
strict aliasing


I have the following questions:

  1. If I leave the code with this warning, will it generate potentially wrong code?
  2. Is there any way to work around this problem?
  3. If there isn’t, is it possible to turn off strict aliasing from inside the source file (because I don’t want to turn it off for all source files and I don’t want to make a separate Makefile rule for this source file)?
    And yes, I actually need this kind of aliasing.

The strict aliasing rule makes this setup illegal, two unrelated types can’t point to the same memory. char * are defined as being able to alias anything, only char* / unsigned char* has this privilege.

aliasing assumptions

这个告警只有在 strict aliasing optimization 开启的情况下才会出现,gcc-O2 优化会开启上述优化2,因此会出现该告警,忽略该告警有可能产生错误代码。出现该告警的原因是编译器为了优化代码,做了一个假设,即指针不会有其他类型的别名, (char *) 例外,意思是两个类型不同的指针不会指向同一块内存。当然这个特性孰好孰坏我们这里暂不讨论,实际上争议还是比较大的3

Aliasing rules simply say that you can only access an object through its own type, its signed / unsigned variant type, or through a character type (signed char, unsigned char).


C/C++ 是非常贴近硬件底层的语言,指针为我们编程提供了很大的便利性,同时也引入了一些隐患。我们可以很方便地重新解析一块内存上的数据(reinterpret) ,隐患是相伴便利性而生的,有时指针类型强转并不安全,例如出现未初始化字节数据的问题。


  • 采用 __attribute__((__may_alias__)) 属性去提示编译器对某个变量关闭上面提到的假设。
  • 关闭这个假设, -fno-strict-aliasing,可能影响优化,linux kernel 有大量的指针操作,其构建带这个选项。
  • 屏蔽这个告警,-Wno-strict-aliasing,很不推荐!有掩耳盗铃之嫌!
  • 使用 union 来解决,这也是 gcc 推荐的做法。type punning via unions feels natural
int retLen;
someSetFunc((unsigned long*)&retLen);
printf("ret len = %d\n", retLen);...union u_retLen {int retLen;unsigned long ptr;
printf("ret len = %d\n", u_retLen.retLen);

  1. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4163126/dereferencing-type-punned-pointer-will-break-strict-aliasing-rules-warning/4163223 ↩︎

  2. https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-7.5.0/gcc/Optimize-Options.html#Optimize-Options ↩︎

  3. https://lkml.org/lkml/2018/6/5/769 ↩︎

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