This inspection looks at Android API calls that have been annotated with various support annotations (such as RequiresPermission or UiThread) and flags any calls that are not using the API correctly as specified by the annotations.




Error:Excepted resource of type id相关推荐

  1. Android Studio之Error:(158) Error: Expected resource of type id [ResourceType]

    Android Studio在输出apk包时,在检查代码规范性方面相比Eclipse要严格得多,以下代码可在Eclipse编译通过, Android Studio控制台报错:Error:(158) E ...

  2. Androidstudio下Generate signed apk提示Error: Expected resource of type id [ResourceType]解决办法...

    只需要在报错位置所在的类上面添加: @SuppressWarnings("ResourceType") 即可实现Generate signed apk.

  3. Why am I getting this error “Expected resource of type raw” in Android Studio? ...

  4. redisson get()数据报错,missing type id property ‘@class’

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  5. Format specifies type 'id' but the argument has type 'NSError *__autoreleasing *

    我想打印error,但是出现了标题中的错误,代码如下: -(id)yobee_responseObjectForResponse:(NSURLResponse *)response data:(NSD ...

  6. postgresql Monetary Types to BigDecimal ,error - Bad value for type BigDecimal : 2,500.00

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  7. sqldeveloper fedora 20 [error occurred during error reporting (printing problematic frame), id 0xb]

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  8. Parsing error processing resource path jndi:/localhost/JOA/WEB-INF/struts-config

    快要下班的时候,项目来了问题! 技术架构:struts1.3+spring2.5+hibernate3.2 项目结果在启动时就来了个错:Parsing error processing resourc ...

  9. error: Error: No resource found for attribute ‘layout_scrollFlags’ in package‘包名’

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  10. appcompat_v7\res\values-v21\themes_base.xml:158: error: Error: No resource

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