
在window中,QT提供了一个打包工具windeployqt,(在linux中的qt也有打包工具——linuxdeployqt,一般需要自己额外下载安装)它可以根据可执行文件的依赖关系,自动打包相应的依赖库及运行环境。 下面以windows为例,介绍其用法:

1. 首先在开始菜单中可以找到Qt x.x for Desktop(MinGW x.x.x xx bit),点击运行,会弹出cmd窗口,如下图所示。


2. 将需要发布的exe文件拷贝至新建的的空文件夹目录。

3. 在cmd窗口中输入cd /d [发布文件夹路径] ,进入exe所在的目录。

4. 输入 windeployqt xxx.exe 即可自动打包程序运行环境。

5. 双击运行planets-qml.exe,结果如下图所示,无法正常运行。



D:\Qt\Qt5.8.0\5.8\mingw53_32>windeployqt --help
Usage: windeployqt [options] [files]
Qt Deploy Tool 5.8.0The simplest way to use windeployqt is to add the bin directory of your Qt
installation (e.g. <QT_DIR\bin>) to the PATH variable and then run:windeployqt <path-to-app-binary>
If ICU, ANGLE, etc. are not in the bin directory, they need to be in the PATH
variable. If your application uses Qt Quick, run:windeployqt --qmldir <path-to-app-qml-files> <path-to-app-binary>Options:-?, -h, --help            Displays this help.-v, --version             Displays version information.--dir <directory>         Use directory instead of binary directory.--libdir <path>           Copy libraries to path.--plugindir <path>        Copy plugins to path.--debug                   Assume debug binaries.--release                 Assume release binaries.--pdb                     Deploy .pdb files (MSVC).--force                   Force updating files.--dry-run                 Simulation mode. Behave normally, but do notcopy/update any files.--no-plugins              Skip plugin deployment.--no-libraries            Skip library deployment.--qmldir <directory>      Scan for QML-imports starting from directory.--no-quick-import         Skip deployment of Qt Quick imports.--no-translations         Skip deployment of translations.--no-system-d3d-compiler  Skip deployment of the system D3D compiler.--compiler-runtime        Deploy compiler runtime (Desktop only).--no-compiler-runtime     Do not deploy compiler runtime (Desktop only).--webkit2                 Deployment of WebKit2 (web process).--no-webkit2              Skip deployment of WebKit2.--json                    Print to stdout in JSON format.--angle                   Force deployment of ANGLE.--no-angle                Disable deployment of ANGLE.--no-opengl-sw            Do not deploy the software rasterizer library.--list <option>           Print only the names of the files copied.Available options:source:   absolute path of the source filestarget:   absolute path of the target filesrelative: paths of the target files, relativeto the target directorymapping:  outputs the source and the relativetarget, suitable for use within anAppx mapping file--verbose <level>         Verbose level.Qt libraries can be added by passing their name (-xml) or removed by passing
the name prepended by --no- (--no-xml). Available libraries:
bluetooth clucene concurrent core declarative designer designercomponents
enginio gui qthelp multimedia multimediawidgets multimediaquick network nfc
opengl positioning printsupport qml qmltooling quick quickparticles quickwidgetsscript scripttools sensors serialport sql svg test webkit webkitwidgets
websockets widgets winextras xml xmlpatterns webenginecore webengine
webenginewidgets 3dcore 3drenderer 3dquick 3dquickrenderer 3dinput geoservices
webchannel texttospeech serialbusArguments:[files]                   Binaries or directory containing the binary.

结果发现需要添加--qmldir <directory>选项,指定qml文件所在目录。

6. 重新清空文件夹,只剩xxx.exe文件,执行如下命令(--qmldir 一般指定为工程所用qml文件所在目录),重新进行打包:


7. 双击运行程序,程序能够正常运行。 经测试,将该文件夹拷贝至无QT环境的其他电脑,也能够正常运行。


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  2. 在Linux下使用linuxdeployqt发布Qt程序

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  3. windows下发布Qt程序

    From: http://hi.baidu.com/limingfantasy/blog/item/22f6c459b8720086810a182e.html windows下发布Qt程序 2008- ...

  4. 麒麟系统开发笔记(八):在国产麒麟系统上使用linuxdeployqt发布qt程序

    若该文为原创文章,转载请注明原文出处 本文章博客地址:https://hpzwl.blog.csdn.net/article/details/127484901 红胖子(红模仿)的博文大全:开发技术集 ...

  5. Mac 系统发布QT程序时,sqllite无法找到数据库,路径设置问题。

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  6. windows平台下发布QT程序

    问题:我们已经编译出来了exe文件,发布时不知道需要依赖哪些库 第一种方法:windeployqt.exe 1.使用Everything查找 windeployqt.exe 找到windeployqt ...

  7. 【Qt】在ubuntu上打包发布Qt程序,可以不依赖Qt环境

    参考博客 https://blog.csdn.net/theArcticOcean/article/details/68069964 https://blog.csdn.net/hjl_1991/ar ...

  8. linux下 发布qt程序,Linux下发布qt程序

    安装patchelf 百度搜索,然后解压 进入文件夹用终端打开 然后执行命令: ./configure make sudo make install 编译linuxdeployqt 源码下载地址: h ...

  9. Linux下解决发布Qt程序报错:it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin “xcb” in “”

    简述 用Qt5.8版本在ubuntu16.04版本下编写Qt应用程序,生成release版本并打包,到另一台无Qt环境的linux系统中运行. 网上通常是按以下几个步骤进行: 1.生成release程 ...


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