

11.4 - Apps that use IAP to purchase credits or other currencies must consume those credits within the App
11.4 Details

We noticed that your app uses In-App Purchase products to purchase credits or currencies that are not consumed within the app, which is not allowed. 

Specifically, we found that your app shares the IAP credits with another app “xxx应用HD”.

Next Steps

Please revise your app to ensure that the credits or currencies purchased with In-App Purchase products are used within the app or remove the In-App Purchases entirely.





Apple purchased goods within a background in itunesconnect established, according to Apple backstage requirements, each commodity is the only independent, and can not be shared between different applications, we can not be a common commodity. For the same game for the iPhone version and ipad version, keeping commodity prices, description consistent, is in line with the expectations of the players, do not as a player, you want a game with the iPhone version and ipad version must be completely different from it?
Please re-examine the application, carefully consider our advice, thank you




June 25, 2015 at 6:14 AM
From Apple
11.4 - Apps that use IAP to purchase credits or other currencies must consume those credits within the App

Please disregard the previous message. We apologize for the confusion.

We will continue to review the app and will notify you if we found more issues.

Best Regards

App Store Review

June 25, 2015 at 4:23 AM
From Apple

Thank you for your response. When we used the demo account to make purchase in xxx应用, and then we logged in to xxx应用HD, we found the account balance of xxx应用HD reflected the amount we purchased in xxx应用.

Best Regards


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