print ("Hello, this is a change return program, coded by A person")

cost = float(input("How much did the object cose (in £s, eg 0.50 for 50p)?"))

given = float(input("How much money did you pay (in the same format)?"))

change = given - cost

twentypounds = 0

tenpounds = 0

fivepounds = 0

twopounds = 0

onepound = 0

fiftypennies = 0

twentypennies = 0

tenpennies = 0

fivepennies = 0

twopennies = 0

onepenny = 0


while change >= 20:

change = change - 20

twentypounds + 1


while change >=10 and <20 :

change = change - 10

tenpounds + 1


while change 10> and >= 5:

change = change - 5

fivepounds + 1


while change <5 and >= 2:

change = change - 2

twopounds + 1


while change <2 and >= 1:

change = change - 1

onepound + 1


while change <1 and >= 0.5:

change = change - 0.5

fiftypennies + 1


while change <0.5 and >= 0.2:

change = change - 0.2

twentypennies + 1


while change <0.2 and >= 0.1:

change = change - 0.1

tenpennies + 1


while change <0.1 and >= 0.05:

change = change - 0.05

fivepennies + 1


while change <0.05 and >= 0.02:

change = change - 0.02

twopennies + 1


while change <0.02 and >= 0.01:

change = change - 0.01

onepennies + 1


print("The Change Value is now:", change, " This is for debugging only")

twenty_pounds = twentypounds * 20

ten_pounds = tenpounds * 10

five_pounds = fivepounds * 5

two_pounds = twopounds * 2

one_pound = onepound * 1

fifty_pennies = (fiftypennies * 50) / 100

twenty_pennies = (twentypennies * 20) / 100

ten_pennies = (tenpennies * 10) / 100

five_pennies = (fivepennies * 5) / 100

two_pennies = (twopennies * 2) / 100

one_penny = (onepenny * 1) / 100

total_change = twenty_pounds + ten_pounds + five_pounds + two_pounds + one_pound + fifty_pennies + twenty_pennies + ten_pennies + five_pennies + two_pennies + one_penny

print("Your Total Change is:", total_change)



print ("Hello, this is a change return program, coded by A person")

cost = float(input("How much did the object cose (in £s, eg 0.50 for 50p)?"))

given = float(input("How much money did you pay (in the same format)?"))

change = given - cost

twentypounds = 0

tenpounds = 0

fivepounds = 0

twopounds = 0

onepound = 0

fiftypennies = 0

twentypennies = 0

tenpennies = 0

fivepennies = 0

twopennies = 0

onepenny = 0


while change >= 20:

change = change - 20

twentypounds + 1


while change >= 10 and change < 20:

change = change - 10

tenpounds + 1


while change > 10 and change >= 5:

change = change - 5

fivepounds + 1


while change < 5 and change >= 2:

change = change - 2

twopounds + 1


while change < 2 and change >= 1:

change = change - 1

onepound + 1


while change < 1 and change >= 0.5:

change = change - 0.5

fiftypennies + 1


while change < 0.5 and change >= 0.2:

change = change - 0.2

twentypennies + 1


while change < 0.2 and change >= 0.1:

change = change - 0.1

tenpennies + 1


while change < 0.1 and change >= 0.05:

change = change - 0.05

fivepennies + 1


while change < 0.05 and change >= 0.02:

change = change - 0.02

twopennies + 1


while change < 0.02 and change >= 0.01:

change = change - 0.01

onepennies + 1


print("The Change Value is now:", change, " This is for debugging only")

twenty_pounds = twentypounds * 20

ten_pounds = tenpounds * 10

five_pounds = fivepounds * 5

two_pounds = twopounds * 2

one_pound = onepound * 1

fifty_pennies = (fiftypennies * 50) / 100

twenty_pennies = (twentypennies * 20) / 100

ten_pennies = (tenpennies * 10) / 100

five_pennies = (fivepennies * 5) / 100

two_pennies = (twopennies * 2) / 100

one_penny = (onepenny * 1) / 100

total_change = twenty_pounds + ten_pounds + five_pounds + two_pounds + one_pound + fifty_pennies + twenty_pennies + ten_pennies + five_pennies + two_pennies + one_penny

print("Your Total Change is:", total_change)



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