

D:\>netsh dump interface lacal area connection >MyNet.txt


# Interface configuration
pushd interface

reset all

# End of interface configuration

# Interface configuration
pushd interface ipv6


# End of interface configuration

# ----------------------------------
# ISATAP Configuration
# ----------------------------------
pushd interface ipv6 isatap

# End of ISATAP configuration

# ----------------------------------
# 6to4 Configuration
# ----------------------------------
pushd interface ipv6 6to4


# End of 6to4 configuration

# Port Proxy configuration
pushd interface portproxy


# End of Port Proxy configuration

# ----------------------------------
# Interface IP Configuration        
# ----------------------------------
pushd interface ip

# Interface IP Configuration for "VMware Network Adapter VMnet8"

set address name="VMware Network Adapter VMnet8" source=static addr= mask=
set dns name="VMware Network Adapter VMnet8" source=static addr=none register=PRIMARY
set wins name="VMware Network Adapter VMnet8" source=static addr=none

# Interface IP Configuration for "VMware Network Adapter VMnet1"

set address name="VMware Network Adapter VMnet1" source=static addr= mask=
set dns name="VMware Network Adapter VMnet1" source=static addr=none register=PRIMARY
set wins name="VMware Network Adapter VMnet1" source=static addr=none

# Interface IP Configuration for "Local Area Connection"

set address name="Local Area Connection" source=static addr= mask=
set address name="Local Area Connection" gateway= gwmetric=0
set dns name="Local Area Connection" source=static addr= register=PRIMARY
set wins name="Local Area Connection" source=static addr=none

# End of interface IP configuration

# -----------------------------------------
# aaaa Configuration                        
# -----------------------------------------
# This script will NOT work across different versions of IAS.
# -----------------------------------------

# aaaa configuration script. 
# Known Issues and limitations:
# Import/Export between different versions is not supported.

Failed attempting to show the aaaa configuration.

# End of aaaa configuration.

# -----------------------------------------
# Remote Access Configuration              
# -----------------------------------------
pushd ras

set authmode mode = standard
delete authtype type = PAP
delete authtype type = SPAP
delete authtype type = MD5CHAP
delete authtype type = MSCHAP
delete authtype type = MSCHAPv2
delete authtype type = EAP
add authtype type = MSCHAP
delete link type = SWC
delete link type = LCP
add link type = SWC
add link type = LCP
delete multilink type = MULTI
delete multilink type = BACP
add multilink type = MULTI
add multilink type = BACP

set user name = __vmware_user__ dialin = policy cbpolicy = none
set user name = Administrator dialin = policy cbpolicy = none
set user name = Guest dialin = policy cbpolicy = none
set user name = IUSR_LABSERVER2003 dialin = deny cbpolicy = none
set user name = IWAM_LABSERVER2003 dialin = deny cbpolicy = none
set user name = kavamorph dialin = policy cbpolicy = none
set user name = ss dialin = policy cbpolicy = none
set user name = SUPPORT_388945a0 dialin = policy cbpolicy = none


# End of Remote Access configuration.

# -----------------------------------------
# Remote Access AppleTalk Configuration    
# -----------------------------------------
pushd ras appletalk

set negotiation mode = allow


# End of Remote Access AppleTalk Configuration.

# -----------------------------------------
# Remote Access Diagnostics Configuration  
# -----------------------------------------
pushd ras diagnostics

set rastracing component = * state = disabled

set modemtracing state = disabled

set cmtracing state = disabled

set securityeventlogs state = disabled


# End of Remote Access Diagnostics Configuration.

# -----------------------------------------
# Remote Access IP Configuration           
# -----------------------------------------
pushd ras ip

delete pool

set negotiation mode = allow
set access mode = all
set addrreq mode = deny
set broadcastnameresolution mode = disabled
set addrassign method = auto


# End of Remote Access IP configuration.

# -----------------------------------------
# Remote Access IPX Configuration          
# -----------------------------------------
pushd ras ipx

set negotiation mode = deny
set access mode = all
set nodereq mode = allow
set netassign method = autosame


# End of Remote Access IPX configuration.

# -----------------------------------------
# Remote Access NBF Configuration          
# -----------------------------------------
pushd ras netbeui

set negotiation mode = allow
set access mode = all


# End of Remote Access NBF configuration.

# -----------------------------------------
# Remote Access AAAA Configuration         
# -----------------------------------------
pushd ras aaaa

set authentication provider = windows
set accounting provider = windows

delete authserver name = *
delete acctserver name = *


# End of Remote Access AAAA configuration.    
# Routing Configuration
pushd routing
# IP Configuration
pushd routing ip
set loglevel error
add preferenceforprotocol proto=LOCAL preflevel=1
add preferenceforprotocol proto=NetMgmt preflevel=10
add preferenceforprotocol proto=STATIC preflevel=3
add preferenceforprotocol proto=NONDOD preflevel=5
add preferenceforprotocol proto=AUTOSTATIC preflevel=7
add preferenceforprotocol proto=OSPF preflevel=110
add preferenceforprotocol proto=RIP preflevel=120
add interface name="Local Area Connection" state=enable
set filter name="Local Area Connection" fragcheck=disable
add interface name="VMware Network Adapter VMnet8" state=enable
set filter name="VMware Network Adapter VMnet8" fragcheck=disable
add interface name="VMware Network Adapter VMnet1" state=enable
set filter name="VMware Network Adapter VMnet1" fragcheck=disable
add interface name="Internal" state=enable
set filter name="Internal" fragcheck=disable
add interface name="Loopback" state=enable
set filter name="Loopback" fragcheck=disable
# End of IP configuration

# ----------------------------------
# DNS Proxy configuration           
# ----------------------------------
pushd routing ip dnsproxy

# End of DNS proxy configuration

# ----------------------------------
# IGMP Configuration                
# ----------------------------------
pushd routing ip igmp

# End of IGMP configuration

# ----------------------------------
# NAT configuration                 
# ----------------------------------
pushd routing ip nat


# ----------------------------------
# OSPF configuration                
# ----------------------------------

pushd routing ip ospf

# End of OSPF configuration

# ----------------------------------
# DHCP Relay Agent configuration    
# ----------------------------------
pushd routing ip relay

# End of DHCP Relay configuration

# ----------------------------------
# RIP configuration                 
# ----------------------------------
pushd routing ip rip

# End of RIP configuration

# ----------------------------------
# Router Discovery Configuration    
# ----------------------------------
pushd routing ip routerdiscovery
add interface name="Local Area Connection" disc=disable minint=7 maxint=10 life=30 level=0
add interface name="VMware Network Adapter VMnet8" disc=disable minint=7 maxint=10 life=30 level=0
add interface name="VMware Network Adapter VMnet1" disc=disable minint=7 maxint=10 life=30 level=0
add interface name="Internal" disc=disable minint=7 maxint=10 life=30 level=0
add interface name="Loopback" disc=disable minint=7 maxint=10 life=30 level=0


# ----------------------------------
# DHCP Allocator Configuration      
# ----------------------------------
pushd routing ip autodhcp

# End of DHCP Allocator Configuration

Loading of DLL WinsEvnt.dll failed.
Wins Operation failed with Error There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper.



D:\>netsh dump interface lacal area connection >MyNet2.txt


D:\>netsh dump >mynet.txt

D:\>netsh dump >mynet2.txt




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