ACM Trans on Modeling & Computer Simulation

Computer Aided Geometric Design

Computer-Aided Design

ieee trans on circuits and systems i。beaudoin s p stress distribution in chemical mechanical polishing[外文期刊] int workshop on numerical modeling of processes and devices for integrated circuits 199429.brorucki l mathematical modeling of polish-rate decay in chemical-mechanical polishing [外文期刊]2002 2/4 30.tseng w t。1-10.70 "coherent functions and program checkers",proceedings of twenty-second acm symposium on theory of computing

IEEE Trans on Visualization and Computer Graphics

SIAM Jnl on Scientific and Statistical Computing

Multimedia Systems

Performance Evaluation

Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation


Computers & Education

ACM Trans on Mathematical Software


Intl Jnl of Modelling & Simulation

Intl Jnl of Shape Modelling

Intl Jnl on Computational Geometry & Apps

Simulation & Games

Simulation & Gaming

Visual Computer

Computational Geometry - Theory and Applications


Multimedia Tools & Applications

Intl Jnl in Computer Simulation

Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering

Information Retrieval

Computer Graphics Forum: Jnl of the Europ As. for CG

Computer & Graphics

Intl Jnl of Applied Software Technology

Jnl of Computational and Applied Mathematics

Mathematical and Computer Modelling

Mathematics and Computers in Simulation

International Journal of Computer Mathematics

Simulation Practice and Theory

The New Review of Hypermedia & Multimedia: Apps & Res

Trans of the Intl Assoc for Math and Comps in Simuln

Computer Simulation: Modeling & Analysis

Trans of the Society for Computer Simulation

Journal of Visual Languages and Computing

Engineering Computations

Software - Concepts and Tools

Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation

The International Journal of The Eurographics Association


Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Journal of Digital Imaging

Journal of Concurrent Engineering: Applications and Research

Digital Technical Journal

Interface Journal of New Music Research

SPIE Journal of Electronic Imaging

The Journal of Electronic Commerce

Journal of Graphics Tools

International Journal of Information Processing and Management

Journal of Library Automation

The Journal of Computer Game Design

Journal of Documentation

Virtual Prototyping Journal

Journal of Computing and Information Technology

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing.

Journal of Computer Aided Surgery

Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design

Journal of the Virtual Reality Society

Journal of Virtual Reality Research, Development and Applications

Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics



IEEE Trans on Communications

Jnl of Parallel and Distributed Computing

ACM Trans on Computer Systems

IEEE/ACM Trans on Networking

ACM Trans on Information Systems

IEEE Trans on Parallel and Distributed Systems

Distributed Computing

IEEE Jnl on Selected Areas in Communication

International Journal of Parallel Programming

pbx4linux – pbx4linux is an isdn pbx which interconnects isdn telephones, isdn lines, and a h.323 gateway. this is a pure software solution except for the isdn cards and telephones, as it connects to a linux box. the great benefit is the nt-mode that allows to connect telephones to an isdn card.。chronyd provides support for isolated networks where the only method of time correction is manual entry. for example, by the administrator looking at a clock. chronyd can examine the errors corrected at different updates to estimate the rate at which the computer gains or loses time, and use this estimate to trim the computer clock subsequently.。i know that computers and networks are the future tools to learn the profession in the premise, i had a great interest in the computer and read a lot about books, windows98/xx, kingdee finance, uf financial and other systems, application software, foxpro, vb language and other programming languages.。

Real-time Systems



Internet Research - Electronic Networking Applications and Policy

Computer Communications

Jnl of Computer Communications

Jnl of Network and Computer Applications

Parallel Computing

Mobile Networks and Applications

Jnl of High Speed Networks

Wireless Networks

Queueing Systems

The Intl Jnl of Supercomputer Applications

Concurrency - Practice and Experience

IEEE Journal of Internet Computing

ACM Transactions on Information and System Security

Computers & Security

IEE Proc. - Communications

IEICE Trans on Fundamentals of Elec.,Comm.计算机杂志, and Comp.

IEICE Trans on Communications

Mobile Computing and Communications Review

Distributed Systems Engineering Jnl

Intl Jnl of High Speed Computing



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