Only the Best Are on the ‘Cutting Edge’

Now ,the VOA Learning English program Words and Their Stories
For today’s program , we go into the kitken!
There is a good chance you do not go one day without using a knife . It is an important tool when cooking ,and without it,you could not make many dishes. This brings to mind a story -a true story.
Years ago,a friends and I were making a dinner together at my place . she had the job cutting up vegettable for soup. Haltway through cutting thte onion, she said that my knife was not shap and would not cut, I was surpried. I had given her my best knife, But when I look over at her,I had to smile . Actually,I did not more than smile I laughed out loud ."it might work better if you user the cutting edge of the knife,"I joked.
Let’s just say , my friend did not spend a lot of time in the kitchen. She ate out a lot.In this exam

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