minimum value, can be negative* @param {number} max - The maximum value, can be negative* @return {number}*/value: function getRandomInt(min, max) {return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;}}]);return Utils;
}();/*** Onload function is executed whenever the page is done loading, initializes the application*/window.onload = function () {// Create a new instance of the applicationvar application = new Application();


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