1:listening practice:
I was born on augest 25,1970 (This sentence sounds longest 1970, this is a little difficult).

2: fly 的过去式是: flew:
We just flew from London.

3: sit 的过去式是: sat:
On our last flight we sat next to the Window

4: departure

5: Yogurt is a polular dairy product
酸奶是流行的奶 制品

6:Flour,butter,and eggs are the main ingredient in a cake.

7: I used public transportation to get to work.

8: Roll-over yellow highlights to hear sounds you may need to practice.

9: What time does it arrive at the terminate station?
(She bought her train ticket at the terminate)她在终点站买了火车票。

10:Transfer to the number serven bus at ZhongShan Road.
在中山路转 7路车。

11:I am not allergic to strawberries.
我对草莓 不过敏。

12:The doctor didn't give me any antibiotics.
这医生 没有给我开 抗生素。

13: Mike had diarrhea for three days.
mike 已经 腹泻 3天了。

14:I felt dizzy after I hit my head

15:Does Steven have an infection in his foot?
Sten 的脚上有传染病吗?

16:I am taking medication for headaches.
我因为头疼在 吃药。

17: Did you feel nauseous  this morning?
你今天感到 呕心吗?

18: I had surgery last year

19:A fever is a symptom os the flu.
发烧是流感的 症状。

20:He vomited up all he had eaten.
他把吃下去的 全吐出来。

21: Aspirin is over-the-counter medicine.
阿司匹林 是 OTC (非处方药)。

22: He drinks alcohol occaionally
他很少 吃酒精。


ached : 痛
nauseous : 呕心
antibiotic : 抗生素
infection : 传染病
over-the-counter medicine : OTC
prescription :小处方
vomited : 吐


letter A:

The only bad news is that felt terrible yesterday. My whole body ached
and my stomach hurt. I was really nauseous. I ate only a little white rice
for breakfast, but then I vomited. Later, I went to a very good doctor.
He wrote me a prescription. I have to take an antibiotic three times a day.
I also bought some over-the-counter medicine for some throats at the drugstore.
My throat is red and very sore, I have a minor infection in my throat.

Letter B:

I hope you are feeling better. I know the doctor is taking care of you.

Two people here are sick also. You father ate some cheese at a French restaurant.
You know he is allergic to dairy products. Do you remember what happens to him when he eats it?
He had two symptoms: his face becomes very red, and his skin itches.
the doctor is taking care of him, the doctor said you father is a bad patient.

Grandmother is still having problems with her heart. She takes medication
every day, but that drug only help a little. This morning  she felt dizzy.
She almost fell down, She hates hospitals and doctors, but she may need hear
surgery next year.

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