

Qt platform plugin “windows Available plugins are:windowsXXX问题相关推荐

  1. Qt程序运行提示“it could not find or load the QT platform plugin “windows””

    打开exe运行程序是,弹窗提示: Application failed to start because it could not find or load the QT platform plugi ...

  2. Python报错it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin windows

    在用python画图的时候,弹出来一个小框,说是"it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "windows"&q ...

  3. pyside2出现qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin windows in 错误解决办法

    系统平台:Win10 64bit python版本: python 3.5.3 pyside2版本:pyside2-5.11.0(使用pip install -U pyside2安装) pyside2 ...

  4. [转载]Qt platform plugin 'windows'

    Qt platform plugin 'windows' 原文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/darren2015zdc/article/details/73293698 关于Qt ...

  5. 【已解决】报错qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin “windows“ in “...“ even though it was

    问题描述: 在Python程序中使用到Pyside2进行图形界面搭建,并使用Pyinstaller将程序打包为独立可执行文件后,双击.exe文件,出现报错: "qt.qpa.plugin: ...

  6. 解决This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin windows

    PyQt5+python做UI时,使用pyinstaller打包成exe,点击运行exe文件时,出现This application failed to start because it could ...

  7. Qt-c++桌面编程报错:qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin “windows“ in

    问题:Qt-c++桌面编程报错:qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "windows" in "&q ...

  8. 【Qt5 for VS】关于出现 Qt platform plugin windows 运行错误的解决方案

    一.问题描述: 在 VS 中使用 Qt5 发布 Release 版程序,在其他机器上运行出现如下错误: 二.解决方法: 出现此错误说明你的 exe 执行文件找不到 windows 这个库,那么为了找到 ...

  9. not find or load Qt Platform plugin “windows“ 报错

    以上为报错信息 解决方案为: 在使用QApplication() 实例化之前添加 QApplication.addLibraryPath("PySide2存放的路径" + '/Py ...


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