




#!usr/bin/env python3
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-import random
try:import cPickle as pickle
except Exception:import pickle# global viriable strokeswith open("strokes.txt",'r') as f:strokes = pickle.loads(f.read().encode('utf-8'))
filename = "2of12inf.txt"def askForInput(word, guessed, pic):"""pic: a string that displays the hangman.word: string, the mystery word.guessed: set, the characters in uper case which user have guessed.this function ask the user guess word until the word is valid."""print(pic)print("Letters already guessed: {}".format(" ".join(list(guessed))))print("The current state of your guess: {}".format(showWord(word, guessed)))characters = frozenset("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")while True:ans = input("What is your next letter? (or type your guess) :")ans = ans.strip()ans = ans.upper()if len(ans) > 1:if len(ans) == len(word):if all([ele in characters for ele in ans]):return anselse:print("Invalid entry: enter a word that is a alphabeta string.")else:print("Invalid entry: enter a word that exists {} characters.".format(len(word)))elif len(ans) == 1:if ans in characters:if ans not in guessed:return anselse:print("Invalid entry: enter a single letter you have not already guessed.")else:print("Invalid entry: enter a single letter that is a alphabeta character.")else:print("Invalid entry: enter a single alphabeta letter or guess a  alphabeta word.")def getWordList(minLength, maxLength):"""minLength:int, the min length of the word.maxLength:int, the max length of the word.return: the wordList, a list of strings.this function read the words from text file: 2of12inf.txt."""wordList = []with open(filename, 'r') as f: # iterate the file from top to bottomfor line in f:line = line.strip()line = line.strip("%") # remove pluralsif len(line) >= minLength and len(line) <= maxLength:wordList.append(line)return wordListdef selectWord(minLength, maxLength):"""minLength: int, the min length of the wordmaxLength: int, the max length of the wordreturn: a word in upper case"""wordList = getWordList(minLength, maxLength)word = random.choice(wordList)return word.upper()def showWord(word, guessed):"""word:the upper case of  the mystery word guessed: the set of all guessed charactersreturn : a sstring like "_ _ E E _ E""""word = word.upper()word_hint = ["_" if ele not in guessed else ele for ele in word]return " ".join(word_hint)def printBanner(word):"""word: string, the mystery word.this function print out the number of the target word."""print("YOU WILL GUESS A WORD WITH {} LETTERS!".format(len(word)))def theEnd(word, wrong_times):if wrong_times < len(strokes):print("Congratulations! You win!!")print("The word was {}".format(" ".join(list(word))))else:print("Sorry, you lose!")print("The word was {}".format(" ".join(list(word))))print("Welcome to my blog:")print("---------------------")print("http://blog.csdn.net/myjiayan")print("---------------------")def main():print("WELCOME TO HANGMAN!")print("Welcome to my blog:")print("---------------------")print("http://blog.csdn.net/myjiayan")print("---------------------")minLength = 6maxLength = 8word = selectWord(minLength, maxLength)word = word.upper()printBanner(word)guessed = set()wrong_times = 0# tha main loopwhile wrong_times < len(strokes):# upper case ansans = askForInput(word, guessed, strokes[wrong_times])# ans is an characterif len(ans) == 1:numAns = word.count(ans)print("There is {} {}!".format(numAns, ans))guessed.add(ans)if all([ele in guessed for ele in word]):breakif numAns == 0:wrong_times += 1elif len(ans) == len(word):if ans == word:breakelse:wrong_times += 1print("the word you guessed is wrong!")theEnd(word, wrong_times)if __name__ == "__main__":main()

strokes.txt 和 单词文件 2of12inf.txt 在 http://download.csdn.net/detail/u013805817/9468750 上有下载。

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