
Most people don’t realize this, but Amazon allows you to get a refund for a Kindle book that you purchased, but wish you hadn’t. Instead of wasting time leaving a nasty review, why don’t you just get your money back?

大多数人都没有意识到这一点,但是Amazon允许您为购买的Kindle书获得退款,但希望您没有。 不用浪费时间留下令人讨厌的评论,您为什么不就把钱还回来呢?

Image by cytosine


This might not have ever happened to you, but judging by the Amazon reviews we’ve seen, it must happen quite often. So don’t waste your time leaving a bad review, and punishing the publisher because you accidentally purchased the wrong book. Just get your money back.

这可能从未发生过,但是从我们所看到的亚马逊评论来看,它必须经常发生。 因此,不要浪费时间留下不好的评论,而要惩罚出版商,因为您不小心购买了错误的书。 刚把钱还回来。

为您误购的书获得退款 (Getting a Refund for a Book You Accidentally Purchased)

So when can you get a refund for an accidental purchase? Amazon’s return policies page is very clear:

那么,什么时候可以为意外购买获得退款? 亚马逊的退货政策页面非常清晰:

Books you purchase from the Kindle Store are eligible for return and refund if we receive your request within seven days of the date of purchase. Once a refund is issued, you’ll no longer have access to the book.

如果我们在购买之日起7天内收到您的请求,则您从Kindle商店购买的图书可以退还并退款。 退款一旦发出,您将无法再使用该书。

Before we begin, it’s worth noting that if you constantly read and then return books for a refund, eventually Amazon is probably going to catch on and suspend your account. Don’t abuse the system. Now that the disclaimer is out of the  way…

在我们开始之前,值得注意的是,如果您不断阅读然后退还书籍以进行退款,那么最终Amazon可能会继续流行并暂停您的帐户。 不要滥用系统。 现在免责声明已不复存在...

It couldn’t be easier to get your refund – just head to Your Account and go to the Manage Your Kindle section.


Find the book you want to return in the list, and then see the Actions button on the right-hand side.


Click the Return for Refund link.


And then tell Amazon why you’re returning the book. You should probably be fair – don’t say there was offensive content if there wasn’t.

然后告诉亚马逊您为什么要还书。 您可能应该是公平的-不要说没有冒犯性内容。

Just click the Return for Refund button, and you’ll get your money back.


Note: we didn’t actually return this particular book for a refund, we were just using it as an example. Haven’t read the book either, so there’s no telling whether it’s good or not.

注意 :我们实际上并没有退还这本特定的书来退款,我们只是以它为例。 也没有读过这本书,所以没有告诉它是否好。




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