Oops Messages
Oops 消息
Most bugs show themselves in NULL pointer dereferences or by the use of other incorrect pointer values. The usual outcome of such bugs is an oops message.
Almost any address used by the processor is a virtual address and is mapped to physical addresses through a complex structure of page tables (the exceptions are physical addresses used with the memory management subsystem itself). When an invalid pointer is dereferenced, the paging mechanism fails to map the pointer to a physical address, and the processor signals a page fault to the operating system. If the address is not valid, the kernel is not able to “page in” the missing address; it (usually) generates an oops if this happens while the processor is in supervisor mode.
An oops displays the processor status at the time of the fault, including the contents of the CPU registers and other seemingly incomprehensible information. The message is generated by printk statements in the fault handler (arch/*/kernel/traps.c) and is dispatched as described earlier in Section 4.2.1).
Let’s look at one such message. Here’s what results from dereferencing a NULL pointer on a PC running Version 2.6 of the kernel. The most relevant information here is the instruction pointer (EIP), the address of the faulty instruction.
Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000000 printing eip: d083a064 Oops: 0002 [#1] SMP CPU: 0 EIP: 0060:[] Not tainted EFLAGS: 00010246 (2.6.6) EIP is at faulty_write+0x4/0x10 [faulty] eax: 00000000 ebx: 00000000 ecx: 00000000 edx: 00000000 esi: cf8b2460 edi: cf8b2480 ebp: 00000005 esp: c31c5f74 ds: 007b es: 007b ss: 0068 Process bash (pid: 2086, threadinfo=c31c4000 task=cfa0a6c0) Stack: c0150558 cf8b2460 080e9408 00000005 cf8b2480 00000000 cf8b2460 cf8b2460 fffffff7 080e9408 c31c4000 c0150682 cf8b2460 080e9408 00000005 cf8b2480 00000000 00000001 00000005 c0103f8f 00000001 080e9408 00000005 00000005 Call Trace: [] vfs_write+0xb8/0x130 [] sys_write+0x42/0x70 [] syscall_call+0x7/0xb Code: 89 15 00 00 00 00 c3 90 8d 74 26 00 83 ec 0c b8 00 a6 83 d0

This message was generated by writing to a device owned by the faulty module, a module built deliberately to demonstrate failures. The implementation of the write method of faulty.c is trivial:

ssize_t faulty_write (struct file *filp, const char _ _user *buf, size_t count, loff_t pos)
make a simple fault by dereferencing a NULL pointer */
*(int *)0 = 0;
return 0;
As you can see, what we do here is dereference a NULL pointer. Since 0 is never a valid pointer value, a fault occurs, which the kernel turns into the oops message shown earlier. The calling process is then killed.

The faulty module has a different fault condition in its read implementation: faulty
ssize_t faulty_read(struct file *filp, char _ _user *buf, size_t count, loff_t pos)
int ret;
char stack_buf[4];
Let’s try a buffer overflow /
memset(stack_buf, 0xff, 20);
if (count > 4)
count = 4;
copy 4 bytes to the user */
ret = copy_to_user(buf, stack_buf, count);
if (!ret)
return count;
return ret;
This method copies a string into a local variable; unfortunately, the string is longer than the destination array. The resulting buffer overflow causes an oops when the function returns. Since the return instruction brings the instruction pointer to nowhere land, this kind of fault is much harder to trace, and you can get something such as the following:
EIP: 0010:[<00000000>] Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address ffffffff printing eip: ffffffff Oops: 0000 [#5] SMP CPU: 0 EIP: 0060:[] Not tainted EFLAGS: 00010296 (2.6.6) EIP is at 0xffffffff eax: 0000000c ebx: ffffffff ecx: 00000000 edx: bfffda7c esi: cf434f00 edi: ffffffff ebp: 00002000 esp: c27fff78 ds: 007b es: 007b ss: 0068 Process head (pid: 2331, threadinfo=c27fe000 task=c3226150) Stack: ffffffff bfffda70 00002000 cf434f20 00000001 00000286 cf434f00 fffffff7 bfffda70 c27fe000 c0150612 cf434f00 bfffda70 00002000 cf434f20 00000000 00000003 00002000 c0103f8f 00000003 bfffda70 00002000 00002000 bfffda70 Call Trace: [] sys_read+0x42/0x70 [] syscall_call+0x7/0xb Code: Bad EIP value.
In this case, we see only part of the call stack (vfs_read and faulty_read are missing), and the kernel complains about a “bad EIP value.” That complaint, and the offending address (ffffffff) listed at the beginning are both hints that the kernel stack has been corrupted.
In general, when you are confronted with an oops, the first thing to do is to look at the location where the problem happened, which is usually listed separately from the call stack. In the first oops shown above, the relevant line is:
EIP is at faulty_write+0x4/0x10 [faulty]

Here we see that we were in the function faulty_write , which is located in the faulty module (which is listed in square brackets). The hex numbers indicate that the instruction pointer was 4 bytes into the function, which appears to be 10 (hex) bytes long. Often that is enough to figure out what the problem is.

If you need more information, the call stack shows you how you got to where things fell apart. The stack itself is printed in hex form; with a bit of work, you can often determine the values of local variables and function parameters from the stack listing. Experienced kernel developers can benefit from a certain amount of pattern recognition here; for example, if we look at the stack listing from the faulty_read oops:


Stack: ffffffff bfffda70 00002000 cf434f20 00000001 00000286 cf434f00 fffffff7 bfffda70 c27fe000 c0150612 cf434f00 bfffda70 00002000 cf434f20 00000000 00000003 00002000 c0103f8f 00000003 bfffda70 00002000 00002000 bfffda70

The ffffffff at the top of the stack is part of our string that broke things. On the x86 architecture, by default, the user-space stack starts just below 0xc0000000; thus, the recurring value 0xbfffda70 is probably a user-space stack address; it is, in fact, the address of the buffer passed to the read system call, replicated each time it is passed down the kernel call chain. On the x86 (again, by default), kernel space starts at 0xc0000000, so values above that are almost certainly kernel-space addresses, and so on.


Finally, when looking at oops listings, always be on the lookout for the “slab poisoning” values discussed at the beginning of this chapter. Thus, for example, if you get a kernel oops where the offending address is 0xa5a5a5a5, you are almost certainly forgetting to initialize dynamic memory somewhere.

最后要注意的一点是,当你查看oops信息时,始终要留意本章开始时讨论的“slab poisoning”的值。因此,如果一条内核oops中出现了讨厌的地址值0xa5a5a5a5,那么你肯定是在什么地方忘记初始化动态分配的内存了。

Please note that you see a symbolic call stack (as shown above) only if your kernel is built with the CONFIG_KALLSYMS option turned on. Otherwise, you see a bare, hexadecimal listing, which is far less useful until you have decoded it in other ways.




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