十六进制颜色 rgb颜色

Do you find yourself needing a color code for the website work that you are doing and just want a quick simple way to get it? Now you can enjoy color code finding goodness with Color Detector.

您是否发现自己需要为正在执行的网站工作提供颜色代码,并且只想以一种简单的快捷方式获取它? 现在,您可以享受使用Color Detector查找颜色代码的优点。



Color Detector is quick and easy to install and once you have finished the installation you are ready to go. Color Detector has everything that you need to use it built right into the main window. Notice that there are three specific “Keyboard Keys” associated with Color Detector to enhance ease-of-use.

Color Detector的安装简便快捷,完成安装后即可开始使用。 Color Detector具有内置在主窗口中的所有使用它所需的功能。 注意,有三个与“颜色检测器”关联的特定“键盘键”可以增强易用性。

Color Detector in Action


Getting the color codes that you need is very easy…simply move your mouse over the desired color and watch the “Hex & RGB Values” display in the main window. You can temporarily lock down the color codes by using the “F5 Key” to freeze them…using the “F5 Key” again unfreezes things so that you can get your next set of codes. The copy to clipboard function is also very convenient if you prefer to paste your new codes into your notes (or web editor).

轻松获得所需的颜色代码……只需将鼠标移至所需的颜色上,然后在主窗口中观看“十六进制和RGB值”显示。 您可以通过使用“ F5键”冻结颜色代码来暂时锁定颜色代码……再次使用“ F5键”可以使事物冻结,以便获得下一组代码。 如果您希望将新代码粘贴到笔记(或Web编辑器)中,则复制到剪贴板功能也非常方便。

Sometimes the color name will display as “not found” but that is okay. You have those wonderful color codes and that is what really matters.

有时,颜色名称将显示为“未找到”,但这没关系。 您拥有那些出色的颜色代码,这才是真正重要的。



Color Detector is an extremely useful program to have in your website building toolbox…small, unobtrusive, and very dependable. This is definitely a recommended install for your computer.

Color Detector是一个非常有用的程序,可用于您的网站构建工具箱……小巧,不显眼且非常可靠。 绝对是建议您的计算机安装。



Download Color Detector (version 2.0)


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/6010/get-hex-rgb-color-codes-the-easy-way/

十六进制颜色 rgb颜色

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