
Binary Code is a representation format for the different types of data like Text, Image, Video, etc. Binary code is expressed two basic symbols or numbers 1 and 0. Binary code is related to the binary number system those are 1 and 0. Binary is very related to the computers where the CPU works with binary values in the most basic terms.


二进制代码历史 (Binary Code History)

The binary numbering system is invented by Gottfried Leibniz in 1689 which was a mathematician. George Bool published the Mathematical Analysis of Logic paper in 1847 which is the base and description of the Boolean Algebra and Boolean Logic.

二进制编号系统由数学家Gottfried Leibniz于1689年发明。 乔治·布尔(George Bool)于1847年发表了《逻辑学的数学分析》一书,它是布尔代数和布尔逻辑的基础和描述。

如何创建或转换为二进制代码? (How To Create or Convert Into Binary Code?)

Binary code can be created for different data types. The data formats like Video, Text, Instructions, etc can be converted into the binary code by using their representations. In the following example, we will convert an ASCII text into the binary code. The following ASCII text can be expressed in binary code.

可以为不同的数据类型创建二进制代码。 视频,文本,指令等数据格式可以通过使用它们的表示形式转换为二进制代码。 在下面的示例中,我们将ASCII文本转换为二进制代码。 以下ASCII文本可以用二进制代码表示。

Hello Poftut.com

When we convert the “Hello Poftut.com” into the binary code we will see the following output. As we can see there is no letter and there is only numbers which are binary. 0 and 1 are binary numbers and for binary coding only 0 and 1 can be used. Using decimal numbers like 2,3,5,14 etc are no possible.

当我们将“ Hello Poftut.com”转换为二进制代码时,将看到以下输出。 如我们所见,没有字母,只有二进制数字。 0和1是二进制数,对于二进制编码,只能使用0和1。 不能使用像2,3,5,14等十进制数字。

01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00100000 01010000 01101111 01100110 01110100 01110101 01110100 00101110 01100011 01101111 01101101

二进制代码的用法 (Usage Of Binary Code)

Binary code is very popular in computing and IT and used in different types of hardware, devices, and software. Here we will list some of the usage examples of the binary code.

二进制代码在计算和IT中非常流行,并用于不同类型的硬件,设备和软件中。 在这里,我们将列出一些二进制代码的用法示例。

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CPU is the most important hardware which uses the binary code. All CPU logic and operation run with the binary code and binary logic like AND, OR, EXOR, NOT AND, NOT OR etc. All CPU instructions are coded as binary and executed in the resistors.

CPU是使用二进制代码的最重要的硬件。 所有CPU逻辑和操作都使用二进制代码和二进制逻辑(例如AND,OR,EXOR,NOT AND,NOT OR等)运行。所有CPU指令均编码为二进制并在电阻器中执行。

GPU or Graphical Processing Unit is another important hardware that uses the binary code in order to process the binary code. All graphics are rendered as binary code and parallel architecture most of the time.

GPU或图形处理单元是另一个重要的硬件,它使用二进制代码来处理二进制代码。 大多数时间,所有图形都以二进制代码和并行体系结构的形式呈现。

Computer Network provides the data transmission between different hosts. Internet uses the computer networks for communication and in general, the transmitted data is encoded as binary code during the transmission.

Computer Network提供了不同主机之间的数据传输。 互联网使用计算机网络进行通信,并且通常在传输过程中将传输的数据编码为二进制代码。

二进制代码和布尔逻辑 (Binary Code and Boolean Logic)

Binary Code and Binary Logic are two related topics where Boolean Logic uses True and False where Binary Codes uses 1 and 0. Boolean values can be converted into the Binary Code where True is converted into 1 and False is converted into 0. All of the boolean logic operations can be easily expressed and applied to the binary code.


True AND True = True
1 AND 1 = 1True AND False = False
1 AND 0 = 0True OR False = True
1 OR 0 = 1

ASCII和二进制转换 (ASCII and Binary Conversion)

ASCII is a text format that contains 255 characters. ASCII contains letters, numbers, alphanumeric, and sign characters. For example, ASCII character A is represented as 01000001 in binary code. Each ASCII character can store a single byte where a single byte can be expressed with the 8 bit. 8-bit stores 8 binary codes.

ASCII是包含255个字符的文本格式。 ASCII包含字母,数字,字母数字和符号字符。 例如,ASCII字符A在二进制代码中表示为01000001 。 每个ASCII字符可以存储一个字节,其中单个字节可以用8位表示。 8位存储8个二进制代码。

ASCII and Binary Conversion Table

十进制和二进制转换(Decimal and Binary Conversion)

Decimal numbers are used in daily life by humans. Decimal numbers also used in computers by the user interfaces for users. But as most of the computer hardware is binary code based they will be eventually converted into the binary code. This is also called as Binary Coded Decimal. Hexadecimal numbering is another popular numbering scheme used in computing too.

小数在人类的日常生活中使用。 用户界面在计算机中也为用户使用小数。 但是由于大多数计算机硬件都是基于二进制代码的,因此它们最终将被转换为二进制代码。 这也称为二进制编码的十进制。 十六进制编号也是在计算中使用的另一种流行的编号方案。

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-binary-code/



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