1.    易错易混动词 (及物动词与不及物动词)
2.    搭配上易混淆的动词
3.    与特定介词搭配的动词
4.    易错易混动词词组
5.    易错易混的“名词+介词”
6.    十三块语法
7.    The Non-finite Verbs
8.    词法复习要点
9.    比较下列各句
10.    词汇结构练习

易错易混动词 (及物动词与不及物动词)
1. contact:
I'll contact with you by phone tomorrow.
That matter doesn't concern with me.
The fact contradicts with its theory.
He wants to _____ Mary so that he can _____ Jane.
No one can ______ him in singing.
She ______ her mother in character.

2. challenge:
Every time I challenge to him, he gets rid of me.
Our teacher ______ us on this subject.
Moderate exercise will ____ you.

3. inhabit:
They inhabit in that city.
The police patrolled on the streets.

4. avenge:
I will avenge for you on him.
The lawyer ______ the accused.
We should _____ the people heart and soul.

1. accuse/charge:
2. accuse / blame
They_____ Jim of murder.
They _____Jim with murder.
He _____me of telling a lie.
He _____me for telling a lie.

3. rob/steal/cheat
He _____her of her money.
He _____money from her.
He _____her out of her money.

4. replace / substitute
She ____ sugar with honey.
She ____ honey for sugar.
5. consult / look up
If you don't know this word, consult it in your dictionary.
6. collide / crash
The motorcyclist couldn't stop and ____ with the truck.
The motorcyclist couldn't stop and ____ into the truck.
7. spend / invest
Businessmen invest vast amounts on these industries. (invest heavily in)
8. charge / cost/spend /take
How much did it charge you to have your watch repaired?
9. inform (of)/ communicate (to, with)
He ____ the news to us.
He ____ me of the news.
10. prohibit / forbid (to)
I was ______ to smoke
I was _______ from smoking.
11. restrain / refrain
Doesn't your wife ___ you from smoking ?
I _____ from smoking ever since our marriage. 
12. teach / instruct          
She instructs us English. in
13. constitute / consist of / comprise       
A year _____ twelve months.
Twelve months ___ a year.

1. The principal conferred a medal _____ him. on
The university bestowed a degree ___ him. with
Her parents ____ marriage on her.
I didn't wish to _____ my ideas on you.
We congratulated him ____ having passed the exams.

2. They deprived him ___ his rights to vote.
The doctor cured me___ a cold.
These flowers remind him ____ his garden.
I persuaded him ____ my innocence.

3. They blamed the driver ___ the accident.
Please forgive me ___coming so late.

*I have nothing to complain.
*He is not a man to be depended.
*He dreamt to be a millionaire.
*He objected the plan.
*He replied my question.

abide, arise, consent, cope, persist, preside, minor, specialize, comply, lie, major, sympathize

1. Have you ever heard the accident of the girl?
His attitude about criticism from the masses is incorrect.
A magnet has attraction to iron.
Have you any comment to the proposal?
He has no consideration to others.
Will she ever realize her dream to go to school?
Our school lays special emphasis in English.
The paint came off as the result of exposure in the rain.
His familiarity in many languages surprised us all.
The doctor performed an operation for the patient.
Since Tom is ill, we need a substitute of him.

2. We should have confidence with each other.  in
The strike of the railway workers had a direct effect to us.
He has an advantage than us.
What is your reason of your long silence?
What is the difference of meaning between the two words?  in
My absence to school was caused by illness.
They finally found the solution of the problem.
All the students have access of the library.
I have read the preface of the book.
They came to Hong Kong because of their desire of a higher standard of living.

3. He gained advantage __other boys. / take advantage __the opportunity.
What's your impression __ her?    / His speech made an impression __ the audience.
There is a great need ___ international understanding. / in need ___ sth.
He has a preference ____ foreign movies. /I should choose tea in preference ___ coffee.
I have made a search ____ the missing paper. / in search ___ sth/sb
I have got confidence __ you. / be confident__
She took great pride ___ her beauty. / be proud beauty.  (in)
He prides himself for his tailoring. (on, upon)

1) When visiting a foreign country, I sometimes found it difficult ______.
a.     to make myself understood      
b.     to make others understand myself
c.     to make myself understand      
d.     making others understand myself
2)There was so much noise outside that the speaker could hardly _____.
 a. make the audience hear      b. make the audience hearing him
 c. make himself hear           d. make himself heard
3)The robber was brought to the judge, ______.
a.   his hands were fast tied          b. his hands to be fast tied
c.   his hands having been fast tied    d. his hands fast tied
1)Henry Ford’s introduction of the assembly line vastly reduced the time it took _______.
a.    to make a car      b. making a car   
c. for making a car   d. while making a car
2)When you were talking to the policeman, I saw a teenager ______.
a. getting on your car and driving off  b. got on your car and drive off
c. getting on your car and drive off    d. get on your car and drive off
3)The police inspector spoke to the little girl kindly ______ her.
a. not to frighten       b. in order to not frighten  
c. so as not to frighten  d. for not frightening
The suspect at last admitted ____stolen goods but denied ___them.
a. to receive… to sell           b. receiving…selling
c. to receiving… to selling      d. to have received… to have sold
4. 时态语态,重点是:
When _______the education systems of China and Britain, the professor gave no comment.
a.     being asked to compare        b. asked him to compare
c.  asking him to compare         d. asked to compare
The seats in the second plane ____ .
A. had been almost all filled       B. had all been almost filled
C. had almost all been filled       D. had almost been filled all
8 .某些较难代词,主要是it,that,these,those,each,one,either,none,all等的用法。
9 .情态动词,主要是 need,should,would,must等用法。
10.比较级用法(包括more than,less than,以及任一形容词+ than)。

1.动词: 时态、语态、虚拟语气、动词的非谓语形式
He said by the end of next month, he ____ (finish) English reviewing.
John had thought the plane _________(leave) by the time he arrived.

语态: 在把握好时态的基础上应当不成问题。Be的各种时态 + 过去分词
Riding my bicycle home from school,___ as I went around the corner.
A. a car hit me                 B. it was struck by a car
C. I was struck by a car         D. it hit a car
An atom may be thought of ____________ of a nucleus and electrons.
A. to make up     B. to be made up    
C. as made up      D. as being made up

1真实条件与虚拟条件;If I were you,  If the sun rose from the west
3 暗含虚拟语气的条件
4 带从句的虚拟结构
If he had sent the watch to the fix-it shop, he ______(mend) it himself now.
I wish you _____(teach) me how to swim last year.

现在分词为正在进行或主动的含义 boiling water,  a developing country
过去分词已经完成或被动的含义  boiled water,  a developed country

1)    同级、比较级、最高级:比较的对象,that of mine 
2)    不规则形容词 

The Non-finite Verbs
1.    It is no good _____to come now. He is busy.
a.    a. asking him  b. to ask him  c. if you ask him   d. that you ask him
2.    He was lucky to escape _____to prison.
a.    a. being sent   b. sending   c. to be sent   d. sent
3.    He is very busy _____his papers. He is far too busy ____callers.
a. to write …to receive       c. writing …to receive
b. writing… receiving       d. to write… for receiving
4.    Henry Ford’s introduction of the assembly line vastly reduced the time it took _______.
a. to make a car    b. making a car    c. for making a car   d. while making a car
5.    The suspect at last admitted ____stolen goods but denied _____them.
a. to receive… to sell        b. receiving…selling
c. to receiving… to selling    d. to have received… to have sold
6.    My younger brother couldn’t help  ____ when his toy plane fell into the river.
a. but to cry   b. but crying   c. to cry   d. crying
7.    They are going to help _____ the trees.
a. watering   b. water    c. watered   d. while watering
8.    “How about ____ me a hand? ”  “Sure. I’d be glad to help.”
a. give     b. to give   c. giving   d. you give
9.    “My girl friend is in a bad mood.”  “Why ____ her some flowers?”
a. not give   b. not giving  c.  you don’t give   d. don’t give
10.    The music was so ____ that the audience were ___ to death.
a. boring…bored  b. bored…boring  c. bored…bored  d. boring… boring
11.    Did you smell something _______?
a. burnt    b. to burn  c. burning   d.  to be burning
12.    John was caught ___ his neighbor’s apple the other day.
a. to have stolen   b. stealing   c. to steel   d. having stolen
13.    She is going to town _____.
a. to repair her watch         b. to have repair her watch
c. to have her watch repaired      d. for repairing her watch
14.    When visiting a foreign country, I sometimes found it difficult ______.
a.    to make myself understood       b. to make others understand myself
b.    to make  myself understand      d. making others understand myself
15.    There was so much noise outside that the speaker could hardly _____.
a.    a. make the audience hear      b. make the audience hearing him
b.    c. make himself hear         d. make himself heard
16.    Scientists think laser ______ one of the most useful tools in use today.
a. being   b.  to be   c. as being     d. be
17.    When you were talking to the policeman, I saw a teenager ______.
a.    getting on your car and driving off  b. got on your car and drive off
b.    getting on your car and  drive off  d. get on your car and drive off
18.    “I’m hungry and I want to eat the bread.” “What! It is no good ______.”
a.    for eating   b. to be eaten   c. to eat    d. eating
19.    Because air pollution has been greatly reduced, this city is still _______.
a.    a good place to live    b. a good place for living in
b.    c. a good place to be lived in     d. a good place to live in
20.    Mary is a turner. She spent three years in a factory ____ for the job.
a.    to be trained   b. training    c. for being trained    d. being trained
21.    21. I didn’t know _____ him or not.
a.    whether to help  b. if to help  c. to help   d. that if I should help
22.    22. “You didn’t hear us come in last night. That’s good.”  “We tried ______ noisy.”
a.    to not be     b. not to be    c. being not     d. not being
23.    Let his words ________.
a. remembered    b. to be  remembered   c. be remembered    d. remember
24.    Some of the experiments ______ in the book are easy to perform.
a.    being described b. described c. to be described d. having been described
25.    The question _______ tomorrow is whether income tax should be increased.
a.    to be debated   b. to debate   c. debated   d. that it will be debated
26.    Electric charges _______ in a circuit can do work.
a.    flowed    b. flowing    c. to flow     d. having flowed
27.    27. They wanted the power station ______ as soon as possible.
a.    to be set up    b. set up    c. being set up    d. to have been set up
28.    The teacher often has his students ______what he tells them.
a.    repeat   b. repeating   c. to repeat    d. repeated
29.    The police inspector spoke to the little girl kindly ______ her.
a.    not to frighten   b. in order to not frighten   c. so as not to frighten  d. for not frightening
30.    The  robber was  brought to the judge, ______.
a.    his hands were fast tied      b. his hands to be fast tied
c. his hands having been fast tied    d. his hands fast tied
31.    _______ by the police, the kidnappers had no choice but to surrender.
a.    To be surrounded      b. Surrounded    c. Having surrounded    d. Surrounding
32.    32. ________, they went swimming.
a.    Being a hot day      b. It was a hot day    c. Due to a hot day      d. The day being hot
33.    33.________ plastics, the machine is light in weight.
a.    To make of    b. Having made of  c. To be made of  d. Made of
34.    Rather than _______everything to the last minute, he always prefers to start early.
a.    to leave   b. leaving   c. leave    d. leaves
35.    Good-bye, Mr. Jones. I am pleased ______you.
a.    to meet  b. meeting   c. to have met  d. to have been meeting
36.    He ______abroad but he was suddenly taken ill.
a.    was going   b. was to go   c. was to have gone    d. is to go
37.    He had us ______ all through the meal.
a.    laugh   b. laughed    c. to laugh      d. laughing
38.    _____to continue his studies, James quitted school.
a.    Not wishing  b. Not to wish  c. Having not wished  d. Wishing not
39.    Such ______ the case, there wee no grounds to justify your complaint.
a.    was   b. had been    c. would be      d. being
40.    When _______the education systems of China and Britain, the professor gave no comment.
a.    being asked to compare    b. asked him to compare
c.  asking him to compare     d. asked to compare
Key: aabab dbcaa cbcad bdbdd abcba baacd bddcc cdadd

同级、比较级、最高级:比较的对象,that of mine 

误句:He like his father.  He 25 years old.    We all against this plan.  She very glad to see him.

She bought a red and a yellow dress.    
She bought a red and yellow dress.
She was with a child.        
She was with child.
This tool is no more useful than that one. 
This tool is not more useful than that one.
He hurled the bone to the dog.     
He hurled the bone at the dog.
Quite properly, he was punished.   
He was punished quite properly.
Although he is busy, Henry is in high spirits. 
He is busy, but Henry is in high spirits.
They say David is mad, and so he is.   
He says Jane is mad, and so is he.
This cup of tea is fairly hot.         
This cup of tea is rather hot.
He is anything but a teacher.        
He is nothing but a teacher.
 You may as well say so.          
You might as well say so.
You have offended the girl as deeply as I. 
You have offended the girl as deeply as me.
His success is out of question.      
His success is out of the question.
It has been raining continually for two hours.
It has been raining continuously for two hours.
I regret to say he was wrong.       
I regret saying he was wrong.
She spoke to the boy as a mother.    
She spoke to the boy like a mother.
He stood there to watch the train come in. 
He stood there watching the train come in.
I, as well as you, shall not do this test.    
I shall not do this test as well as you.
The children who wanted to play soccer ran to an open field.   
The children, who wanted to play soccer, ran to an open field.

1. To my great surprise the food was still on the table _____
A. untouching    B. no touch   C. untouched   D. not to be touched
2. We do not even know his name; ______ about his character.
A. less we know  B. less know we C. less do we know D. less we do know
3. She did not go to the North; instead she remained here in the South. The doctor suggested that she _______ there.
A. not go   B. go not  C. couldn't go  D. didn't go
4.I was ill that day ,Otherwise I______the meeting.
A. would have attended  B. had attended  C. would attend  D. attended
5. This book will show you _______ can be used in other contexts.
A. how what you've observed    B. how you've observed
C. that you've observed    D. the thing what you've observed
6. The statesman and writer you talked with last month _____at today's conference.
A. was present   B. was presenting C. were present  D. were presenting
7. The science of medicine,______ we owe a great deal , is perhaps the most important of all the sciences.
A. in which   B. to which   C. at which   D. for which
8."Time for football games. Do you mind if I change to sports channel?"
A. Yes, I agree  B. No, no change  C .Yes, please  D. Not at all. Go ahead
9. Students at colleges in large cities ran into _______ debts because it was easier for them to find part-time jobs than those in rural areas.
A. few    B. fewer   C. little   D. less
10. It is said that the New York area has more Jews than _______ city outside Israel in the world.
A. another   B. other   C. any other   D. the other
11. My boss has always attended to the ______ of important business himself.
A. transaction   B. solution   C. translation   D. stimulation 
12. The government gets a (n)______ from taxes .
A. income   B. revenue   C. fund   D. payment
13. The Japanese dollar-buying makes traders eager to _____ dollars in fear of another government intervention.
A. let in   B. let out   C. let go of   D. let off
14. The response to our financial appeal _____ anything we expected.
A. surpassed   B. impressed   C. surprised   D. passed
15. Most of his great novels and plays were not published or known to the public_____ his tragic death in 1786.
A. even before    B. ever since   C. until after   D. until before 
16. Mass production is _____ only in an economy with a highly developed technology.
A. feasible   B. permissible   C. allowable   D. receivable
17. Those nations that interfere in the internal affairs of another nation should be _____ condemned.
A. commonly  B. actually  C . uniquely   D. universally
18. The government has decided to reduce a (n) _____ on all imports.
 A. fee    B. charge   C. tariff   D. expenditure
19. The newly -elected president is determined to _____ the established policy of developing agriculture.
A. go for   B. go on   C. go by   D. go up
20. As always, I had to fight the ____ to take what she willingly offered.
A. fascination   B. attraction   C. attention   D. temptation
Key : ccaaa, abdbc, abcab,adcad

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