chromecast 协议

The Google Chromecast is a fantastic little piece of tech that you can do a surprising amount of stuff with given its relatively low price tag. While there are dedicated games made for Chromecast, you can actually play your regular Android games on it pretty easily too.

在谷歌的Chromecast是一个奇妙的小片技术,你可以做的东西数量惊人的与给予其相对低廉的价格标签。 尽管有专门 Chromecast开发的游戏 ,但实际上您也可以很轻松地在其上玩常规的Android游戏。

Doing this is actually incredibly simple by using a feature built into many Android phones: screen mirroring.


如何使用屏幕镜像 (How to Use Screen Mirroring)

Like I said, this is built into many Android phones, but not all Android phones. Pixel, Nexus, and other stock Android phones will feature screen mirroring as part of the core OS experience, but Samsung Galaxy devices don’t have this option built in. We’ll cover how to do it from both down below.

就像我说的那样,许多Android手机都内置了该功能,但并非所有 Android手机都内置了该功能。 Pixel,Nexus和其他库存的Android手机将屏幕镜像作为核心OS体验的一部分,但是Samsung Galaxy设备没有内置此选项。我们将在下面介绍如何做到这一点。

How to Cast Your Device Screen from Stock Android

如何从Stock Android投射设备屏幕

If you’re using a device running stock Android, then mirroring your device’s screen is as simple as pulling down the Quick Settings panel and tapping an icon.


Go head and give the notification bar a tug to show the show the Quick Settings panel. You may have to give it a second tug to expose the entire thing.

前进并拖曳通知栏以显示“快速设置”面板。 您可能需要给它第二次拖船以露出整个东西。

Look for the “Cast” icon. If you don’t see it here, you may need to swipe over to a second screen. If there isn’t a second screen, then you’ll have to edit your Quick Settings panel to add it.

查找“投射”图标。 如果您在此处看不到它,则可能需要滑动到另一个屏幕。 如果没有第二个屏幕,则必须编辑“快速设置”面板以添加它 。

Once you find it, however, just give it a tap, then choose your cast device.


It should connect immediately, and you’re good to go.


To disconnect, just tap the Cast icon again and choose “Disconnect.”


How to Use Screen Mirroring on Non-Stock Devices


If you’re using a non-stock Android device, like a Samsung Galaxy or an LG handset, then you’ll have to go about this a different way.


The easiest thing to do here is use the Google Home app, which you should already have installed since it’s required to set up your Chromecast in the first place. Go ahead and launch the app.

最简单的方法是使用Google Home应用 ,该应用应该已经安装,因为首先需要设置Chromecast。 继续并启动该应用程序。

From there, slide open the menu and tap the “Cast Screen / Audio” button. This will open the screen mirroring menu, and likely generate a “not optimized” warning message. Tap “OK.”

从那里,滑动打开菜单,然后点击“广播屏幕/音频”按钮。 这将打开屏幕镜像菜单,并且可能会生成“未优化”警告消息。 点击“确定”。

Tap the “Cast Screen / Audio” button, then choose your cast device.


To disconnect, open the Home app again (or tap the Casting notification) and choose “Disconnect.” Easy peasy.

要断开连接,请再次打开Home应用(或点击“投射”通知),然后选择“断开连接”。 十分简单。

What to Do Once You’re Connected


Now that you’re mirroring your device’s screen, just launch a game and start playing! Everything that happens on your device will also show up on the TV—that means home screens, any app you launch, and of course, games.

现在您正在镜像设备的屏幕,只需启动游戏并开始玩! 设备上发生的所有事情也会显示在电视上,这意味着主屏幕,您启动的任何应用程序以及游戏。

好的,酷。 但是,这实际效果如何? (Okay, Cool. But How Well Does this Actually Work?)

For simple stuff like showing your home screens or viewing pictures, screen mirroring is fine. But what about game performance?

对于显示主屏幕或查看图片之类的简单操作,可以使用屏幕镜像。 但是游戏性能呢?

Surprisingly, it isn’t terrible. In my testing, mirroring in was very low latency—much less than I expected—but there are a few factors to consider here.

令人惊讶的是,这并不可怕。 在我的测试中,镜像的延迟非常低,比我预期的要少得多,但是这里有一些要考虑的因素。

First off, your device. If your device is already struggling to run a game, throwing casting into the picture isn’t going to make anything better; in fact, I wouldn’t recommend that at all. But if your device purrs along nicely, give it a go! You may find everything to be great.

首先,您的设备。 如果您的设备已经在为运行游戏而苦苦挣扎,则将演员表扔进图片中并不能使事情变得更好。 实际上,我完全不建议这样做。 但是,如果您的设备运转良好,请尝试一下! 您可能会发现一切都很棒。

Secondly, consider your Wi-Fi connection. Since all this is happening over Wi-Fi, you’re going to want a good router, and thus, a strong local connection. If you’re using an old 802.11b router, for example, it probably won’t provide the best experience. Anything modern should work pretty well, though.

其次,考虑您的Wi-Fi连接。 由于所有这些都是通过Wi-Fi进行的,因此您将需要一个好的路由器,并因此需要一个强大的本地连接。 例如,如果您使用旧的802.11b路由器,则它可能无法提供最佳体验。 不过,任何现代技术都应该可以很好地工作。

Overall, I admit that I’m slightly shocked at how well this worked. Every game I tried was definitely playable, which I didn’t really expect. I was ready for latency and all sorts of glitchy garbage, but that simply wasn’t the case. If you were to add a game controller to the mix, I imagine something like Modern Combat 5 or Unkilled could be really cool using screen mirroring.

总体而言,我承认我对此效果如何感到有些震惊。 我尝试过的每款游戏都绝对可以玩,这并不是我真正期望的。 我已经为延迟和各种故障垃圾做好了准备,但事实并非如此。 如果您要在游戏中添加游戏控制器,我想使用屏幕镜像会很酷,例如Modern Combat 5或Unkilled 。


chromecast 协议

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