

1.链表逆序(leetcode 206.Reverse Linked List)esay


思路:从链表的头节点依次遍历,每遍历一个节点就进行逆序, 使用头插法进行逆序。


/*** Definition for singly-linked list.* public class ListNode {*     int val;*     ListNode next;*     ListNode(int x) { val = x; }* }*/
class Solution {public ListNode reverseList(ListNode head) {if (head == null || head.next == null) return head;ListNode newHead = null;while(head != null) {ListNode nextTemp = head.next;head.next = newHead;newHead = head;head = nextTemp;           }return newHead;}

2.链表部分逆序(leedcode92.Reverse Linked List2)medium




/*** Definition for singly-linked list.* public class ListNode {*     int val;*     ListNode next;*     ListNode(int x) { val = x; }* }*/
class Solution {public ListNode reverseBetween(ListNode head, int m, int n) {if (head == null || head.next == null) return head;ListNode pre_start, new_start, new_end;pre_start = new_start = new_end = null;ListNode list = head; //记录listint length = n-m+1; //长度int steps = m-1;while(head!=null && steps!=0) {pre_start = head;head = head.next;steps--; //head指针移动到m对应位置}new_end = head;ListNode next_head = null;while (head!=null && length!=0) {next_head = head.next;head.next = new_start;new_start = head;head = next_head;length--; //逆序length个节点}new_end.next = head;if (m == 1) {list = new_start;} else {pre_start.next = new_start; //将pre_start链接上逆置后的链表段}return list;

3.求两个链表的交点(leetcode160.Intersection of Two Linked Lists)easy



​ 2.若链表A与链表B相交,则只是相交节点的前面链表段不相同。分别计算链表A与B的长度,将较长的链表起点移动到与短链表起点对齐的地方,这样一同出发,相交点即是指针相同的交点。


/*** Definition for singly-linked list.* public class ListNode {*     int val;*     ListNode next;*     ListNode(int x) {*         val = x;*         next = null;*     }* }*/
public class Solution {public ListNode getIntersectionNode(ListNode headA, ListNode headB) {if (headA == null || headB == null) return null;ListNode listA = headA;ListNode listB = headB;int lengthA = 0;int lengthB = 0;while(headA != null) {lengthA++;headA = headA.next;} // 计算链表A的长度while(headB != null) {lengthB++;headB = headB.next;} // 计算链表B的长度int dis = 0;if (lengthB > lengthA) {dis = lengthB - lengthA;while(dis > 0){listB = listB.next;dis--;}} else {dis = lengthA - lengthB;while(dis > 0){listA = listA.next;dis--;}} //将较长链表的起点移动到与短链表起点对齐的地方while (listA!=listB && listA!=null && listB!=null) {listA = listA.next;listB = listB.next;}return listA;    }

4.链表求环(leetcode 141.Linked List Cycle)easy






/*** Definition for singly-linked list.* class ListNode {*     int val;*     ListNode next;*     ListNode(int x) {*         val = x;*         next = null;*     }* }*/
public class Solution {public boolean hasCycle(ListNode head) {if (head == null) return false;Set <ListNode> nodeSet = new HashSet<ListNode>();        while(head != null) {if (nodeSet.contains(head)) {return true;} else {nodeSet.add(head);head = head.next;}}return false;}


/*** Definition for singly-linked list.* class ListNode {*     int val;*     ListNode next;*     ListNode(int x) {*         val = x;*         next = null;*     }* }*/
public class Solution {public boolean hasCycle(ListNode head) {if (null == head) return false;if (head == head.next) return true;ListNode n = head.next; head.next = head; // 将指针指向自己return hasCycle(n);}

5.链表求环2(leetcode 142.Linked List Cycle2)medium



​ 2.相对巧妙的想法,利用快慢指针实现。见下面,fast与slow指针同时从起点X出发,其中fast是slow速度的两倍,当fast指针追到slow指针时,此时相遇于Z点。对于slow指针,走了a+b的路程。那么fast指针的路程为2(a+b),同时也为 a+b+c+b,即a+2b+c=2(a+b),得a=c。这时,如果从它们的交点Z出发的话,同时有一指针head从起点X出发,必会相交于Y点,也即为环的起始点。


/*** Definition for singly-linked list.* class ListNode {*     int val;*     ListNode next;*     ListNode(int x) {*         val = x;*         next = null;*     }* }*/
public class Solution {public ListNode detectCycle(ListNode head) {// if (null == head) return null;Set<ListNode> nodeSet = new HashSet<ListNode>();while(head != null) {if (nodeSet.contains(head)) {return head;} else {nodeSet.add(head);}head = head.next;}return null;}


/*** Definition for singly-linked list.* class ListNode {*     int val;*     ListNode next;*     ListNode(int x) {*         val = x;*         next = null;*     }* }*/
public class Solution {public ListNode detectCycle(ListNode head) {      ListNode fast = head;ListNode slow = fast;while (fast!=null && fast.next!=null && fast.next.next!=null) {      fast = fast.next.next;slow = slow.next;if (fast == slow) { // fast与slow指针相交时while (head != slow) {head = head.next; // head指针从起始点出发slow = slow.next;}return head;}               }return null;}

6.链表划分(leetcode86.Partition List)medium





/*** Definition for singly-linked list.* public class ListNode {*     int val;*     ListNode next;*     ListNode(int x) { val = x; }* }*/
class Solution {public ListNode partition(ListNode head, int x) {ListNode lhead = new ListNode(0); // 使用两个链表less_head和more_head来分别记录ListNode less_head = lhead;    ListNode mhead = new ListNode(0);ListNode more_head = mhead;while(head!=null) {if (head.val < x) {lhead.next = head;lhead = lhead.next;} else {mhead.next = head;mhead = mhead.next;}head = head.next;}mhead.next = null;lhead.next = more_head.next;return less_head.next;}


/*** Definition for singly-linked list.* public class ListNode {*     int val;*     ListNode next;*     ListNode(int x) { val = x; }* }*/
class Solution {public ListNode partition(ListNode head, int x) {       ListNode list = new ListNode(0); // 将原链表中大于x的值连接为一个链表mheadlist.next = head;ListNode new_head = list;ListNode more_head = new ListNode(0);ListNode mhead = more_head;while(list.next!=null) {if (list.next.val < x) {list = list.next;} else {more_head.next = list.next;more_head = more_head.next;list.next = list.next.next;           }}list.next = mhead.next;more_head.next = null;return new_head.next;}

7.链表的深度拷贝(leetcode138.Copy List With Random Pointer)medium


思路:本问题中,主要是一个random指针也需要拷贝下来。利用map来实现,其中map的key记录原链表的各个节点,value来保存新建的节点(val值为key中节点的值),对于新建的节点的next和random指向的节点位置,由对应的key获得。即,map.get(head).next = map.get(head.next)、map.get(head).random = map.get(head.random)。


// Definition for a Node.
class Node {public int val;public Node next;public Node random;public Node() {}public Node(int _val,Node _next,Node _random) {val = _val;next = _next;random = _random;}
class Solution {public Node copyRandomList(Node head) {if (head == null) return null;Map<Node, Node> map = new HashMap<>();Node iter = head;while(iter != null) {map.put(iter, new Node(iter.val));iter = iter.next;} // 将链表的各个节点指针存为map的key,value为该节点的拷贝。iter = head;while(iter != null) {map.get(iter).next = map.get(iter.next);map.get(iter).random = map.get(iter.random);iter = iter.next;}return map.get(head);}

8.排序链表的合并(2个)(leetcode21.Merge Two Sorted Lists)easy




/*** Definition for singly-linked list.* public class ListNode {*     int val;*     ListNode next;*     ListNode(int x) { val = x; }* }*/
class Solution {public ListNode mergeTwoLists(ListNode l1, ListNode l2) {ListNode l = new ListNode(0);ListNode head = l;while(l1!=null && l2!=null) {if (l1.val < l2.val) {head.next = l1;head = head.next; l1 = l1.next;} else {head.next = l2;head = head.next;l2 = l2.next;}}if (l1 != null) head.next = l1; // 如果l1还有剩余节点,直接链接到l后面else head.next = l2; // l2还有剩余return l.next;}


/*** Definition for singly-linked list.* public class ListNode {*     int val;*     ListNode next;*     ListNode(int x) { val = x; }* }*/
class Solution {public ListNode mergeTwoLists(ListNode l1, ListNode l2) {        if(l1 == null) return l2;if(l2 == null) return l1;if(l1.val < l2.val){l1.next = mergeTwoLists(l1.next, l2);return l1;} else{l2.next = mergeTwoLists(l1, l2.next);return l2;}}

9.排序链表的合并(多个)(leetcode23.Merge K Sorted Lists)hard


思路:本题相当于上一题难度变大,主要是如何分配这k个链表,让其分别两两合并,最后合并为一个整体。如果采用暴力破解,从第一个开始,合并第二个,然后再合并第三个。。。,共k个链表,平均每个链表有n个节点,则时间复杂度为:(n+n)+(2n+n)+(3n+n)+…+((k-1)n+n) = (1+2+3+…+k-1)n+(k-1)n = (k^2+k-1)/2*n = O(k^2 *n).

另一个思路,采用分治法,即两两进行合并。第一轮,进行k/2次,每次处理2n个;第二轮,进行k/4次,每次处理4n个,…,最后一次,进行k/(2logk)次,每次处理2logk*n个值。时间复杂度为:k/2 *2n+k/4 *4n+…+k/(2^logk) *(2^logk *n) = nk+nk+…+nk = O(klogk * n)。

/*** Definition for singly-linked list.* public class ListNode {*     int val;*     ListNode next;*     ListNode(int x) { val = x; }* }*/
class Solution {public ListNode mergeKLists(ListNode[] lists) {return mergeKLists(lists, 0, lists.length-1);}public ListNode mergeKLists(ListNode[] lists, int first, int end) {if (first == end) return lists[first];if (first > end) return null;if (end-first == 1) return mergeTwoLists(lists[first], lists[end]);int mid = (first + end)/2;ListNode l1 = mergeKLists(lists, first, mid); // 递归合并前半部分ListNode l2 = mergeKLists(lists, mid+1, end); // 递归合并后半部分return mergeTwoLists(l1, l2);}public ListNode mergeTwoLists(ListNode l1, ListNode l2) { // 合并两个链表if (l1 == null) return l2;if (l2 == null) return l1;if (l1.val < l2.val) {l1.next = mergeTwoLists(l1.next, l2);return l1;} else {l2.next = mergeTwoLists(l1, l2.next);return l2;}}


/*** Definition for singly-linked list.* public class ListNode {*     int val;*     ListNode next;*     ListNode(int x) { val = x; }* }*/
class Solution {public ListNode mergeKLists(ListNode[] lists) {if (lists.length == 0) return null;if (lists.length == 1) return lists[0];if (lists.length == 2) return mergeTwoLists(lists[0], lists[1]);int mid = lists.length/2;ListNode[] lists1 = new ListNode[mid];for (int i=0; i<mid; i++) { // 将lists前半部分存入数组list1[]中lists1[i] = lists[i];}ListNode[] lists2 = new ListNode[lists.length-mid];for (int i=mid; i<lists.length; i++) { // 将lists后半部分存入数组list2[]中lists2[i-mid] = lists[i];}        ListNode sub_list1 = mergeKLists(lists1); // 将list1[]中链表合并ListNode sub_list2 = mergeKLists(lists2); // 将list2[]中链表合并return mergeTwoLists(sub_list1, sub_list2);}public ListNode mergeTwoLists(ListNode l1, ListNode l2) {if (l1 == null) return l2;if (l2 == null) return l1;if (l1.val < l2.val) {l1.next = mergeTwoLists(l1.next, l2);return l1;} else {l2.next = mergeTwoLists(l1, l2.next);return l2;}}


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