
When you need to find a part for your car online, you need to be exact to make sure you get the right thing. Amazon Garage lets you add information about your car and then search only for the parts that fit your car. So, the next time you need brake pads or headlight bulbs, you don’t have to look up part numbers to find what you need.

当您需要在线查找汽车零件时,请务必确保您得到正确的东西。 Amazon Garage可让您添加有关您的汽车的信息,然后仅搜索适合您汽车的零件。 因此,下次需要刹车片或大灯灯泡时,无需查找零件号即可找到所需的零件。

Amazon Garage lets you save information about the various cars in your household. While it can’t hold identifiable information like your VIN or license plate number (for that, we recommend an app like Dash), it can store the make, model, and year of your car. It can also identify or save more detailed information like your engine size, trim style, and transmission type. Once you’ve entered your info, you can search Amazon Garage for parts and you’ll only see results that match your car.

Amazon Garage可让您保存有关家庭中各种汽车的信息。 尽管它无法保存可识别的信息,例如您的VIN或车牌号(为此,我们建议使用Dash这样的应用程序 ),但它可以存储汽车的品牌,型号和年份。 它还可以识别或保存更详细的信息,例如发动机尺寸,内饰样式和变速箱类型。 输入您的信息后,您可以在Amazon Garage中搜索零件,您只会看到与您的汽车相匹配的结果。

To get started, you’ll need to add a car to your garage. Head to Amazon Garage here, then click “Add your first vehicle.”

首先,您需要在车库中添加一辆汽车。 在此处转到Amazon Garage ,然后单击“添加您的第一辆车”。

Enter your vehicle type, year, make, and model into the box that pops up. Click Add when you’re done.

在弹出的框中输入您的车辆类型,年份,品牌和型号。 完成后,单击添加。

If you just want to enter basic car information, you’re done. However, when you’re searching for parts, it’s best to be as exact as possible, so we’re going to add a bit more information. Click “Update vehicle info” on the left side of the screen.

如果您只想输入基本的汽车信息,就可以完成。 但是,当您搜索零件时,最好尽可能精确一些,因此我们将添加更多信息。 点击屏幕左侧的“更新车辆信息”。

At the top, click the Trim drop down box and select the style of your car, if you know it. This will automatically fill in much of the remaining information about your car.

在顶部,单击“修剪”下拉框,然后选择汽车的样式(如果知道)。 这将自动填写有关您汽车的大部分剩余信息。

After you’ve chosen your trim style, you may see some drop down boxes remaining. If you do, click them and fill them in with the appropriate information. When you’re done, click Save.

选择修剪样式后,您可能会看到一些下拉框。 如果您这样做,请单击它们,并在其中填写适当的信息。 完成后,单击“保存”。

Once you’ve entered all your car info, scroll down the page a bit to find the “Parts & Accessories for your vehicle” section. Here, you can search for the parts you need and all the search results will match your car.

输入所有汽车信息后,向下滚动页面以找到“您的汽车零件和附件”部分。 在这里,您可以搜索所需的零件,所有搜索结果将与您的汽车相匹配。

The search results will also have a bar across the top that allows you to filter results based on variations for your vehicle. So, for example, if you have the Base model of your car, but you want to find parts for the XRS, you can click the dropdown at the top.

搜索结果的顶部还会有一个栏,使您可以根据车辆的变化来过滤结果。 因此,例如,如果您有汽车的基本模型,但想查找XRS的零件,则可以单击顶部的下拉列表。

When you click on a particular item, you’ll see a box at the top of the screen confirming that the part fits your vehicle. If you come across a part that doesn’t fit, this box should warn you.

当您单击特定项目时,您将在屏幕顶部看到一个框,确认该零件适合您的车辆。 如果遇到不合适的零件,此框会警告您。

For most things, these search results should work fine, but keep in mind that errors can sometimes slip through. If you’re buying a part from non-Prime seller, or if you’re about to drop several hundred dollars on a crucial part you need immediately, it might be worth a quick Google search to confirm the part will work. For most everyday maintenance, however, Amazon Garage makes it much simpler to find the parts you need.

在大多数情况下,这些搜索结果应该可以正常工作,但请记住,有时错误可能会漏掉。 如果您是从非主要卖家购买零件,或者您打算立即在关键零件上投入几百美元,那么快速进行Google搜索以确认零件是否有效可能是值得的。 但是,对于大多数日常维护而言,Amazon Garage使查找所需零件变得更加简单。




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