01_Debbie Talks Shop

──Karen: I can’t get the hang of this new job. Jeff told me what to do and I keep going over in my head, but I feel like I’m just flying by the seat of my pants most of the time. Will you give me some pointers?

──Debbie: As a rule of thumb, I don’t like to talk shop on my lunch break, but I’ll make an exception for you. Here’s my advice in a nutshell. Don’t make any snap judgments and try not to show anyone up. The rest is easy !

──Karen: I can’t become proficient at this new job. Jeff told me what to do and I keep thinking about it carefully, but I feel like I’m just improvising most of the time. Will you give me some advice?

──Debbie: As a general guideline, I don’t like to discuss work on my time allotted for lunch, but I’ll make an exception for you. Here’s my advice in summary. Don’t make any hasty decisions and try not to appear more competent than anyone else. The rest is easy!

  1. fly by the seat of one’s pants 跟着感觉走
    例句:Jim pays little attention to checking facts or researching. He always flies by the seat of his pants while making decisions.

  2. get the hang of sth 做事顺手了,变熟练了
    例句:Without reading the manual a dozen times, I couldn’t have got the hang of using my new computer!

  3. give sb. some pointers 指点,给某人出主意
    例句:If you have difficulty writing this report, ask Wally to give you some pointers. He’s a big wig in this company.

  4. go over something in one’s head 仔细琢磨
    例句: Jeff told me what to do and I keep going over it in my head, but feel like I’m just flying by the seat of my pants most of the time.

  5. in a nutshell 总之,一句话
    例句: Don’t worry about missing the meeting today. In a nutshell. we’re opening a new store in New York where we’re going to hire some more employees.

  6. lunch break 午休时间
    例句: I’m going to go during lunch break because the bank is always closed by the time I punch out at the end of the day.

  7. rule of thumb 经验法则,常规
    例句: As a rule of thumb the easiest way to get fire is to question a decision made by a superior.

  8. show someone up 抢风头,表现自己
    例句: Albert got promoted earlier than me because he always showed me up in front of the whole team, answering all the questions before I had a chance to.

  9. snap judgment 草率的决定
    例句: I wish Chris would avoid making snap judgments as he always did. He should consider both sides of an argument before reaching a conclusion.

  10. talk shop 聊工作的事
    例句: Dwight is no fun to eat with. Every time I like to get away from the office at the lunch break, he’d come over and wants to talk shop with me.

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