Recurrent VLN-BERT复现遇到的bug

create docker

sudo nvidia-docker run -it --mount type=bind,source=/home/oem/Desktop/Zeyue/Attack/Matterport3DSimulator,target=/home/oem/Desktop/Zeyue/Attack/Matterport3DSimulator --volume `pwd`:/root/mount/Matterport3DSimulator mattersim:9.2-devel-ubuntu18.04


    return [get_point_angle_feature(baseViewId) for baseViewId in range(36)]File "/home/oem/Desktop/Zeyue/Attack/Matterport3DSimulator/VLN/Recurrent-VLN-BERT/r2r_src/", line 378, in <listcomp>return [get_point_angle_feature(baseViewId) for baseViewId in range(36)]File "/home/oem/Desktop/Zeyue/Attack/Matterport3DSimulator/VLN/Recurrent-VLN-BERT/r2r_src/", line 363, in get_point_angle_featuresim.newEpisode('ZMojNkEp431', '2f4d90acd4024c269fb0efe49a8ac540', 0, math.radians(-30))
TypeError: newEpisode(): incompatible function arguments. The following argument types are supported:1. (self: MatterSim.Simulator, arg0: List[str], arg1: List[str], arg2: List[float], arg3: List[float]) -> NoneInvoked with: <MatterSim.Simulator object at 0x7fee5ec38180>, 'ZMojNkEp431', '2f4d90acd4024c269fb0efe49a8ac540', 0, -0.5235987755982988
sim = new_simulator()feature = np.empty((36, args.angle_feat_size), np.float32)
base_heading = (baseViewId % 12) * math.radians(30)
for ix in range(36):if ix == 0:sim.newEpisode(['ZMojNkEp431'], ['2f4d90acd4024c269fb0efe49a8ac540'], [0], [math.radians(-30)])elif ix % 12 == 0:sim.makeAction([0], [1.0], [1.0])else:sim.makeAction([0], [1.0], [0])state = sim.getState()[0]# print(state,ix)assert state.viewIndex == ix


AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'viewIndex'

解决方法:state = sim.getState()改为state = sim.getState()[0]

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'transformers.pytorch_transformers'

解决方法: pytorch_transformers去掉

OSError: file Prevalent/pretrained_model/pytorch_model.bin not found

原因: 没有把预训练权重导进去

TypeError: init_weights() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given


  File "r2r_src/", line 198, in train_valtrain_env = R2RBatch(feat_dict, batch_size=args.batchSize, splits=['train'], tokenizer=tok)File "/home/oem/Desktop/Zeyue/Attack/Matterport3DSimulator/VLN/Recurrent-VLN-BERT/r2r_src/", line 96, in __init__self.env = EnvBatch(feature_store=feature_store, batch_size=batch_size)File "/home/oem/Desktop/Zeyue/Attack/Matterport3DSimulator/VLN/Recurrent-VLN-BERT/r2r_src/", line 55, in __init__sim.init()
AttributeError: 'MatterSim.Simulator' object has no attribute 'init'

作者提到是版本原因: = fn( "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 265, in <lambda>return self._apply(lambda t: t.cuda(device))File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/cuda/", line 163, in _lazy_inittorch._C._cuda_init()
RuntimeError: cuda runtime error (38) : no CUDA-capable device is detected at /pytorch/aten/src/THC/THCGeneral.cpp:51

single GPU
解决方法: os.environ[‘CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES’] = ‘0’

  File "/home/oem/Desktop/Zeyue/Attack/Matterport3DSimulator/VLN/Recurrent-VLN-BERT/r2r_src/", line 571, in loadstates = torch.load(path)File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/", line 387, in loadreturn _load(f, map_location, pickle_module, **pickle_load_args)File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/", line 560, in _loadraise RuntimeError("{} is a zip archive (did you mean to use torch.jit.load()?)".format(
RuntimeError: snap/VLNBERT-PREVALENT-final/state_dict/best_val_unseen is a zip archive (did you mean to use torch.jit.load()?)

解决方法: torch.jit.load()
update the pytorch version

  File "/home/oem/Desktop/Zeyue/Attack/Matterport3DSimulator/VLN/Recurrent-VLN-BERT/r2r_src/vlnbert/", line 393, in forwardtoken_type_ids = torch.zeros_like(input_ids)
RuntimeError: CUDA error: no kernel image is available for execution on the device

解决方法:change the cuda version

Traceback (most recent call last):File "src/driver/", line 37, in <module>sim.makeAction(sim, [1], [1], [1])
TypeError: makeAction(): incompatible function arguments. The following argument types are supported:1. (self: MatterSim.Simulator, arg0: List[int], arg1: List[float], arg2: List[float]) -> None
    # For now, the agent can't pick which forward move to make - just the one in the middleenv_actions = {'left': [[0],[-1], [0]], # left'right': [[0], [1], [0]], # right'up': [[0], [0], [1]], # up'down': [[0], [0],[-1]], # down'forward': [[1],[0], [0]], # forward'<end>': [[0], [0], [0]], # <end>'<start>': [[0], [0], [0]], # <start>'<ignore>': [[0], [0], [0]]  # <ignore>}

解决方法:change the defined action ‘left’: (0, 0, 0) to ‘left’: [[0],[-1], [0]].


Loaded the listener model at iter 114000 from snap/VLNBERT-PREVALENT-final/state_dict/best_val_unseen
result length 1501
Env name: val_train_seen, nav_error: 0.8354, oracle_error: 0.6634, steps: 5.1839, lengths: 10.0262, success_rate: 0.9394, oracle_rate: 0.9520, spl: 0.9125
result length 1021
Env name: val_seen, nav_error: 2.8973, oracle_error: 1.9402, steps: 5.5436, lengths: 11.1393, success_rate: 0.7228, oracle_rate: 0.7826, spl: 0.6774
result length 2349
Env name: val_unseen, nav_error: 3.9281, oracle_error: 2.5456, steps: 6.1235, lengths: 12.0003, success_rate: 0.6275, oracle_rate: 0.7020, spl: 0.5684


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