Test Environment:

Proto type: AINO AALTO(v)

Client version: V 10.08(1)     


1. FB Client has been installed.

2. First time log in.

3. Connection is set as “Always ask”.


1. Go to Main menu -> Contacts -> Facebook tab.

2. Press MSK. (Select access point query displayed)

3. Input the correct Email address and password after accepting the disclaimer-> MSK. (Remember me query displayed.)

4. Select LSK: No. (Select access point query is displayed.)

5. Select LSK: Cancel (for about three times).

Expected result:

User log in process is canceled successfully.

Actual result:

An error note displayed as: “Incorrect Email address and password combination. Try again” and then the Disclaimer is displayed again.

Other info:


Corresponding test cases:

Ad hoc testing

Priority: Major

Severity: Medium


Test Environment:

Proto type: AINO AALTO (V 30.0.007)

Software version: v10.06

The webpage of FB website becomes disordered after adding a new status with more than a hundred characters on FB client. Need we report it?


1. Open FB main view on device.

2. Options->Edit status.

3. Input about 1 hundred characters.

4. Check on www.facebook.com.


Test Environment:

Proto type: AINO AALTO (V 30.0.007)

Software version: v10.06

New account can not be created successfully on m.facebook.com. An error note is displayed as: “Could not validate number 86, please check the number and try again” after clicking submit button. The same error note will displayed after selecting country Code. Need we report this?

Detail steps:

1. Select Sign up option and press MSK in FB tab of contact. (m.facebook.com is opened.)

2. Input the required info and select Submit button. -> Error note displayed.

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