






This section describe Open vSwitch's built-in support for various test
suites.  You must bootstrap, configure and build Open vSwitch (steps are
in "Building and Installing Open vSwitch for Linux, FreeBSD or NetBSD"
above) before you run the tests described here.  You do not need to
install Open vSwitch or to build or load the kernel module to run
these test suites.  You do not need supervisor privilege to run these
test suites.

Open vSwitch includes a suite of self-tests.  Before you submit patches
upstream, we advise that you run the tests and ensure that they pass.
If you add new features to Open vSwitch, then adding tests for those
features will ensure your features don't break as developers modify
other areas of Open vSwitch.
Refer to "Testsuites" above for prerequisites.

To run all the unit tests in Open vSwitch, one at a time:
      make check
This takes under 5 minutes on a modern desktop system.

To run all the unit tests in Open vSwitch, up to 8 in parallel:
      make check TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j8
This takes under a minute on a modern 4-core desktop system.

To see a list of all the available tests, run:
      make check TESTSUITEFLAGS=--list

To run only a subset of tests, e.g. test 123 and tests 477 through 484:
      make check TESTSUITEFLAGS='123 477-484'
(Tests do not have inter-dependencies, so you may run any subset.)

To run tests matching a keyword, e.g. "ovsdb":
      make check TESTSUITEFLAGS='-k ovsdb'

To see a complete list of test options:
      make check TESTSUITEFLAGS=--help

The results of a testing run are reported in tests/testsuite.log.
Please report test failures as bugs and include the testsuite.log in
your report.



 make check TESTSUITEFLAGS='-k ovsdb'


./tests/testsuite -C tests AUTOTEST_PATH=utilities:vswitchd:ovsdb:vtep:tests::ovn/controller-vtep:ovn/northd:ovn/utilities:ovn/controller -k ovsdb


% testsuite -h                                                                                                                                 127 ↵
Usage: ./testsuite [OPTION]... [VARIABLE=VALUE]... [TESTS]Run all the tests, or the selected TESTS, given by numeric ranges, and
save a detailed log file.  Upon failure, create debugging scripts.Do not change environment variables directly.  Instead, set them via
command line arguments.  Set `AUTOTEST_PATH' to select the executables
to exercise.  Each relative directory is expanded as build and source
directories relative to the top level of this distribution.
E.g., from within the build directory /tmp/foo-1.0, invoking this:$ ./testsuite AUTOTEST_PATH=binis equivalent to the following, assuming the source directory is /src/foo-1.0:PATH=/tmp/foo-1.0/bin:/src/foo-1.0/bin:$PATH ./testsuiteOperation modes:-h, --help     print the help message, then exit-V, --version  print version number, then exit-c, --clean    remove all the files this test suite might create and exit-l, --list     describes all the tests, or the selected TESTSExecution tuning:-C, --directory=DIRchange to directory DIR before starting--color[=never|auto|always]enable colored test results on terminal, or always-j, --jobs[=N]Allow N jobs at once; infinite jobs with no arg (default 1)-k, --keywords=KEYWORDSselect the tests matching all the comma-separated KEYWORDSmultiple `-k' accumulate; prefixed `!' negates a KEYWORD--recheck  select all tests that failed or passed unexpectedly last time-e, --errexit  abort as soon as a test fails; implies --debug-v, --verbose  force more detailed outputdefault for debugging scripts-d, --debug    inhibit clean up and top-level loggingdefault for debugging scripts-x, --trace    enable tests shell tracingReport bugs to <bugs@openvswitch.org>.



./tests/testsuite -C tests -v AUTOTEST_PATH=utilities:vswitchd:ovsdb:vtep:tests::ovn/controller-vtep:ovn/northd:ovn/utilities:ovn/controller -k ovsdb 


1301. ovsdb-mutation.at:114: testing mutations on sets ...
./ovsdb-mutation.at:114: test-ovsdb parse-mutations \'{"columns":{"i": {"type": {"key": "integer", "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}},"r": {"type": {"key": "real", "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}},"b": {"type": {"key": "boolean", "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}},"s": {"type": {"key": "string", "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}},"u": {"type": {"key": "uuid", "min": 0, "max": "unlimited"}}}}' \'[["i", "+=", 1]]' \'[["i", "-=", 2]]' \'[["i", "*=", 3]]' \'[["i", "/=", 4]]' \'[["i", "%=", 5]]' \'[["i", "insert", ["set", [1, 2]]]]' \'[["i", "delete", ["set", [1, 2, 3]]]]' \'[["r", "+=", 1]]' \'[["r", "-=", 2]]' \'[["r", "*=", 3]]' \'[["r", "/=", 4]]' \'[["r", "insert", ["set", [1, 2]]]]' \'[["r", "delete", ["set", [1, 2, 3]]]]' \'[["b", "insert", ["set", [true]]]]' \'[["b", "delete", ["set", [false]]]]' \'[["s", "insert", ["set", ["a"]]]]' \'[["s", "delete", ["set", ["a", "b"]]]]' \'[["u", "insert",["set", [["uuid", "b10d28f7-af18-4a67-9e78-2a6394516c59"]]]]]' \'[["u", "delete",["set", [["uuid", "b10d28f7-af18-4a67-9e78-2a6394516c59"],["uuid", "9179ca6d-6d65-400a-b455-3ad92783a099"]]]]]' \




最近写了一点注释,也提供了一些参考资料,想看的可以到这里来: https://github.com/lishuhuakai/ovs_reading


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