








①显示总价出问题:0.1-1.0的时候总价没问题,到后面某个时间之后总价是错的?如:10.00显 示总价02.xx?



unsigned char:无符号字节型,char 为1字节 = 8位 范围0-255

unsigned int :无符号常数,int 为2字节 = 16位 范围0-65535

unsigned int  count_water = 0;   //用int 型!!!!char 溢出了!!!

unsigned int  money = 0;  //用int 型!!!

定义w_ge1; w_shi1; w_bai1;   缓存w_ge; w_shi; w_bai 的数据!!!!就可以!!

wu = ; liu = ; qi = ; ba = ;写在中断服务函数里。

#include "reg52.h" //时间02-10  20:40
#include "iic.h"sbit L1 = P0^0;//AD光敏电阻
sbit S7 = P3^0;//出水
sbit S6 = P3^1;//停水unsigned char code SMG_duanma[18] = {//  0   1    2    3    4    5    6    70xc0,0xf9,0xa4,0xb0,0x99,0x92,0x82,0xf8,//  8   9    A10  B11  C12  D13  E14  F150x80,0x90,0x88,0x80,0xc6,0xc0,0x86,0x8e,// -16  .170xbf,0x7f};  //共阳数码管unsigned char code SMG_duanmaDot[10] = {// 0.   1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.0x40,0x79,0x24,0x30,0x19,0x12,0x02,0x78,// 8.   9.0x00,0x10};  //数码管(小数点)unsigned char ling, yi, er, san, si, wu, liu, qi;//数码管段选
unsigned char count = 0;
unsigned int count_water = 0;//出水总量(0.1L/s)
unsigned int money = 0;//总价    unsigned char w_ge = 0;
unsigned char w_shi = 0;
unsigned char w_bai = 0;       void InitHC138(unsigned char n)
{switch (n){case 4://LEDP2 = (P2 & 0x1f) | 0x80;break;case 5://蜂鸣器与继电器P2 = (P2 & 0x1f) | 0xa0;break;case 6://数码管位置P2 = (P2 & 0x1f) | 0xc0;break;case 7://数码管段码P2 = (P2 & 0x1f) | 0xe0;break;}
}void Delayms(unsigned int ms)//延时 ms
{unsigned int i, j;for (i = ms; i > 0; i--)for (j = 845; j > 0; j--);
void InitSystem()
{InitHC138(4);P0 = 0xff;InitHC138(5);P0 = 0x00;
0123:显示费率 X0.50
4567:显示 ①出水总量(按下S7,清除4567,实时显示出水量;再次按下,不影响出水状态,直到按S6) ②总价(按下S6停水后,4567显示总价)
void SMG_Bit(unsigned pos, unsigned char dat)//数码管位置、数据
{InitHC138(6);P0 = 0x01 << pos;InitHC138(7);P0 = dat;
}void ShowSMG()//数码管动态显示(出水总量)
//0123显示费率:X0.50 SMG_Bit(0, 0xff);//熄灭Delayms(1);SMG_Bit(1, SMG_duanmaDot[0]);//0.Delayms(1);SMG_Bit(2, SMG_duanma[5]);//5Delayms(1);SMG_Bit(3, SMG_duanma[0]);//0Delayms(1);//4567显示出水总量SMG_Bit(4, SMG_duanma[w_bai]);Delayms(1);SMG_Bit(5, SMG_duanmaDot[w_shi]);Delayms(1);SMG_Bit(6, SMG_duanma[w_ge]);Delayms(1);SMG_Bit(7, SMG_duanma[qi]);Delayms(1);
S7:出水按键 (按下:出水/清除4567(显示实时水量),继电器接通,L10亮再次按下:不影响出水状态,直到按S6)S6:停水按键 (按下:停水/4567显示总价,继电器断开,L10灭)==================================================================*/
unsigned char flat = 0;//标志位
unsigned char w_ge1 = 0; w_shi1 = 0; w_bai1 = 0;
//个位:123 % 10 = 12.3 = 3
//十位:123 / 10 = 12.3 = 12 % 10 = 1.2 = 2
//百位:123 / 100 = 1.23 = 1
void ScanKeys()
{if (S7 == 0){Delayms(5);if (S7 == 0){if (flat == 0){TR0 = 1;//打开中断flat = 1;InitHC138(5);P0 = 0x10;//继电器接通w_ge = 0; w_shi = 0; w_bai = 0; qi = 0;}while(!S7){ShowSMG();//动态扫描数码管}}}
//个位:1234 % 10 = 123.4 = 4
//十位:1234 / 10 = 123.4 = 123 % 10 = 12.3 = 3
//百位:1234 / 100 = 12.34 = 12 % 10 = 1.2 = 2
//千位:1234 / 1000 = 1.234 = 1   if (S6 == 0){Delayms(5);if (S6 == 0){if (flat == 1){TR0 = 0;flat = 0;InitHC138(5);P0 = 0x00;//继电器断开w_bai = money / 1000;w_shi = (money / 100) % 10;w_ge = (money / 10) % 10;qi = money % 10;}}while(!S6){ShowSMG();//动态扫描数码管}}
100毫升 = 0.1L (XX.XX L)
1s = 1000ms = 100 0000us = 20*50000us
//unsigned char count = 0;
//unsigned char count_water = 0;//出水总量(0.1L/s)
//unsigned char money = 0;//总价void InitTimer0()//定时器0中断函数(每1s产生一次中断)
{TMOD = 0x01;TH0 = (65535 - 50000) / 256;TL0 = (65535 - 50000) % 256;//  TR0 = 1;ET0 = 1;EA = 1;
}void ServiceTimer0() interrupt 1 //定时器0服务函数
{TH0 = (65535 - 50000) / 256;TL0 = (65535 - 50000) % 256;count++;if (count == 20)//1s{w_ge++;count = 0;if (w_ge == 10){w_shi++;w_ge = 0;if (w_shi == 10){w_shi = 0;w_bai++;if (w_bai == 10){InitHC138(5);P0 = 0x00;w_bai = 5;w_shi = 0;w_ge = 0;qi = 0;TR0 = 0;//关闭定时器}}}}w_ge1 = w_ge; w_shi1 = w_shi; w_bai1 = w_bai;count_water = w_ge1 + w_shi1*10 + w_bai1*100;money = count_water * 5;
光敏电阻,亮度值转化为电压,当电压<1.25V L1亮;>1.25V L1灭==================================================================*/
unsigned char ReadAD(unsigned char AIN)
{unsigned char temp;IIC_Start();IIC_SendByte(0x90);IIC_WaitAck();IIC_SendByte(AIN);IIC_WaitAck();IIC_Stop();IIC_Start();IIC_SendByte(0x91);IIC_WaitAck();temp = IIC_RecByte();IIC_Stop();return temp;
}void main()
{unsigned char temp;InitSystem();InitTimer0();while(1){temp = ReadAD(1);ShowSMG();ScanKeys();if (temp < 63.75){InitHC138(4);P0 = 0xfe;}else if (temp > 63.75){InitHC138(4);P0 = 0xff;}}


#include "reg52.h"
#include "iic.h"sbit S7 = P3^0;
sbit S6 = P3^1;unsigned char code SMG_duanma[19] = {//  0   1    2    3    4    5    6    70xc0,0xf9,0xa4,0xb0,0x99,0x92,0x82,0xf8,//  8   9    A10  B11  C12  D13  E14  F150x80,0x90,0x88,0x80,0xc6,0xc0,0x86,0x8e,// -16  .17  熄灭0xbf,0x7f,0xff};  //共阳数码管unsigned char code SMG_duanmaDot[10] = {// 0.   1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.0x40,0x79,0x24,0x30,0x19,0x12,0x02,0x78,// 8.   9.0x00,0x10};  //数码管(小数点)      unsigned char yi, er, san, si, wu, liu, qi, ba;
unsigned char guang;//光敏电阻void InitHC138(unsigned char n)
{switch(n){case 4://LEDP2 = (P2 & 0x1f) | 0x80;break;case 5://蜂鸣器与继电器P2 = (P2 & 0x1f) | 0xa0;break;case 6://数码管位置P2 = (P2 & 0x1f) | 0xc0;break;case 7://数码管段码P2 = (P2 & 0x1f) | 0xe0;break;}
}void Delayms(unsigned int ms)//延时 ms
{unsigned int i, j;for (i = ms; i > 0; i--)for (j = 845; j > 0; j--);
void InitSystem()
{InitHC138(4);P0 = 0xff;InitHC138(5);P0 = 0x00;
0123:显示费率 X0.50
4567:显示 ①出水总量(按下S7,清除4567,实时显示出水量;再次按下,不影响出水状态,直到按S6) ②总价(按下S6停水后,4567显示总价)
void SMG_Bit(unsigned pos, unsigned char dat)//数码管位置、数据
{InitHC138(6);P0 = 0x01 << pos;InitHC138(7);P0 = dat;
}void ShowSMG()
{SMG_Bit(0, SMG_duanma[yi]);Delayms(1);SMG_Bit(1, SMG_duanmaDot[er]);Delayms(1);SMG_Bit(2, SMG_duanma[san]);Delayms(1);SMG_Bit(3, SMG_duanma[si]);Delayms(1);SMG_Bit(4, SMG_duanma[wu]);Delayms(1);SMG_Bit(5, SMG_duanmaDot[liu]);Delayms(1);SMG_Bit(6, SMG_duanma[qi]);Delayms(1);SMG_Bit(7, SMG_duanma[ba]);Delayms(1);
S7:出水按键 (按下:出水/清除4567(显示实时水量),继电器接通,L10亮再次按下:不影响出水状态,直到按S6)S6:停水按键 (按下:停水/4567显示总价,继电器断开,L10灭)
unsigned int money = 0;
unsigned int w_10ml = 0;void ScanKeys()
{if (S7 == 0){Delayms(5);if (S7 == 0){wu = 0;liu = 0; qi = 0; ba = 0;//清除4567数据InitHC138(5);  P0 = 0x10;//继电器接通TR0 = 1;//打开定时器}while(!S7){ShowSMG();}}if (S6 == 0){Delayms(5);if (S6 == 0){InitHC138(5); P0 = 0x00;//关闭继电器TR0 = 0;//关闭定时器(不计时)money = w_10ml * 5;//可能会有五位12345(取前四位,保留两位有效数字:第五位>5,第四位+1)wu = money / 10000;liu = (money / 1000) % 10;qi = (money / 100) % 10;ba = (money / 10) % 10;if ((money % 10) >= 5){ba = ba + 1;}w_10ml = 0;}while(!S6){ShowSMG();}}
XX.XX L  =>  01.00L  =>  00.01L = 10ml
100ml/1s = 10ml/100ms
100ms = 20*5ms = 20*5000us0.5元/L = 0.005元/10ml//1234
wu:1234 / 1000 = 1.234 = 1
liu:1234 / 100 = 12.34 = 12 % 10 = 1.2 = 2
qi:1234 / 10 = 123.4 = 123 % 10 = 12.3 = 3
ba:1234 % 10 = 123.4 = 4
unsigned char count = 0;
//unsigned int w_10ml = 0;//int:16位65535/char:8位255(小了)
//unsigned int money = 0;//总价void InitTimer0()//定时器0中断函数(每5ms产生一次中断)
{TMOD = 0x01;TH0 = (65535 - 5000) / 256;TL0 = (65535 - 5000) % 256;//    TR0 = 1;(这里不开,等按S7开水的时候开始定时)ET0 = 1;EA = 1;
}void ServiceTimer0() interrupt 1 //中断服务函数
{TH0 = (65535 - 5000) / 256;TL0 = (65535 - 5000) % 256;count++;if (count == 20)//100ms/10ml{count = 0;w_10ml++;wu = w_10ml / 1000;liu = (w_10ml / 100) % 10;qi = (w_10ml / 10) % 10;ba = w_10ml % 10;if (w_10ml == 9999)//99990ml = 99.99L = 50元{wu = 5; liu = 0; qi = 0; ba = 0;TR0 = 0;}}
光敏电阻,亮度值转化为电压,当电压<1.25V L1亮;>1.25V L1灭==================================================================*/
unsigned char ReadAD(unsigned char AIN)
{unsigned char temp;IIC_Start();IIC_SendByte(0x90);IIC_WaitAck();IIC_SendByte(AIN);IIC_WaitAck();IIC_Stop();IIC_Start();IIC_SendByte(0x91);IIC_WaitAck();temp = IIC_RecByte();IIC_Stop();return temp;
}void main()
{InitSystem();InitTimer0();yi = 18; er = 0; san = 5; si = 0; wu = 0; liu = 1; qi = 0; ba = 0;while(1){guang = ReadAD(1);//光敏电阻ShowSMG();ScanKeys();if (guang < 63.75){InitHC138(4);P0 = 0xfe;}else if (guang > 63.75){InitHC138(4);P0 = 0xff;}}



数码管4567清除数据:ml_10 = 0;

而不是wu = 0; liu = 0; qi = 0; ba = 0;!!!!!!

改进:XX.XX L ===>  00.10L / s  =  00.01L / 0.1s  =  10 mL  / 100ms 

#include "reg52.h"
#include "iic.h"sbit S7 = P3^0;
sbit S6 = P3^1;
sbit L1 = P0^0;unsigned char code SMG_duanma[19] = {//  0   1    2    3    4    5    6    70xc0,0xf9,0xa4,0xb0,0x99,0x92,0x82,0xf8,//  8   9    A10  B11  C12  D13  E14  F150x80,0x90,0x88,0x80,0xc6,0xc0,0x86,0x8e,// -16  .170xbf,0x7f,0xff};  //共阳数码管unsigned char code SMG_duanmaDot[10] = {// 0.   1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   7.0x40,0x79,0x24,0x30,0x19,0x12,0x02,0x78,// 8.   9.0x00,0x10};  //数码管(小数点)unsigned char yi, er, san, si, wu, liu, qi, ba;
unsigned int ml_10 = 0;//可达9999 用int(65535)
unsigned int money = 0;
unsigned char count = 0;void InitHC138(unsigned char n)
{switch (n){case 4://LEDP2 = (P2 & 0x1f) | 0x80;break;case 5://蜂鸣器与继电器P2 = (P2 & 0x1f) | 0xa0;break;case 6://数码管位置P2 = (P2 & 0x1f) | 0xc0;break;case 7://数码管段码P2 = (P2 & 0x1f) | 0xe0;break;}
}void Delayms(unsigned int ms)//延时 ms
{unsigned int i, j;for (i = ms; i > 0; i--)for (j = 845; j > 0; j--);
void InitSystem()
{InitHC138(4);P0 = 0xff;InitHC138(5);P0 = 0x00;
0123:显示费率 X0.50
4567:显示 ①出水总量(按下S7,清除4567,实时显示出水量;再次按下,不影响出水状态,直到按S6) ②总价(按下S6停水后,4567显示总价)
void SMG_Bit(unsigned pos, unsigned char dat)
{InitHC138(6);P0 = 0x01 << pos;InitHC138(7);P0 = dat;
}void ShowSMG()
{SMG_Bit(0, SMG_duanma[yi]);Delayms(1);SMG_Bit(1, SMG_duanmaDot[er]);Delayms(1);SMG_Bit(2, SMG_duanma[san]);Delayms(1);SMG_Bit(3, SMG_duanma[si]);Delayms(1);SMG_Bit(4, SMG_duanma[wu]);Delayms(1);SMG_Bit(5, SMG_duanmaDot[liu]);Delayms(1);SMG_Bit(6, SMG_duanma[qi]);Delayms(1);SMG_Bit(7, SMG_duanma[ba]);Delayms(1);
S7:出水按键 (按下:出水/清除4567(显示实时水量),继电器接通,L10亮再次按下:不影响出水状态,直到按S6)S6:停水按键 (按下:停水/4567显示总价,继电器断开,L10灭)==================================================================*/
unsigned char flat = 0;//标志位void ScanKeys()
{if (S7 == 0){Delayms(5);if (S7 == 0){if (flat == 0){ml_10 = 0;//清除4567flat = 1;TR0 = 1;//打开定时器InitHC138(5);P0 = 0x10;//打开继电器}}while(!S7){ShowSMG();}}if (S6 == 0){Delayms(5);if (S6 == 0){if (flat == 1){flat = 0;TR0 = 0;//关闭定时器InitHC138(5);P0 = 0x00;//关闭继电器wu = money / 10000;//12345五位(保留两位有效数字)liu = (money / 1000) % 10;qi = (money / 100) % 10;ba = (money / 10) % 10;}}while(!S6){ShowSMG();}}
100ml/s = 10ml/0.1s
100毫升 = 0.1L (XX.XX L) 00.01L = 10ml
0.1s = 100ms = 10 0000us = 20*5000us
//1wu:1234 / 1000 = 1.234 = 1
//2liu:1234 / 100 = 12.34 = 12 % 10 = 1.2 = 2
//3qi:1234 /10 = 123.4 = 123 % 10 = 12.3 = 3
//4ba:1234 % 10 = 123.4 = 4
//unsigned int ml_10 = 0;//可达9999 用int(65535)
//unsigned int money = 0;
//unsigned char count = 0;void InitTimer0() //定时器0中断函数(每5ms产生一次中断)
{TMOD = 0x01;TH0 = (65535 - 5000) / 256;TL0 = (65535 - 5000) % 256;ET0 = 1;EA = 1;
//TR0 = 1;//等要用的时候再打开
}void ServiceTimer0() interrupt 1//中断服务函数
{TH0 = (65535 - 5000) / 256;TL0 = (65535 - 5000) % 256;count++;if (count == 20)//20*5ms = 100ms = 0.1s{count = 0;ml_10++;wu = ml_10 / 1000;liu = (ml_10 / 100) % 10;qi = (ml_10 / 10) % 10;ba = ml_10 % 10;money = ml_10 * 5;//0.5元/L = 0.005/10mlif (ml_10 == 9999){InitHC138(5);P0 = 0x00;//关闭继电器TR0 = 0;//关闭定时器wu = 5; liu = 0; qi = 0; ba = 0;//50元}}
光敏电阻,亮度值转化为电压,当电压<1.25V L1亮;>1.25V L1灭==================================================================*/
unsigned char ReadAD(unsigned char AIN)
{unsigned char temp;IIC_Start();IIC_SendByte(0x90);//发送写(0)读(1)IIC_WaitAck();IIC_SendByte(AIN);IIC_WaitAck();IIC_Stop();IIC_Start();IIC_SendByte(0x91);//读(1)IIC_WaitAck();temp = IIC_RecByte();IIC_Stop();return temp;
}void main()
{unsigned char guang;InitSystem();InitTimer0();yi = 18; er = 0; san = 5; si = 0;wu = 0; liu = 1; qi = 0; ba = 0;while(1){ShowSMG();ScanKeys();guang = ReadAD(1);//0-255 => 0-5V   (255/5)*1.25 = 63.75 if (guang < 63.75){InitHC138(4);P0 = 0xfe;//点亮}else if (guang > 63.75){InitHC138(4);P0 = 0xff;//熄灭}}


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