
First, a disclaimer. I work for Microsoft on the Web Platform team. That said, I don't know anyone in hardware. My opinions are my own. I don't have any vested interest in this mouse and I paid for it myself. In fact, I pre-ordered it in February.

首先,免责声明。 我在Web平台团队为Microsoft工作。 也就是说,我在硬件方面不认识任何人。 我的意见是我自己的。 我对这款鼠标没有任何既得利益,因此我自己为此买了钱。 实际上,我是在2月预订的。

I'm a hardware fanboy. I've tried dozens of keyboards and mice, and many webcams. Getting a new mouse or a new keyboard is a great inexpensive way to fundamentally change your computing experience. It's like a new pair of pants. Sometimes it just makes you happy to refresh the stuff you use every day.

我是硬件迷。 我已经尝试了数十种键盘和鼠标以及许多网络摄像头。 购买新鼠标或新键盘是从根本上改变您的计算体验的一种非常便宜的方法。 就像一条新裤子。 有时,它会让您高兴地刷新每天使用的内容。

I REALLY want to like the Microsoft Touch Mouse. The idea is a great one. Take a mouse that works like you'd think a mouse should, then add a number of multi-touch gestures so your mouse is everything a mouse is PLUS basic gestures you use with a touchpad or phone.

我真的很想喜欢Microsoft触摸鼠标。 这个主意很棒。 拿起像您想像的鼠标一样工作的鼠标,然后添加许多多点触摸手势,这样您的鼠标就是鼠标的一切,再加上您在触摸板或手机上使用的基本手势。

包装及五金 (Packaging and Hardware)

The packaging and OOBE (Out of Box Experience) is cherry. It's really nice to see Microsoft getting packaging right in a way that isn't a copy of Apple's packaging. The package opens up with a multi-fold lid like a treasure chest to expose the mouse beneath a clear cover. There's even a little magnet to hold the lid down. Inside the lid is directions on how to use the primary gestures.

包装和OOBE(即用型体验)是樱桃。 看到Microsoft以非Apple包装的方式正确包装,真是太好了。 该包装打开时有一个像宝藏箱这样的多层盖子,可以将鼠标暴露在透明的盖子下面。 甚至还有一点磁铁可以将盖子压低。 盖子内是有关如何使用主要手势的说明。

You open the box by pulling the lid all the way off and releasing the mouse from it's stand. There's a nano receiver and batteries are included. While the nano receiver has a home inside the base of the mouse for storage, it's unfortunate that there isn't an option for using Bluetooth as I need another nano receiver like I need a hole in the head. All up, the packaging is primo.

您可以通过完全拉开盖子并从支架上松开鼠标来打开盒子。 有一个纳米接收器,包括电池。 尽管nano接收器在鼠标的底部有一个存放空间,但不幸的是,没有蓝牙选项,因为我需要另一个nano接收器,例如我的头部需要一个Kong。 总而言之,包装是原始的。

The mouse itself is pleasingly heavy. I suspect if I opened it up I'd find a small lead weight inside to give it just a smidge of heft.

鼠标本身很重。 我怀疑如果打开它,我会在里面发现一个小的铅块,使其有些许杂物。

追踪 (Tracking)

The tracking uses the newer BlueTrack system rather than the Red-light system most of my mice use. It's also extremely responsive and tracks on darn near anything. I don't need to use a mousepad with this mouse, but I always use a WowPad because they make any mouse work better. It really tracks perfectly, as it should. I haven't have any issues with poor tracking mice in the last several years since the optical-super-laser-whatever technology came out and this mouse is no exception.

跟踪使用更新的BlueTrack系统,而不是我大多数鼠标使用的Red-light系统。 它的响应速度非常快,可以跟踪附近任何地方的织补。 我不需要为此鼠标使用鼠标垫,但是我总是使用WowPad,因为它们可以使任何鼠标更好地工作。 它确实确实可以完美跟踪。 自从光学超激光技术问世以来,过去几年来我一直没有追踪不良鼠标的任何问题,这种鼠标也不例外。

手势和软件 (Gestures and Software)

The software is a new tab called Touch within the Mouse control panel. It's got a nice side-car window with a lopping video showing you how to do each gesture. It's a little subtle, but you can play each video with the little blue play button on the left (they look like bullet points.)

该软件是鼠标控制面板中一个名为“触摸”的新选项卡。 它有一个漂亮的侧面车窗,上面放着一段视频,向您展示如何做每个手势。 这有点微妙,但是您可以使用左侧的蓝色小播放按钮播放每个视频(它们看起来像子弹点。)

Gestures supported are:


  • One finger scroll pan (vertically and horizontally) 一指滚动锅(垂直和水平方向)
  • One thumb swipe - A forward/back gesture, just like the thumb forward and back buttons on most mice (and many keyboards!) these days. Works in browsers, Outlook, OneNote and any other software that listens for forward/back. 一只拇指轻扫-一种向前/向后手势,就像如今大多数鼠标(和许多键盘!)上的拇指前进和后退按钮一样。 在浏览器,Outlook,OneNote和任何侦听前进/后退的其他软件中均可使用。
  • Two finger swipe - This is really useful, in fact. Up is maximize, down is minimize, left and right are snap to the sides. 两根手指滑动-实际上,这确实很有用。 向上是最大化,向下是最小化,左侧和右侧向侧面对齐。
  • Three finger swipe - Gives you an "exposé" style super dashboard of all your applications. They call it "instant viewer." More on that in a second. 三指轻扫-为您提供所有应用程序的“公开”样式的超级仪表板。 他们称其为“即时查看器”。 一秒钟内会更多。

Here's a look at the software:


Instant Viewer is what you get with a three finger swipe. It looks like this. The idea is, swipe, click to task switch, and it works great, it just is a little awkward to three finger swipe. Fortunately, 4 fingers or basically the whole hand works too, so a big swipe up is much more comfortable.

只需用三指轻扫即可获得Instant Viewer。 看起来像这样。 想法是,轻扫,单击以切换到任务开关,效果很好,三手指轻扫有点尴尬。 幸运的是,四根手指或基本上整个手都可以用,因此向上滑动就更舒服了。

卷动 (Scrolling )

Here's the part I'm having trouble getting past. Sometimes the scrolling just doesn't register. Often it registers on the second or third flick. I can't tell if this is hardware or software, but it's not cool. Maybe it's me. Things that you touch, whether they are phones, touchpads or mice should always work, every time, exactly. I think that one of the reasons that iPhones and capacitive screens are so successful is because of their responsiveness. Early PDAs suffered from that, tap, tap, tap, react cycle. Sometimes unresponsiveness is perceived unconsciously and other times it finds its way into your conscious brain. I was/am far too aware of scrolling gestures not registering far too often.

这是我难以逾越的部分。 有时,滚动只是不注册。 通常,它会在第二或第三弹时注册。 我不知道这是硬件还是软件,但这并不酷。 也许是我无论您是触摸手机,触摸板还是鼠标,您每次触摸的东西都应该始终正确运行。 我认为iPhone和电容式屏幕如此成功的原因之一是它们的响应能力。 早期的PDA遭受着敲击,敲击,敲击,React循环的困扰。 有时无意识会被无意识地感知,而其他时候它会进入意识的大脑。 我/我太清楚滚动手势注册得不太频繁。

That said, the other gestures (two and three fingers) work EVERY time. I've really tested it with gentle touch, hard touch, etc and the two finger gestures ALWAYS work. I suspect there is some kind of scrolling driver bug going on here as the hardware seems very reliable. I'd love to hear from someone on the team if there is a known scrolling issue.

也就是说,其他手势(两个和三个手指)每一次都起作用。 我已经通过柔和的触摸,坚硬的触摸等进行了真正的测试,并且两个手指手势始终有效。 我怀疑这里出现某种滚动驱动程序错误,因为硬件看起来非常可靠。 如果有已知的滚动问题,我很想听听团队中的某个人。

The other issue with scrolling is that you have to move your finger about a 1/2 cm before a scroll registers. I think this is to make the mouse not be too jittery. If it scrolled every time you moved at all, I suspect that would be irritating. That said, this should absolutely be a setting I can control.

滚动的另一个问题是必须在滚动记录之前将手指移动约1/2厘米。 我认为这是为了使鼠标不会太抖动。 如果每次您移动时都滚动,我怀疑那会很烦人。 也就是说,这绝对是我可以控制的设置。

This might very well be "be design." But when you make something called a "Touch Mouse" in a world where iPads and Windows Phones have pixel-perfect scrolling, the comparisons will be drawn. I want to casually touch and scroll without thinking. Perhaps even a few pixels. The illusion is broken when a touch has to be a half-flick.

这很可能是“正在设计”。 但是,当您在iPad和Windows Phone具有完美像素滚动的世界中制作“触摸鼠标”时,将进行比较。 我想不加思索地随意触摸和滚动。 甚至可能只有几个像素。 当触摸必须是半滑动时,这种幻觉就被打破了。

The scrolling also has built in inertia. If you flick it fast, it'll scroll fast and then slow down. This is nice because it feels like a tablet device where you can "throw" a browser page and it'll accelerate and decelerate in a natural way. This "inertial scroll" could really be the killer feature if the actual first touch that starts the scroll was more reliable.

滚动还内置了惯性。 如果快速滑动,它将快速滚动然后放慢速度。 这很好,因为它感觉就像是一种平板设备,您可以在其中“抛出”浏览器页面,并且以自然的方式加速和减速。 如果开始滚动的实际第一次触摸更可靠,那么这种“惯性滚动”确实可以成为杀手feature

局限性 (Limitations)

I assumed that the middle area of the mouse would register as a Middle Click. It doesn't, so this is a 2 button mouse. This is almost a deal breaker for me because I use the middle click all the time when browsing  to open new tabs in the background or to close a tab without switching to it. If you rely on the middle mouse button (not everyone does) then be aware. You may not miss it until it's gone.

我假设鼠标的中间区域将注册为“中间点击”。 它不是,所以这是2键鼠标。 这几乎是一个大忌适合我,因为我用的是中间点击一切的时候,浏览 在后台打开新标签页或关闭标签页而不切换到该标签页。 如果您依靠鼠标中键(并非所有人都这样做),请注意。 您可能不会错过它,直到它消失了。

结论 (Conclusion)

This is a multitasker's mouse. If you have a great mouse that you like, should you switch? No. But if you are in the market for a mouse AND you are a person with MANY windows open or a person with multiple monitors I can see how the window management features would be really useful.

这是一个多任务处理程序的鼠标。 如果您有喜欢的鼠标,应该切换吗? 否。但是,如果您在市场上购买鼠标,并且您是一个打开许多窗口的人或具有多个监视器的人,那么我可以看到窗口管理功能将如何真正有用。

However, for me, I'm on the fence if this scrolling issue is a deal breaker or not. If there's an upcoming driver update that really nails the scrolling sensitivity down then I'll recommend this mouse wholeheartedly.  Until then, I think I'll alternate between this one and my trusty and wonderful Microsoft Arc Mouse, which rocks completely.

但是,对我而言,如果此滚动问题是否会破坏交易,我将无所适从。 如果即将发布的驱动程序更新确实降低了滚动灵敏度,那么我会全力推荐这款鼠标。 在那之前,我想我会在这和我可信赖且出色的Microsoft Arc Mouse之间进行切换,后者会完全摇晃。

相关链接 (Related Links)

  • All my Product Reviews in one place


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/review-microsoft-touch-mouse-for-windows-7


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