
11.about visit

Hello.Can I see  Mr. Green?

Do youhave an appointment?

Sorry ,Idon't .

Yes, at 3pm.

Sorry,Mr. Green can't see you now.

He's onthe phone.

Would youwait here for a minute?

Would youlike something to drink?

Tea ,please.

Mr.Green, Mr. Smith is here.

You maygo in now.

Nice tosee you ,my old friend.

How haveyou been these years?

You've changed little.

Do youstill remember that Christmas?

12.about languages

Do youspeak English?

Yes, alittle.

How long have you studied English?

He speaks English fluently.

Your English is very good.

You speak English pretty well.

Are you a native speaker of English?

My native language is Chinese.

He speaks with London accent.

He has a strong accent.

I have some difficulty in expressing myself.

I'm always confused with 's' and 'th'.

Can you write in English?

Your pronunciation is excellent.

How can I improve my spoken English?

13.talking about activities

What are you doing?

I'm reading a book.

I'm cooking .

Are you watching TV now?

Yes, I'm watching Channel  5.

No, I'm listening to the radio.

Where are you going ?

I'm goingto work.

Who are you writing to ?

I'm writing to an old friend.

What will you do this weekend?

I'll go to a concert.

I'll go on an outing with some friends.

Do you like traveling?

Yes, Ilike it a great deal.

Yes, Ilike it very much.

14.about age

How old are you ?

I'm twenty-two.

I'm twenty-two years old.

Mr. Smith is still in his forties.

I'm two years younger than my sister.

My elder sister is one year older than her husband.

He's they youngest in the family.

He looks much younger than he is .

I came here when I was 20.

I started school at the age of 6.

My father is over 60 years old .

Most of them are less than 30.

I guess he's about 30.

She's going to be 15 next month.

They'll have a party for their 10th wedding anniversary.

He's still a boy after all.

15.talking about daily activities

When do you get up everyday ?

I usually get up at 8 o'clock.

Where do you have your lunch?

I have my lunch in a snack bar nearby.

What did you have for lunch?

I had a hamburger and a friend chicken leg.

What time do you start work?

I start work at 8 o'clock.

What do you do at work?

I answer  telephones and do some typing.

What time do you finish your work?

At 6o'clock sharp.

What do you do in your spare time?

I like listening to pop music.

I like playing football.

16.talking about yesterday

When did you get up yesterday morning?

At about seven .

I heard the clock, but I didn't get up until 9.

I woke up seven and got up right away.

I hurried to my office.

I had my breakfast on the way.

I was just on time.

I was 10 minutes late.

I had lunch with a friend of mine.

I finished my work at 6 p.m.

I stayed and did some extra work .

The TV programs were really boring, so I went to bed very early.

I read a magazine in bed.

I didn't sleep well.

I slept soundly all night.

17.talking with friends

Hi ,Joe,is it really you?

Hi, Ann.Nice to see you again.

It’s been a whole year since I last saw you.

Yes, but you look as pretty now, as you did then.

Oh, thank you.

How have you been these days?

Not so bad.

But you sound so sad.

Yes,  I lost my pet cat yesterday.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

That'sall right.

Have you seen Kate lately?

No, I have no contact with her.

I heard she got married last week.

Oh, how nice.

Sorry,I've got to go now.

So do I .

See you later.

Keep in touch.

18.talking about the past

I used to take a walk in the early morning.

He used to live in my neighborhood.

Did you use to go fishing with friends?

We have known each other for 6 years.

It has been a long time since I last came here.

Have you seen Mr. Smith recently?

They've been working on this project since last year.

I've been watching TV all night.

The movie began as soon as we got there.

When I arrived at the station, the train had already left.

The late arrival of the ship had messed up all our plans.

I had thought he knew the time of the meeting.

They had excepted me to go with them.

That wasthe third time that I had visited the place.

After Ihad finished my paper , I put it in the drawer.

19.Asking about the address

Hi, Jack,where do you live now?

I live at 203 Curzon Street.

Curzon Street? Isn't Mary living there?

Yes, she lives just across the street.

How long have you stayed there?

Just afew months.

How about Mary?

How long has she lived there?

She's been living there since her birth.

Will you stay there for long?

No, I 'll move to Hollywood next month.

Oh,really? I'm moving there too.

Great.Then we can drink beer together.

Yes, and you may stay there longer.

I hope so.

I'm surewe'll have a good time.

20.asking questions

Where areyou going ?

Where did you go for dinner yesterday?

When will he come to see you?

When did you buy the car?

Who told you ?

Who will accompany you to the airport?

Why don't you agree?

Why not go out for a walk?

How did you doing spend your holiday?

How are you doing these days?

What did he say in the letter?

What are you going to do with the books?

What were you doing when I called?

I was about to leave .

Can you guess what I was doing this morning?

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