From what I've seen in workbooks over the years, SUM is the most frequently used Excel function, and AVERAGE is the runner-up. Would you agree, or do you see other functions used more often than those two?

根据我多年来在工作簿中看到的内容,SUM是最常用的Excel函数,而AVERAGE是第二名。 您是否同意,或者您看到其他功能比这两个功能使用得更多?

排除异常值 (Exclude the Outliers)

Last week, a client asked about excluding some of the highest and lowest numbers from a data set, to give a better average. It looked like some of those outliers had been incorrectly entered (an extra zero, or a mistyped numbers), and they were throwing off the results.

上周,一位客户询问要从数据集中排除一些最高和最低的数字,以获得更好的平均值。 看起来其中一些异常值输入错误(一个额外的零或数字输入错误),并且它们排除了结果。

So, we did some tests with the TRIMMEAN function, to compare the results with a simple AVERAGE formula.


Do you ever use TRIMMEAN? I'm not a statistician, but it could be useful for giving a slightly different perspective on your data.

您曾经使用TRIMMEAN吗? 我不是统计学家,但对于为您的数据提供稍微不同的观点可能很有用。

排除数据百分比 (Exclude a Percentage of Data)

With the TRIMMEAN function, you can exclude a specific percentage of the data points from the top and bottom of the data set. TRIMMEAN returns the average (mean) of the remaining interior data points.

使用TRIMMEAN功能,可以从数据集的顶部和底部排除特定百分比的数据点。 TRIMMEAN返回其余内部数据点的平均值(均值)。

In the sample data for this demo, there is a list of quantities sold, for stationery orders. There are 20 records, with some outliers at the top and bottom. The data will be trimmed by 25%, to get the trimmed mean.

在此演示的样本数据中,有文具订单的已售数量清单。 有20条记录,顶部和底部有一些离群值。 数据将被修整25%,以获得修整后的平均值。

NOTE: In this example, the quantities are sorted in ascending order, so it is easier to see the top and bottom numbers. Numbers do NOT need to be sorted, for the TRIMMEAN function to calculate correctly.

注意 :在此示例中,数量按升序排序,因此更容易看到顶部和底部的数字。 不需要对数字进行排序,以便TRIMMEAN函数可以正确计算。

Item Qty
Binder 3
Pen 4
Pen 14
Pencil 20
Binder 22
Pencil 30
Pen 36
Binder 41
Pen 44
Binder 52
Pencil 59
Pen 65
Pen 66
Pen 72
Binder 78
Pencil 81
Pen 84
Binder 85
Pencil 86
Binder 97
项目 数量
活页夹 3
钢笔 4
钢笔 14
铅笔 20
活页夹 22
铅笔 30
钢笔 36
活页夹 41
钢笔 44
活页夹 52
铅笔 59
钢笔 65岁
钢笔 66
钢笔 72
活页夹 78
铅笔 81
钢笔 84
活页夹 85
铅笔 86
活页夹 97

TRIMMEAN函数参数 (TRIMMEAN Function Arguments)

The TRIMMEAN function requires 2 arguments: TRIMMEAN(array, percent)

TRIMMEAN函数需要2个参数: TRIMMEAN(array,percent)

In this example,


  • the values for the array are in cells B2:B21


  • the trim percent is entered in cell E3, as 25% (or 0.25)


To calculate the trimmed mean, enter this formula in cell E4:



The TRIMMEAN result (53.06) is different from the AVERAGE (51.95), which is shown in cell E5.



In this example, there are 20 values, and the trim percent is 25%.


To calculate how many number to trim,


  • the values are counted, then multiplied by the trim percentage (e.g. 20 * .25 = 5计算值,然后乘以修整百分比(例如20 * .25 = 5
  • That number is divided by 2, to get the number to trim at each end ( e.g. 5 / 2 = 2.5)将该数字除以2,得到要在每一端修剪的数字(例如5/2 = 2.5)
  • To remove an equal number of data points at each end, the number is rounded down to the nearest integer ( e.g. INT( 2.5) = 2)为了在每一端删除相等数量的数据点,该数字将四舍五入为最接近的整数(例如INT(2.5)= 2)

So, in this example, the top 2 (86,97) and bottom 2 (3,4) data points will not be included in the average that TRIMMEAN calculates.


To verify the result, use the AVERAGE function with cells B4:B19 – ignoring the top 2 and bottom 2 numbers. This returns 53.06 – the same result as the TRIMMEAN function in cell E4.

要验证结果,请对单元格B4:B19使用AVERAGE函数-忽略前2个和后2个数字。 这将返回53.06 –与单元格E4中的TRIMMEAN函数相同的结果。

观看视频 (Watch the Video)

Watch this video to see how to set up a TRIMMEAN formula, and see how it works.



下载样本文件 (Download the Sample File)

To follow along with the video, and to see the TRIMMEAN example, you can download the sample file from the Excel Average Functions page on my website. The file is in xlsx format, and does not contain macros.

要观看视频并观看TRIMMEAN示例,可以从我的网站上的Excel Average Functions页面下载示例文件。 该文件为xlsx格式,不包含宏。



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