/ʌ/ 音相关:

Shut the fuck up.
oh, shit/ shoot
abso-fucking-lutely! 就是这样的
Could you please...?
Would you please...?
Can I have a hamburgur?
Hi, guys, man

1. shut

You shut your mouth or I'll shut it for you.
Keep your mouth shut or I'll shut it for you.

2. flesh and blood 血肉至亲,血肉之躯

You're my own flesh and blood
She's our flesh and blood, so let's all try to get along with her while she's in town.
... is coming to town  谁谁要来了

3. cut / cut it out : To stop doing something.

Cut the eye-rolling, will you?
If they don't cut it out soon, I'm going to go up there and give them a piece of my mind.
give one's a piece of my mind. 给某人一点颜色看看

4. an old head on young shoulders : A young person who acts or speaks like an older person. 老气横秋

Katie may only be 13, but she is so insightful. She's really an old head on young shoulders.
He's only seventeen, but he has an old head on young shoulders and remains calm under pressure.

5. be young at heart: To behave in a way or have a disposition that is more youthful than one’s age.

Grandma is still so young at heart
I can't believe she's taking dance lessons at 90 years old!

6. a must-have : 必须的

The iPod quickly established itself as a must-have device.
It's this year's must-have for children.

7. be tied to (one’s) mother’s apron strings : To be controlled or dominated by one’s mother

I'm worried that my husband will forever be tied to his mother's apron strings --he's a grown man but still does every little thing she asks!
Can you make a decision on your own, or are you tied to your mother's apron strings?

/ʊ/ 音相关

How you doin'?
I'm doing good. (爱顶格)
bookworm :书虫
In one's good book

1. one’s future looks bright

Tom's future looks bright and he will do well if he keeps working hard.
Your future looks bright if you can keep up such an impressive level of performance.

2. (as) good as new

Look at this vintage comic book(复古漫画书) I found in the attic - It's good as new!
A little rest and I'll be as good as new 短暂的休息,精神焕发
A little rest recharges my battery

3. put (one’s) best foot forward 展示最好的一面

You really need to put your best foot forward in the interview if you want to get this job
Put your best foot forward during an employment interview.
show off : 炫耀(偏贬义)

4.cook someone’s goose(鹅) : To interfere with, disrupt, or ruin something for someone.

News of my involvement in this scandal(丑闻) will cook my goose for sure.
She really cooked her roommate's goose that time.

5.a closed book (someone or something that is difficult to know or understand…)

She's such a private person that I don't actually know very much about her. I guess I married a closed book.
He is such a closed book, that guy.

/u/ 音相关

1. (as) tough as old boots : Having great strength of body, mind, or will)

My grandmother is tough as old boots, she lived through the Great Depression and raised four kids pretty much all on her own
Barbara is tough as old boots and rules(统治) her husband with an iron hand.

2. put (oneself) in (someone’s) shoes

Before being quick to judge someone for their actions, you should always try to put yourself in their shoes.
Everyone is human, after all.
Don't judge a book by it's cover.

/ɜ/ 音相关 恶儿

I'm snowed under with work. 我工作很忙
work like a dog   褒义, 形容一个人工作很勤奋
breathe a word
eat like a bird
an early bird
in one's birthday suit
throw a birthday party

1. get (one’s) shirt out : To become angry or make one angry

Can you please be patient and not get your shirt out so easily?

2. have money to burn : To have a lot of money that one can spend freely and often unnecessarily)

He's got money to burn. He's just spent $4000 on a picture of Mickey Mouse.
I was staying at the Ritz
I had money to burn in those days.
Money talk : 有钱能使鬼推磨

3. (Do) you hear me? : are you going to obey my instruction or command?Do you understand exactly what I’m telling you?)

You cann't borrow the car without my permission, or you'll be grounded for a mouth--do you hear me?
be grounded for (禁足)
You are not to visit that woman anymore, you hear me?

4. have a word with sb. 谈一下

5. … hurts

Love hurts. 爱伤人
I've been there before. I know it hurts.
I'm sorry about that. I know it hurts.
sucks 糟糕透了
my English sucks.

/ɔːr/ 音相关

Peace out!  再见
Tata! 再见
eat like a horse
hold your horses 耐心一点


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