
本文主要介绍粗配准NDT (Normal Distribution Transform) 与 精配准ICP (Iterative Closest Point)两种经典算法。

NDT (Normal Distribution Transform)点云配准

在去年曾经对NDT原理进行了简单总结,大家可以参考链接:点云配准NDT (P2D)算法详解。

ICP (Iterative Closest Point)点云配准

基于SVD求解 3D-3D 点对匹配


目标点云 (target cloud ): P = { p 1 , p 2 , p 3 , . . . , p n } P=\{p_1, p_2, p_3,..., p_n\} P={p1​,p2​,p3​,...,pn​}

源点云 (source cloud): Q = { q 1 , q 2 , q 3 , . . . , q n } Q=\{q_1, q_2, q_3,..., q_n\} Q={q1​,q2​,q3​,...,qn​}


可以看到上图中的两帧点云之间存在一个偏差,这个偏差需要一个位姿变换 ( R , t ) (R, t) (R,t)进行转换。


ICP算法则希望得到一个最优的位姿变换 ( R ∗ , t ∗ ) (R^*, t^*) (R∗,t∗)使得下式目标函数最小:
f ( R ∗ , t ∗ ) = M I N ( 1 N p ∑ i = 1 N p ∣ p i t − ( R ∗ q i s + t ∗ ) ∣ 2 ) f(R^*, t^*)=MIN(\frac{1}{N_p}{\textstyle \sum_{i=1}^{N_p}\left | p_{i}^{t}-(R^*q_{i}^{s}+t^*) \right |^2 } ) f(R∗,t∗)=MIN(Np​1​∑i=1Np​​∣pit​−(R∗qis​+t∗)∣2)
其中 N p N_p Np​为配对点云个数, p i t p_{i}^{t} pit​与 q i s q_{i}^{s} qis​是目标点云与源点云中的一对配对点。


起始步骤中,我们只有一系列无序的三维点,并没有对应的 p i t p_{i}^{t} pit​与 q i s q_{i}^{s} qis​点对。ICP中定义了“最近邻点”的定义。

  • 使用一个初始位姿 ( R 0 , t 0 ) (R^0, t^0) (R0,t0)对源点云 Q Q Q进行变换,得到一个变换后的点云 Q ′ Q' Q′。
  • 对变换后的点云 Q ′ Q' Q′中的点 q i ′ q_{i}^{'} qi′​在目标点云中查找最近邻点 p j p_{j} pj​,如果两点之间的距离小于预先设置的阈值,则认为点 q i ′ q_{i}^{'} qi′​与点 p j p_{j} pj​为对应的点对。

优化位姿变换 ( R , t ) (R, t) (R,t)

找到所有合理的最近邻点对之后,则每一个点对都可以构建一个函数(每个点对类似于一个观测),而待求变量 ( R , t ) (R, t) (R,t)只有6个自由度。所以我们有了 N p N_p Np​个观测,6个待求变量。使用最小二乘进行优化求解。

这样我们就更新了初始位姿 ( R 0 , t 0 ) (R^0, t^0) (R0,t0)为新的 ( R 1 , t 1 ) (R^1, t^1) (R1,t1)


得到新的位姿变换 ( R 1 , t 1 ) (R^1, t^1) (R1,t1)之后,我们再次回到寻找对应点对步骤中,重新转换源点云 Q Q Q为 Q 2 Q^2 Q2,查找 Q 2 Q^2 Q2与 P P P新的点对。
接着,进行新的 “优化位姿变换 ( R , t ) (R, t) (R,t)” 步骤,重复得到新的优化位姿 ( R 2 , t 2 ) (R^2, t^2) (R2,t2)



参考链接:Interactive Iterative Closest Point

  1#include <iostream>2#include <string>34#include <pcl/io/ply_io.h>5#include <pcl/point_types.h>6#include <pcl/registration/icp.h>7#include <pcl/visualization/pcl_visualizer.h>8#include <pcl/console/time.h>   // TicToc910typedef pcl::PointXYZ PointT;11typedef pcl::PointCloud<PointT> PointCloudT;1213bool next_iteration = false;1415void16print4x4Matrix (const Eigen::Matrix4d & matrix)17{18  printf ("Rotation matrix :\n");19  printf ("    | %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f | \n", matrix (0, 0), matrix (0, 1), matrix (0, 2));20  printf ("R = | %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f | \n", matrix (1, 0), matrix (1, 1), matrix (1, 2));21  printf ("    | %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f | \n", matrix (2, 0), matrix (2, 1), matrix (2, 2));22  printf ("Translation vector :\n");23  printf ("t = < %6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f >\n\n", matrix (0, 3), matrix (1, 3), matrix (2, 3));24}2526void27keyboardEventOccurred (const pcl::visualization::KeyboardEvent& event,28                       void*)29{30  if (event.getKeySym () == "space" && event.keyDown ())31    next_iteration = true;32}3334int35main (int argc,36      char* argv[])37{38  // The point clouds we will be using39  PointCloudT::Ptr cloud_in (new PointCloudT);  // Original point cloud40  PointCloudT::Ptr cloud_tr (new PointCloudT);  // Transformed point cloud41  PointCloudT::Ptr cloud_icp (new PointCloudT);  // ICP output point cloud4243  // Checking program arguments44  if (argc < 2)45  {46    printf ("Usage :\n");47    printf ("\t\t%s file.ply number_of_ICP_iterations\n", argv[0]);48    PCL_ERROR ("Provide one ply file.\n");49    return (-1);50  }5152  int iterations = 1;  // Default number of ICP iterations53  if (argc > 2)54  {55    // If the user passed the number of iteration as an argument56    iterations = atoi (argv[2]);57    if (iterations < 1)58    {59      PCL_ERROR ("Number of initial iterations must be >= 1\n");60      return (-1);61    }62  }6364  pcl::console::TicToc time;65  time.tic ();66  if (pcl::io::loadPLYFile (argv[1], *cloud_in) < 0)67  {68    PCL_ERROR ("Error loading cloud %s.\n", argv[1]);69    return (-1);70  }71  std::cout << "\nLoaded file " << argv[1] << " (" << cloud_in->size () << " points) in " << time.toc () << " ms\n" << std::endl;7273  // Defining a rotation matrix and translation vector74  Eigen::Matrix4d transformation_matrix = Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity ();7576  // A rotation matrix (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix)77  double theta = M_PI / 8;  // The angle of rotation in radians78  transformation_matrix (0, 0) = std::cos (theta);79  transformation_matrix (0, 1) = -sin (theta);80  transformation_matrix (1, 0) = sin (theta);81  transformation_matrix (1, 1) = std::cos (theta);8283  // A translation on Z axis (0.4 meters)84  transformation_matrix (2, 3) = 0.4;8586  // Display in terminal the transformation matrix87  std::cout << "Applying this rigid transformation to: cloud_in -> cloud_icp" << std::endl;88  print4x4Matrix (transformation_matrix);8990  // Executing the transformation91  pcl::transformPointCloud (*cloud_in, *cloud_icp, transformation_matrix);92  *cloud_tr = *cloud_icp;  // We backup cloud_icp into cloud_tr for later use9394  // The Iterative Closest Point algorithm95  time.tic ();96  pcl::IterativeClosestPoint<PointT, PointT> icp;97  icp.setMaximumIterations (iterations);98  icp.setInputSource (cloud_icp);99  icp.setInputTarget (cloud_in);
100  icp.align (*cloud_icp);
101  icp.setMaximumIterations (1);  // We set this variable to 1 for the next time we will call .align () function
102  std::cout << "Applied " << iterations << " ICP iteration(s) in " << time.toc () << " ms" << std::endl;
104  if (icp.hasConverged ())
105  {106    std::cout << "\nICP has converged, score is " << icp.getFitnessScore () << std::endl;
107    std::cout << "\nICP transformation " << iterations << " : cloud_icp -> cloud_in" << std::endl;
108    transformation_matrix = icp.getFinalTransformation ().cast<double>();
109    print4x4Matrix (transformation_matrix);
110  }
111  else
112  {113    PCL_ERROR ("\nICP has not converged.\n");
114    return (-1);
115  }
117  // Visualization
118  pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer viewer ("ICP demo");
119  // Create two vertically separated viewports
120  int v1 (0);
121  int v2 (1);
122  viewer.createViewPort (0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, v1);
123  viewer.createViewPort (0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, v2);
125  // The color we will be using
126  float bckgr_gray_level = 0.0;  // Black
127  float txt_gray_lvl = 1.0 - bckgr_gray_level;
129  // Original point cloud is white
130  pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<PointT> cloud_in_color_h (cloud_in, (int) 255 * txt_gray_lvl, (int) 255 * txt_gray_lvl,
131                                                                             (int) 255 * txt_gray_lvl);
132  viewer.addPointCloud (cloud_in, cloud_in_color_h, "cloud_in_v1", v1);
133  viewer.addPointCloud (cloud_in, cloud_in_color_h, "cloud_in_v2", v2);
135  // Transformed point cloud is green
136  pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<PointT> cloud_tr_color_h (cloud_tr, 20, 180, 20);
137  viewer.addPointCloud (cloud_tr, cloud_tr_color_h, "cloud_tr_v1", v1);
139  // ICP aligned point cloud is red
140  pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<PointT> cloud_icp_color_h (cloud_icp, 180, 20, 20);
141  viewer.addPointCloud (cloud_icp, cloud_icp_color_h, "cloud_icp_v2", v2);
143  // Adding text descriptions in each viewport
144  viewer.addText ("White: Original point cloud\nGreen: Matrix transformed point cloud", 10, 15, 16, txt_gray_lvl, txt_gray_lvl, txt_gray_lvl, "icp_info_1", v1);
145  viewer.addText ("White: Original point cloud\nRed: ICP aligned point cloud", 10, 15, 16, txt_gray_lvl, txt_gray_lvl, txt_gray_lvl, "icp_info_2", v2);
147  std::stringstream ss;
148  ss << iterations;
149  std::string iterations_cnt = "ICP iterations = " + ss.str ();
150  viewer.addText (iterations_cnt, 10, 60, 16, txt_gray_lvl, txt_gray_lvl, txt_gray_lvl, "iterations_cnt", v2);
152  // Set background color
153  viewer.setBackgroundColor (bckgr_gray_level, bckgr_gray_level, bckgr_gray_level, v1);
154  viewer.setBackgroundColor (bckgr_gray_level, bckgr_gray_level, bckgr_gray_level, v2);
156  // Set camera position and orientation
157  viewer.setCameraPosition (-3.68332, 2.94092, 5.71266, 0.289847, 0.921947, -0.256907, 0);
158  viewer.setSize (1280, 1024);  // Visualiser window size
160  // Register keyboard callback :
161  viewer.registerKeyboardCallback (&keyboardEventOccurred, (void*) NULL);
163  // Display the visualiser
164  while (!viewer.wasStopped ())
165  {166    viewer.spinOnce ();
168    // The user pressed "space" :
169    if (next_iteration)
170    {171      // The Iterative Closest Point algorithm
172      time.tic ();
173      icp.align (*cloud_icp);
174      std::cout << "Applied 1 ICP iteration in " << time.toc () << " ms" << std::endl;
176      if (icp.hasConverged ())
177      {178        printf ("\033[11A");  // Go up 11 lines in terminal output.
179        printf ("\nICP has converged, score is %+.0e\n", icp.getFitnessScore ());
180        std::cout << "\nICP transformation " << ++iterations << " : cloud_icp -> cloud_in" << std::endl;
181        transformation_matrix *= icp.getFinalTransformation ().cast<double>();  // WARNING /!\ This is not accurate! For "educational" purpose only!
182        print4x4Matrix (transformation_matrix);  // Print the transformation between original pose and current pose
184        ss.str ("");
185        ss << iterations;
186        std::string iterations_cnt = "ICP iterations = " + ss.str ();
187        viewer.updateText (iterations_cnt, 10, 60, 16, txt_gray_lvl, txt_gray_lvl, txt_gray_lvl, "iterations_cnt");
188        viewer.updatePointCloud (cloud_icp, cloud_icp_color_h, "cloud_icp_v2");
189      }
190      else
191      {192        PCL_ERROR ("\nICP has not converged.\n");
193        return (-1);
194      }
195    }
196    next_iteration = false;
197  }
198  return (0);




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