












/* testmini.c -- very simple test program for the miniLZO libraryThis file is part of the LZO real-time data compression library.Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes OberhumerAll Rights Reserved.The LZO library is free software; you can redistribute it and/ormodify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License aspublished by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ofthe License, or (at your option) any later version.The LZO library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See theGNU General Public License for more details.You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licensealong with the LZO library; see the file COPYING.If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer<markus@oberhumer.com>http://www.oberhumer.com/opensource/lzo/*/#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>/*************************************************************************
// This program shows the basic usage of the LZO library.
// We will compress a block of data and decompress again.
// For more information, documentation, example programs and other support
// files (like Makefiles and build scripts) please download the full LZO
// package from
//    http://www.oberhumer.com/opensource/lzo/
**************************************************************************//* First let's include "minizo.h". */#include "minilzo.h"/* We want to compress the data block at 'in' with length 'IN_LEN' to* the block at 'out'. Because the input block may be incompressible,* we must provide a little more output space in case that compression* is not possible.*/#define IN_LEN      (128*1024ul)
#define OUT_LEN     (IN_LEN + IN_LEN / 16 + 64 + 3)static unsigned char __LZO_MMODEL in  [ IN_LEN ];
static unsigned char __LZO_MMODEL out [ OUT_LEN ];/* Work-memory needed for compression. Allocate memory in units* of 'lzo_align_t' (instead of 'char') to make sure it is properly aligned.*/#define HEAP_ALLOC(var,size) \lzo_align_t __LZO_MMODEL var [ ((size) + (sizeof(lzo_align_t) - 1)) / sizeof(lzo_align_t) ]static HEAP_ALLOC(wrkmem, LZO1X_1_MEM_COMPRESS);/*************************************************************************
**************************************************************************/int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{int r;lzo_uint in_len;lzo_uint out_len;lzo_uint new_len;if (argc < 0 && argv == NULL)   /* avoid warning about unused args */return 0;printf("\nLZO real-time data compression library (v%s, %s).\n",lzo_version_string(), lzo_version_date());printf("Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer\nAll Rights Reserved.\n\n");/** Step 1: initialize the LZO library*/if (lzo_init() != LZO_E_OK){printf("internal error - lzo_init() failed !!!\n");printf("(this usually indicates a compiler bug - try recompiling\nwithout optimizations, and enable '-DLZO_DEBUG' for diagnostics)\n");return 3;}/** Step 2: prepare the input block that will get compressed.*         We just fill it with zeros in this example program,*         but you would use your real-world data here.*/in_len = IN_LEN;lzo_memset(in,0,in_len);/** Step 3: compress from 'in' to 'out' with LZO1X-1*/r = lzo1x_1_compress(in,in_len,out,&out_len,wrkmem);if (r == LZO_E_OK)printf("compressed %lu bytes into %lu bytes\n",(unsigned long) in_len, (unsigned long) out_len);else{/* this should NEVER happen */printf("internal error - compression failed: %d\n", r);return 2;}/* check for an incompressible block */if (out_len >= in_len){printf("This block contains incompressible data.\n");return 0;}/** Step 4: decompress again, now going from 'out' to 'in'*/new_len = in_len;r = lzo1x_decompress(out,out_len,in,&new_len,NULL);if (r == LZO_E_OK && new_len == in_len)printf("decompressed %lu bytes back into %lu bytes\n",(unsigned long) out_len, (unsigned long) in_len);else{/* this should NEVER happen */printf("internal error - decompression failed: %d\n", r);return 1;}printf("\nminiLZO simple compression test passed.\n");return 0;
}/* vim:set ts=4 sw=4 et: */


  • lzo1x_1_compress函数进行压缩数据操作,其需要5个参数分别是:要压缩的数据、要压缩的数据的大小(单位为字节)、压缩后数据的缓冲区、压缩后缓冲区的大小(值结果参数,调用成功之后存储实际的压缩后的数据大小)、压缩工作缓冲区。压缩数据成功之后会返回LZO_E_OK;
  • lzo1x_decompress和lzo1x_decompress_safe函数进行数据的解压缩操作,其也需要5个参数分别是:要解压缩的数据、要解压缩数据的大小(单位为字节)、解压缩后数据的存放缓冲区、原始数据(未压缩数据)大小(值结果参数,执行成功之后返回解压缩后数据的实际大小)、解压缩不需要工作缓冲区可以为NULL。执行成功返回LZO_E_OK且其第4个参数要和原始数据大小一致(这个参数以指针方式传入,传入的值不正确也会解压失败,实验过程中发现使用lzo1x_decompress函数这个值可以随便给,lzo1x_decompress_safe就不行)。
  • 压缩过程需要一个工作内存wrkmem,在例子中经过了一系列宏可以发现他被定义为了一个64KB大小的数组,需要注意的一点是这个内存要4字节对齐,例子上特意加了这么一条注释来提醒。


(1)lzo1x_1_compress函数的第4个参数是值结果参数,传进去的值是用来指示存放压缩后数据的缓冲区大小,执行成功之后通过指针返回的结果是压缩后的数据实际使用的缓冲区大小,即压缩后的数据大小。压缩后需要的数据的缓冲区的大小上限是可以根据未压缩数据大小进行计算的公式:output_block_size = input_block_size + (input_block_size / 16) + 64 + 3;






int test(void)
{FILE *fileRead;FILE *fileOut;unsigned long bufRead[1024 * 1];unsigned long bufWrkMem[1024 * 16];unsigned long bufWrite[1024 * 1 + sizeof(bufRead) / 16 + 64 + 3];unsigned long ret;unsigned long readLen;unsigned long writeLen;unsigned long param[1500];  //存放压缩后的数据长度unsigned long paramCnt;printf("bufWrkMem sizeof = %d\n", sizeof(bufWrkMem));fileRead = fopen("testFile.txt", "rb");if (NULL == fileRead){printf("Opren Read File Fail!!!\n");}fileOut = fopen("testFileCompress.txt", "wb");if (lzo_init() != LZO_E_OK){printf("internal error - lzo_init() failed !!!\n");printf("(this usually indicates a compiler bug - try recompiling\nwithout optimizations, and enable '-DLZO_DEBUG' for diagnostics)\n");return 3;}paramCnt = 0;//压缩while ((readLen = fread(bufRead, 1, sizeof(bufRead), fileRead)) > 0){ret = lzo1x_1_compress(bufRead, readLen, bufWrite, &writeLen, bufWrkMem);if (ret == LZO_E_OK){fwrite(bufWrite, 1, writeLen, fileOut);param[paramCnt++] = writeLen;printf("compressed %lu bytes into %lu bytes\n", (unsigned long)readLen, (unsigned long)writeLen);}else{/* this should NEVER happen */printf("internal error - compression failed: %d\n", ret);return 2;}}param[paramCnt++] = sizeof(bufRead);fclose(fileRead);fclose(fileOut);fileRead = fopen("testFileCompress.txt", "rb");if (NULL == fileRead){printf("Opren Read File Fail!!!\n");}fileOut = fopen("testFileDecompress.txt", "wb");paramCnt = 0;readLen = param[paramCnt++];//解压while ((fread(bufRead, 1, readLen, fileRead)) > 0){ret = lzo1x_decompress(bufRead, readLen, bufWrite, &writeLen, NULL);if (ret == LZO_E_OK){fwrite(bufWrite, 1, writeLen, fileOut);printf("decompressed %lu bytes back into %lu bytes\n", (unsigned long)readLen, (unsigned long)writeLen);readLen = param[paramCnt++];}else{/* this should NEVER happen */printf("internal error - decompression failed: %d\n", ret);return 1;}}fclose(fileRead);fclose(fileOut);return 0;


bufWrkMem sizeof = 65536
compressed 4096 bytes into 1238 bytes
compressed 4096 bytes into 795 bytes
compressed 4096 bytes into 1306 bytes
compressed 4096 bytes into 1348 bytes
compressed 4096 bytes into 1323 bytes
compressed 4096 bytes into 1296 bytes
compressed 4096 bytes into 1289 bytes
compressed 4096 bytes into 748 bytes
compressed 4096 bytes into 691 bytes
compressed 4096 bytes into 953 bytes/*************** 此处省略一大段 **************/compressed 4096 bytes into 1296 bytes
compressed 4096 bytes into 1334 bytes
compressed 4096 bytes into 1284 bytes
compressed 4096 bytes into 1347 bytes
compressed 4096 bytes into 1303 bytes
compressed 4096 bytes into 1357 bytes
compressed 4096 bytes into 1314 bytes
compressed 4096 bytes into 1310 bytes
compressed 4096 bytes into 1308 bytes
compressed 4096 bytes into 1336 bytes
compressed 320 bytes into 181 bytes
decompressed 1238 bytes back into 4096 bytes
decompressed 795 bytes back into 4096 bytes
decompressed 1306 bytes back into 4096 bytes
decompressed 1348 bytes back into 4096 bytes
decompressed 1323 bytes back into 4096 bytes
decompressed 1296 bytes back into 4096 bytes
decompressed 1289 bytes back into 4096 bytes
decompressed 748 bytes back into 4096 bytes
decompressed 691 bytes back into 4096 bytes
decompressed 953 bytes back into 4096 bytes/*************** 此处省略一大段 **************/decompressed 1296 bytes back into 4096 bytes
decompressed 1334 bytes back into 4096 bytes
decompressed 1284 bytes back into 4096 bytes
decompressed 1347 bytes back into 4096 bytes
decompressed 1303 bytes back into 4096 bytes
decompressed 1357 bytes back into 4096 bytes
decompressed 1314 bytes back into 4096 bytes
decompressed 1310 bytes back into 4096 bytes
decompressed 1308 bytes back into 4096 bytes
decompressed 1336 bytes back into 4096 bytes
decompressed 181 bytes back into 320 bytes


2、数据比较工具Beyond Compare

可以看到从5021KB压缩到了1612KB。解压后的文件“testFileDecompress.txt”和原始文件“testFile.txt”的大小是一样的,当然不能说大小一样就认为解压成功了,还要真实去比较一下数据是不是真的一致。这里推荐一个数据比较的工具“Beyond Compare”








*    minilzo.c的4395~4407行代码
*/LZOLIB_PUBLIC(lzo_hvoid_p, lzo_hmemset) (lzo_hvoid_p s, int cc, lzo_hsize_t len)
#if (LZO_HAVE_MM_HUGE_PTR) || !(HAVE_MEMSET)lzo_hbyte_p p = LZO_STATIC_CAST(lzo_hbyte_p, s);unsigned char c = LZO_ITRUNC(unsigned char, cc);if __lzo_likely(len > 0) do*p++ = c;while __lzo_likely(--len > 0);return s;
#elsereturn memset(s, cc, len);    //程序挂在了这里

程序在执行return memset(s, cc, len)的时候报错,看了下调用栈,找到了一个上一级的调用函数lzo_memset(wrkmem, 0, ((lzo_uint)1 << D_BITS) * sizeof(lzo_dict_t))。在这里D_BITS为宏定义14,sizeof(lzo_dict_t)的大小是2,即此处将wrkmem的内存前32KB清0,因为我们刚刚只给了16KB的空间,所以导致运行报错。突然又想了一下,为什么前面例子申请64KB空间,这里给我的一种感觉实际只用了32KB,而用多少空间和D_BITS这个宏有关,看了下源代码D_BITS这个宏貌似会影响算法的字典的大小,可以从6到19变化,而且数字越大压缩后的文件越小,相当于是个压缩等级吧。这么看的话wrkmem最小可以给到2^6*2=128字节的大小,这个内存对于大部分的单片机来说都可以接受了。



#include "system.h"
#include "SysTick.h"
#include "led.h"
#include "usart.h"
#include "minilzo.h"
#include <stdlib.h>void TIM4_Init(u16 per,u16 psc);#define TEST_BUF_SIZE  (1024 * 1)
#define WRKMEM_BUF_SIZE (1 << (11 + 1))#define BUF_UNIT_NUM  (TEST_BUF_SIZE/4)
u32 dwRawDatBuf[BUF_UNIT_NUM];
u32 dwCompressBuf[BUF_UNIT_NUM + (sizeof(dwRawDatBuf) / 16 + 64 + 3) / 4];
u32 dwDecompressBuf[BUF_UNIT_NUM];int test(void)
{u32 dwCompressLen;u32  dwDecompressLen;u32 dwRet;u32 i,j;u32 dwRnd;//生成随机数for(i = 0; i < sizeof(dwRawDatBuf) / sizeof(dwRawDatBuf[0]); ){dwRnd = rand();for(j = 0; j < 10; j++){dwRawDatBuf[i + j] = dwRnd;i++;}}//开启定时器记时TIM4->CNT = 0;TIM_Cmd(TIM4,ENABLE); //压缩dwRet = lzo1x_1_compress((const lzo_bytep)dwRawDatBuf, sizeof(dwRawDatBuf), (lzo_bytep)dwCompressBuf, (lzo_uintp)&dwCompressLen, dwWrkmemBuf);TIM_Cmd(TIM4,DISABLE); if (dwRet == LZO_E_OK){printf("compressed %lu bytes into %lu bytes, time = %d us\r\n", (unsigned long)sizeof(dwRawDatBuf), (unsigned long)dwCompressLen, TIM4->CNT);}else{/* this should NEVER happen */printf("internal error - compression failed: %d\r\n", dwRet);return 2;}//开启定时器记时TIM4->CNT = 0;TIM_Cmd(TIM4,ENABLE); //解压dwRet = lzo1x_decompress((const lzo_bytep)dwCompressBuf, dwCompressLen, (lzo_bytep)dwDecompressBuf, (lzo_uintp)&dwDecompressLen, NULL);TIM_Cmd(TIM4,DISABLE); if (dwRet == LZO_E_OK){printf("decompressed %lu bytes back into %lu bytes, time = %d us\r\n", (unsigned long)dwCompressLen, (unsigned long)dwDecompressLen, TIM4->CNT);}else{/* this should NEVER happen */printf("internal error - decompression failed: %d\r\n", dwRet);return 1;}//检查原始数据和解压后的数据是否一致for(i = 0; i < sizeof(dwRawDatBuf) / sizeof(dwRawDatBuf[0]); i++){if(dwRawDatBuf[i] != dwDecompressBuf[i]){printf("Decompress Fail !!!\r\n");}}return 0;
}int main()
{SysTick_Init(72);NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig(NVIC_PriorityGroup_2);  //中断优先级分组 分2组LED_Init();USART1_Init(57600);printf("开始测试\r\n");TIM4_Init(60000,72-1);  while(1){test();led2=!led2;}}/*******************************************************************************
* 函 数 名         : TIM4_Init
* 函数功能         : TIM4初始化函数
* 输    入         : per:重装载值psc:分频系数
* 输    出         : 无
void TIM4_Init(u16 per,u16 psc)
{TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef TIM_TimeBaseInitStructure;NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructure;RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_TIM4,ENABLE);//使能TIM4时钟TIM_TimeBaseInitStructure.TIM_Period=per;   //自动装载值TIM_TimeBaseInitStructure.TIM_Prescaler=psc; //分频系数TIM_TimeBaseInitStructure.TIM_ClockDivision=TIM_CKD_DIV1;TIM_TimeBaseInitStructure.TIM_CounterMode=TIM_CounterMode_Up; //设置向上计数模式TIM_TimeBaseInit(TIM4,&TIM_TimeBaseInitStructure);TIM_ITConfig(TIM4,TIM_IT_Update,ENABLE); //开启定时器中断TIM_ClearITPendingBit(TIM4,TIM_IT_Update);NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = TIM4_IRQn;//定时器中断通道NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority=2;//抢占优先级NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority =3;     //子优先级NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;          //IRQ通道使能NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStructure);    TIM_Cmd(TIM4,DISABLE); //使能定时器
* 函 数 名         : TIM4_IRQHandler
* 函数功能         : TIM4中断函数
* 输    入         : 无
* 输    出         : 无
void TIM4_IRQHandler(void)
{printf("goto IRQ\r\n");if(TIM_GetITStatus(TIM4,TIM_IT_Update)){led2=!led2;}TIM_ClearITPendingBit(TIM4,TIM_IT_Update);


dwWrkmemBuf                              0x20000020   Data        4096  main.o(.bss)
dwRawDatBuf                              0x20001020   Data        1024  main.o(.bss)
dwCompressBuf                            0x20001420   Data        1152  main.o(.bss)
dwDecompressBuf                          0x200018a0   Data        1024  main.o(.bss)



goto IRQ
compressed 1024 bytes into 279 bytes, time = 711 us
decompressed 279 bytes back into 1024 bytes, time = 83 us
compressed 1024 bytes into 271 bytes, time = 711 us
decompressed 271 bytes back into 1024 bytes, time = 83 us
compressed 1024 bytes into 279 bytes, time = 712 us
decompressed 279 bytes back into 1024 bytes, time = 83 us
compressed 1024 bytes into 274 bytes, time = 710 us
decompressed 274 bytes back into 1024 bytes, time = 83 us
compressed 1024 bytes into 275 bytes, time = 711 us
decompressed 275 bytes back into 1024 bytes, time = 83 us
compressed 1024 bytes into 277 bytes, time = 711 us
decompressed 277 bytes back into 1024 bytes, time = 83 us
compressed 1024 bytes into 278 bytes, time = 712 us


goto IRQ
compressed 1024 bytes into 32 bytes, time = 405 us
decompressed 32 bytes back into 1024 bytes, time = 51 us
compressed 1024 bytes into 32 bytes, time = 405 us
decompressed 32 bytes back into 1024 bytes, time = 51 us
compressed 1024 bytes into 32 bytes, time = 405 us
decompressed 32 bytes back into 1024 bytes, time = 51 us
compressed 1024 bytes into 32 bytes, time = 406 us
decompressed 32 bytes back into 1024 bytes, time = 50 us
compressed 1024 bytes into 32 bytes, time = 406 us
decompressed 32 bytes back into 1024 bytes, time = 50 us
compressed 1024 bytes into 32 bytes, time = 406 us
decompressed 32 bytes back into 1024 bytes, time = 51 us
compressed 1024 bytes into 32 bytes, time = 405 us
decompressed 32 bytes back into 1024 bytes, time = 51 us


goto IRQ
compressed 1024 bytes into 1032 bytes, time = 648 us
decompressed 1032 bytes back into 1024 bytes, time = 46 us
compressed 1024 bytes into 1032 bytes, time = 648 us
decompressed 1032 bytes back into 1024 bytes, time = 46 us
compressed 1024 bytes into 1032 bytes, time = 648 us
decompressed 1032 bytes back into 1024 bytes, time = 46 us
compressed 1024 bytes into 1032 bytes, time = 648 us
decompressed 1032 bytes back into 1024 bytes, time = 46 us
compressed 1024 bytes into 1032 bytes, time = 648 us
decompressed 1032 bytes back into 1024 bytes, time = 46 us



本文分析了miniLZO库的移植和使用,分析了压缩和解压函数的调用方式及参数的注意点,通过在VS下进行实验发现了通过更改源代码里面D_BITS这个宏定义可以调整算法所需要的工作内存的大小,从而能够更灵活的适应单片机平台的需求。接着推荐了一个非常好用的数据对比工具Beyond Compare然后又将miniLZO库移植到STM32单片机上进行了实际的测试,从几个方面验证了miniLZO的压缩性能。最后总结一下miniLZO的优点和缺点:










《基于STM32的无损压缩算法miniLZO移植》 基于STM32的无损压缩算法miniLZO移植,压缩率很高,20KB随机数压缩到638字节,耗时275us - 腾讯云开发者社区-腾讯云

《miniLZO的基本使用》 openKylin论坛 -

《LZO和MiniLZO编码介绍》 LZO和MiniLZO编码介绍 | 学步园

《LZO使用和介绍》 LZO 使用和介绍 - Boblim - 博客园

《LZO实现代码参考》 LZO压缩算法(C语言)




链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1saC4-pXI59uD3ssIMSyIrg  提取码:3m19


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